Captain James T. Kirk

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After I finished up with my last shift for the day I grabbed lunch for all of us, feeling good I opened the door hitting a little pose as I stood by the door, small cheers from Bones and Kirk as I passed out lunch.
I laid down next to Jim on the med-table, after an away mission both Spock and Jim got pretty injured so I took some time off and spent all of my day with Bones, Spock, and Jim.
We were eating lunch together I had to help Jim a little bit, he broke his wrist so every once and a while I had to clean bits of food off of him.
Spock and Bones were on the other side of the room not sharing a bed but they were sitting on med tables next to each other.
I loved these little moments, random little things like just sharing dinner. For a moment we were just friends, no ranks, no star fleet it was a little odd to feel peace as I helped my husband eat with a broken wrist but it was peace all the same.
I took all of our plates and set them down on a table and rejoined Jim on his bed.
"Alright you two, time to get some rest the old hob goblin and I will try and keep quiet"
I smiled as Spock raised his eyebrow and shook his head obviously trying to stifle any emotional response. Bones dimmed the lights slightly to let us sleep.
I watched as Spock went into his meditative state and I snuggled into Jim careful of his broken wrist and sprained ankle, I've always been a little afraid being around people with really bad injuries, I didn't want to hurt anyone more.
Jim seemed to notice my hesitation so as he was lying on his back, his left wrist was broken and I was laying on his right side.
"You won't hurt me I promise you" he pulled my arm closer to him before wrapping his good arm around me and kissed my nose.
"Alright, alright goodnight" I closed my eyes when I heard Bones whisper shout from across the room
"Let Spock meditate alright"

A/n: Oh my god 10K reads thank you all so much for taking the time to read my book it means the world to me.
As a thank you I want to hear from you guys if you would like a Q&a or a special chapter with in reason of course, just something as a thank you for all of the kindness and support
Live Long and Prosper 🖖

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