Lieutenant Commander Worf

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A/n: MissRavenclaw07 Requested This, I hope you enjoy! I also apologize for how long this took to write.

Data and I rejoined Worf and Will next to the rest of our packed up equipment, returning to the enterprise after a 4 day away mission.
Data and I had just returned from collecting the last possible samples.
I turned to Worf and was about to remark about being glad to go back, when he completely ignored me, minus a quiet grunt in acknowledgement.
I tried to ignore it, choosing to help Will move some of the box's into the area we were going to transport.
Will and I bantered, with Data joining in every once and awhile, Worf stayed silent.
Finally once we were back on the ship, data stopped me and asked
"Y/n, Would you like to join me later in Ten forward?"
I smiled and nodded, interrupting my thought process, Worf purposely smacked his shoulder  against Data.
Because he was taken off guard Data stepped forward and I grabbed both of his elbows to steady him.
"Are you alright?"
Data and I seemed impossibly closer, the thought making me blush.
"I am functioning normally"
Once I let go of Data, we both went straight back to work, helping me pick up a few of the heavier boxes.
We parted ways and I was about to go to the bridge with Worf, a ritual we did together ever since I started on the enterprise, to find him already gone, and all of his other work done.
Sighing, I walked to the bridge alone, pondering what could be wrong with my best friend.
When I joined the enterprise nearly 5 years ago, Worf and I immediately became close, seeing as our stations were back to back.
I'd had a feeling from the start, Worf had stronger feelings for me than just friendship, his stare would linger on me for a little longer, he'd always have been the first to compliment me when I'd entered the room.
I'd been so busy thinking, I didn't realize that someone else had joined me in the turbolift.
"Is everything alright y/n?"
Data asked, he reached out and touched my elbow, obviously copying my touch from earlier.
"Oh yes"
Data and I were also close, not as close as I was with Worf, to me Data had only been like a brother to me.
It all suddenly clicked, unfortunately the door at the same time to reveal..
A complete stranger.
Worf wasn't anywhere on the bridge Circumstances mounted against me as We were almost immediately engaged with a rogue romulan ship.
The battle lasted longer than expected, normally these little accidents didn't last so long but almost 4 hours later I was finally able to sit down in my quarters. Doctors orders.
My console exploded in the attack, but I stayed on the bridge until the attack was over, completely unaware of the small piece of shrapnel stuck in my middle.
I'd been so taken up with everything else, the events of earlier today had been almost totally forgotten.
I was about to get up when the door chimed.
"Come in!"
When Worf saw me starting to get up, he rushed to my side and insisted I lay back.
"Where the hell have you been"
He played nurse for a few minutes before finally responding
"I'd agreed to helping Counselor Troi"
"She was on the bridge with me, she helped wake me up when my console exploded.... HISlaH (tell me the truth) "
Immediately he straightened up when I spoke Klingon.
"I did not like seeing the way Commander Data so easily flirted with you and you were so blind to it"
He accidentally raised his voice, not in a threatening way but in a way that he'd been waiting all day to say it.
Unsure of how to respond, I felt my eyes look for anything else but Worf's gaze.
One of the other things I'd forgotten but was swiftly reminded of, was my meeting with Data.
My reminder came with Data, standing patiently waiting by the door.
A low growl came from Worf, standing up and storming out.
"Is this a bad time y/n?"

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