Good Night,Darling

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        "I'm Crabbe."I put down the mug."I know."I said in a soft voice."Ula."We shook hands."Don't tell anyone I said this but...thank you for shutting Pansy's mouth.She had it coming for years."I chuckled."You are welcome it was my pleasure."He smiled with his chubby cheeks."Maybe I will take a candy.Is there any apple flavoured?"He nodded."These green ones are apple flavoured."I grabbed three of the green ones."Thanks."I tasted one."Wow.These are actually good.Better than the ones I had in muggle world."He kept eating."Why didn't you come here earlier if you aren't s transfer?"I scoffed."Gee news travels fast here."He chuckled."It kinda does."I smiled."I was homeschooled ever since I could walk,read and talk.My mother and I lived in America.We spent the summers in her family's mansion that passed down for generations in Spain.But she had to leave.That left me living alone so I came here."I paused."This is weird.I think I you?"He smiled."Well maybe you just have a crush on me."I scoffed."Oh please!Don't be ridiculous Crabbe."We were talking.Even laughing at one point.Then Draco and Goyle came.Sat at the other sides of the square table.My face expression faded.

        "Hello darling."He kissed my cheek before he sat down.I wiped it off in disgust."Touch me again and I'll Avada Kedavra your ass Malfoy."I wiped it off my cheek and wiped my hand on his jacket."Ugh!Disgusting."He rolled his eyes."What's your deal Crabbe?Stealing my girl?"I scoffed."Uh...excuse me?!I'm still here."Crabbe got nervous."Sorry Malfoy.I didn't know.""You couldn't have known because it doesn't exist!"I grabbed my hoodie and my shopping bag.As I was leaving Malfoy grabbed my arm and turned me to him.Later on I realized that he took off my knife and let my hair down."Much better."He let go of me.I took my pen and left.As I was outside.I wore my hoodie and went to a far corner of the village.What the fuck did he just do?!I am blushing like crazy!I don't blush!After I felt normal I left.I was in my room.I took out the picture in my trunk.I was baby and my godfather was holding me.This picture was taken the day before he tried killing Harry.This is the last memory we had.

        "Can I come in?"I turned the frame over so whoever it was wouldn't see it.I put it in my drawer."Come in."It was Crabbe."Oh.It's you.Hi."He smiled."Are you and Malfoy really togather?"I giggled."Don't be absurd Vincent."He sighed in relief."Why did you come up here?""The Fat lady who guarded Gryffindor common room.Her painting was slashed and appearently it was because of this Sirius Black.The prisoner from Azkaban.Everybody is talking about it.I thought you might like to know."I smiled."Thank you Vin.For keeping me updated."We were now just standing in the room.Normally this would be awkward.For Crabbe it was but for me it wasn't."You can stay if you want.We were having a nice time until that estúpido showed up."He smiled."I'd like that."I sat on the bed."Are you gonna keep standing or...sit down."We both sat on my bed and talked."What was it you said in DADA the other day?"I scoffed."Oh that?I agreed with Malfoy for the first time but I didn't want his ego to even get bigger so I just said it in Spanish.Seemed easier really."

        "You call Pansy perra.What does that mean?""Bitch.It means bitch."He laughed."Then thank Merlin she doesn't know Spanish."I giggled."I guess.She doesn't really scare me."We were talking then the door wide opened and Draco came in."Hey,darling.I thought you were going to stop seeing Crabbe without letting me know.What happened to our plan?"I rolled my eyes."Give me a minute Vincent."But he stood up."No uh...I'll leave.It's getting late anyways."Then he walked out.I turned to Draco."What are you doing?!I'm not your girlfriend or your 'darling' Malfoy.Was that necessary?!You could've just said that you don't trust me and you didn't want Crabbe to hang out with me!"He rolled his eyes."Do you really think that's why I did that?"I sighed."What other reason could there be.You're Draco Malfoy.The Slytherin prince.Their savior or some shit like that."


       I thought she was smart.I know I don't exactly show it like Blaise or Crabbe but Ula is different.She's harsh.She looks like bitch from the outside.A person to be scared.But I have this feeling that it's not that.That's not what she actually is.I came forward as she stpped back.She stopped when she hit the wall."Do I scare you?"She scoffed."You?Scare me?Fuck off."I turned my gaze to her beautiful black hair.She made a bun over her head.So I took the pen off and her hair fell down angelically."Why do you think I'm doing this now?"Her breathing got heavier just like mine.Being this close to her made me want to kiss her.Feel her lips against mine and taste it with my tongue."I don't know why.But back off!"Before I could the door was knocked."Uh...Ula it's me.Daphne.Grab your pillow.The school is on lockdown.We are all going to the Great Hall to sleep."She tried pushing me away.But at her third try I gave up.It's not the time.Only if a prisoner wasn't running around.She grabbed her pillow and turned to me."Get out Malfoy."Her eyes were so dark it was almost black.Just a shade or two lighter than black.

        As I put my pillow next to Ula's on purpose I realized she was long asleep.I laid down on the floor and watched her sleep.I brushed off the hair on her face and tucked it behind her ear gently."Good night darling."Then I closed my eyes and just when I was about to fall alseep I saw her hand out of the quilt.I thought I would hold it.As I held it she held it back.She even tagled her fingers with mine.Her hand was small next to mine.Really small.I raised and kissed her hand."Good night darling."I said once again and fell alseep.


      I woke up.I saw Daphne on my right.I tried getting up but I was being held back.Everybody was asleep.When I turned to my right I saw Draco hodling my hand and...I was hodling his hand too!I let go of his hand and he woke up."Good morning darling."I scoffed.After we were all woken up by my biological father and sent to our dorms to get ready for the day I never saw him again until DADA.The door was busted open.That wasn't like Professor Lupin when I turned around I saw Snape.With his wand he shut the windows with the flick of his wrist.He upened the white curtain."Turn to page 394."While we were turning the pages to 394 Potter spoke up with his big mouth."Excuse me,sir.Where's professor Lupin?""That's not really your concern,is it Potter?"Even the way we refer to him sounds similar.

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