Commander William T. Riker

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"il est très amoureux de toi, n'est-ce pas? (He is very smitten with you isn't he?)"
the captain wouldn't stop speaking French as Will and I were loading our bags onto the transporter pad. We were about to leave for a conference on a different planet when the captain suddenly started to speak French thankfully I was fluent in the language and the commander wasn't. I was especially thankful since the captain wouldn't stop talking about my crush on the commander.
"il n'est pas (he isn't)"
I replied as Will looked between the two of us very frustrated. The captain stood in front of us on the transporter the three of us took our places patiently.
"travailler avec énergie (energize)"
the captain told chief O'Brien
"Energize" he corrected himself quickly.

I took in the beautiful building that a servant was leading me through.
"Here are your quarters ma' am is there anything I can get you?"
She asked me politely.
"No thank you"
she walked away and I walked through into the beautiful room, it was quite large decorated in royal purples and golds.
I set my bag down and started to unpack, everything was quiet and peaceful until I heard a knock at the door
"Come in!"
I shouted not bothering to turn around.
"s'installer (settling in?)"
he asked still speaking French.
"êtes-vous ici pour parler de Will? (Are you here to talk about Will?)"
i knew what he was doing only because if it was a social call he wouldn't be speaking French.
"tu me connais trop bien mon ami (you know me to well my friend)"
he sat down in a chair.
For the next hour he reasoned with me trying to get me to tell Will how I felt about him.
"dis lui juste que tu l'aimes (Just Tell him you like him)"
the captain pleaded with me.
"Je ne vais pas! nous sommes juste de bons amis (I will not! We are just good friends)" I put my hands up as he walked out to the door of my guest quarters.
"pour moi (for my sake)"
the door opened before he touched it to reveal Commander Riker
he nodded and the captain walked out the door.
"Care to tell me what you two have been talking about" he stood behind me fiddling with his hands
"Talking about what?"
I played coy pretending not to know what he was talking about.
"You know what I mean, all day you two have been speaking french and I can only assume it has been about me" he sat down in the same place the captain did.
"Do you know basic French" I asked turning around gaining confidence.
"I know a few words" he stood up and got closer to me as we met in the middle.
"Do you know what je t'aime means?"
"I love you right?"
"So then you know what je t'aime Will Riker means" he did not hesitate to pull me into a dramatic kiss, taking my breath away he pulled away first blushing slightly before announcing
"je t'aime y/n"

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