Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy

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A/n: fayxoxoh Requested This, i hope you enjoy!

"Now tell me what happened from the beginning"
Jim sat me down, a look on his face that showed he was about ready to start taking names.
"Jim it was nothing, it's just a bad fight"
"Nothing! When my sister gets yelled at it's not over nothing"

"You know how important my work is to me! Just because your work doesn't save lives doesn't mean it's more important!"
Bones and I had been arguing for the past 20 minutes, our work schedules had been causing havoc on our personal lives.
Since I worked right under Scotty in engineering, I ended up staying almost day and night, Bones also had to stay day and night and recently It seemed like every time we saw each other it was just constantly passive-aggressive bickering.
Until today when I-stupidly thought that maybe us taking a vacation might be good for our relationship.
"My work doesn't save lives! Excuse me if I'm wrong but if I didn't do my job you wouldn't even be here!"

As I recounted the details to Jim, I could see out of the corner of my eye, him flexing his hand into a fist every time I told him what Bones said.
Jim practically growled,
"There isn't much else to say, after that we argued for a little while longer before he just left and I came to you"
He growled under his breath, before he got up and started leaving.
"Jim what are you doing?"
I asked
"Just stay here"
I immediately followed him, and as he entered the turbolift I tried to talk to him
"Jim stop it, Bones and I will talk it out and it'll be fine"
He didn't respond to me, instead he with a scary calm walked out of the turbolift the second it opened, following him I ran out of the turbolift and grabbed his arms
"Jim stop it!"
I tried to hold him back but he kept pushing
"Jim stop or so help me god! I'll get Spock!"
He just shrugged me off, and continued on his path.
"Did you call for me y/n?"
"No-YES I need your help, bones and I got into a fight, and now I think Jim is going to beat him into a pulp!"
Before Spock could respond, a loud cry for help sounded from down the hall.
"Come on!"
I bolted down the hall and when the door opened, Jim was holding both of Bones hands above his head, a hypo about to fall out of Bones left hand.
Jim let go first, not before hooking him in the face and sending him flying against the wall.
"Jim stop it!"
Spock helped me grab him, and easily using the nerve pinch, Jim was asleep in seconds
"He just came at me like a bear!"
I didn't respond as I lifted the dead-weight I call my brother onto a bed.
"Spock do you mind if we have a moment"
Bones gestured to Spock, and he said his goodbye simply turning and leaving,
"Let's try talking again in my office"
He led me into his office, and we both sat down on the couch by his desk.
"I'm sorry for yelling y/n, but I won't insult you by making excuses for myself"
Bones gently picked up my hand, before rubbing the back of my hand.
"I know it's not much, but here"
He sat up and handed me a book, I pulled back so I could flip through the pages.
"It's the first book we used to study together in"
I smiled as I remembered all those hours we spent going over Gorn birthing techniques.
He smiled back, kissing my cheek.
"Remember when you left this in my dorm? And by the time I realised, I had to run 3 miles to go give it to you?"
"Is that really how you guys got together?"
A groggy Jim asked from the door,
"Yeah, I didn't tell you?"
Jim sat down in the chair in front of us, rubbing his shoulder.
"Jim, maybe next time leave the domestic between the husband and the wife?"
"Maybe you shouldn't yell at my sister"
"Oh not again"

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