I smiled, watching as Jim danced with our daughter she was so tiny he lifted her onto his feet.
My older brother Spock sat next to me, other members of the crew danced around them, yet still all I could see was them, Celebrating our last year together on our 5 year mission.
My son was clinging onto his uncle Bones on the other side of the room, they loved each other so much.
"C'mon Mommy let's go dance"
Bouncing over to us, the small bows in her hair glittering as she smiled her tiny hands reaching out and grabbing mine.
"Nyx, Momma needs to rest for just a little bit longer, you gotta remember she's got 2 new siblings in her tummy"
Jim reminded her, I smiled as she crawled into my lap or whatever space was left that my stomach didn't take up.
"Sorry mommy"
"It's okay baby"
Holding on to her, I kissed her forehead as she snuggled up tighter.
"I think it's time for bed, you too Errol"
Spock lifted up Nyx, going to stand next to Bones who arms undoubtedly ached from having to carry Errol who'd start to complain.
"Errol Lincoln Kirk, it's time for bed"
Jim reminded him, placing a kiss on a forehead
"We'll be in, in 20 minutes, in the mean time your uncles are gonna make sure you get to sleep on time"
"Errol don't you have something to ask your father"
Standing up, i sighed at Bones antics
"Oh yeah, uncle bones wants to know if he can get extra shoreleave?"
He flashed his brightest green eyed puppy dog eyes. Wrapping my arms around Jim's middle, Bones egged him on
"Come on Jim, the boy was only asking"
Bones actually flashed a smile for once, Jim kissed Errol's head another time before going over to nyx and repeating the action.
"Goodnight bones, please make sure Errol has his vitamins"
Jim smiled obviously hiding any other expression that might be on his face. They both departed leaving Jim and I the only two in the observation deck.
Jim wrapped 1 arm around my back, walking towards one of the windows.
"What are we gonna do when we get back?"
Jim sipped his drink, before he turned back to me
"Oh we'll find a nice big house, with fields miles long, and a big lane so Errol can learn how to ride his bike, and a garage so we can teach Nyx about all the old cars she loves, and big green gardens we could spend hours and hours in, with a big nursery for the two new ones.. and all the new ones to come"
Jim playfully kissed along my neck, I giggled quietly as he reached a ticklish spot under my ear.
"Oh Jim, that sounds perfect.. I just worry about Errol he's still so young and has only known life on a starship, he'll probably want to go live with Bones"
Jim chuckled,
"We can get Bones a little cabin near by, Errol will be fine, I think it'll take all of us sometime to adjust back to earth life"
I agreed, for a little bit we both stood in silence Jim pressed a few more kisses against my forehead, leaning his cheek against my forehead.
"I can't wait to show Nyx some of my old haunts, and we will figure out a way to make sure Errol can adapt well, promise"
Jim reassured, a small smile on his face.
"It sounds perfect.."
I was about to continue when the doors open, revealing an exhausted looking bones
"If you two don't hurry up and put your children to bed so help me god, I'll make sure you can't make any more of those psychos Jim!"

Fanfictionjust some random Star Trek imagines mostly original series and next generation. Characters I write are Spock Kirk Data Riker McCoy/bones Q Wesley Picard Chekov Scotty Khan I DO NOT OWN STAR TREK