Away From Home

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          We were in our house ready to watch a muggle movie with my mother."So what are we watching tonight,sugarplum?"I went between channels."Mother would you like to watch 'Dirty Dancing' for the thousandth time?"She gave up."I know you love that movie,so do I but you watch it almost every night!"I giggled."Fine.Then you choose."We were halfway through the movie.We were laughing when the door was busted open and Death Eaters surrounded our living room.Me and my mother both stood up.They were wearing their masks.Whenever I see them they are wearing their masks.I have never seen any of their faces before."It's time Lopez.It's time you join back and Ula goes to her father."I turned to my mother."Mother what are they talking about?What is going on?!"My mother got my shoulders and leaned down to my eye level."Ula listen to me.Look at me sugarplum."I looked at her."Do you remember when I said your father was a professor?A really good one?"I nodded.I wasn't afraid or anything.I do believe in the world that my godfather has for us,purebloods,so that we can live in a pure world.

          "His name is Severus,Severus Snape.He...might not know you but I'm sure he'll love you just like I do.Never!Never let anyone let you down.Stand up for yourself.Don't ever change!"I rolled my eyes."Promise me Ula.I knwo you're not afraid but...maybe you should be."Then a Death Eater handed her a robe and a mask like theirs.Her and the others left.Except one."Pack your stuff."Her voice was different.She sounded like a caring person.I don't know how could one assume that she is caring from her voice but...a sense of comfort filled me."Where are you takking her?"I asked with a soft voice."We're taking her back home.Just like I will take you."She was trying to sound and act tough but it was obvious she didn't want to."I'll go upstairs and pack my trunk."As I went upstairs she followed me.I packed up.I wore my black prep skirt and my white shirt.She turned around as I took off my pyjamas to button my shirt.I placed my shirt inside my skirt.I wore my black fishnets.I brushed my beautiful silk soft black long hair with my brush before I placed it in my trunk.Once I was ready after I tied my black tie I turned to the woman."Where are we going?""A safe place.Wear your cloak."She gave me a Hogwarts cloak.I wore it.I grabbed my 2 and a half inch high heel black boots as we went down to the door.I wore my heels and we left."You have a good sense of goth fashion."I didn't even look at the woman.

         It didn't scare me but...I missed my mother.My whole life I had no one but her.She is my rock.Truly the only person I love.It didn't hit me until I was dressing up that I was going to a school full of wizards that either hated or scared my godfather.Hiding my Dark Mark wasn't going to be easy.Muggles thought it was just a tattoo and I was kind of famous with it because I was young and I had a tattoo that my mother let me have.But it wasn't like that.When I go to this 'Hogwarts' things won't be the same.I am proud of the mark I carry.I just don't want people to judge me by it."Hold my hand."I gave her my hand and she Apparited us to London.I've been here once when mom and I were traveling.It doesn't smell like Spain.It's different.Madrid is much better than London.I watched London live when we were in an abandoned flat."What are we waiting for?""It's who."Then many other Death Eaters showed up."Is this Lopez's daughter?""You know exactly who she is and who's goddaughter it is.Take her to the 9 ¾."He nodded and grabbed my hand.We ended up in a narrow alley."All you will need is in this trunk.This is your ticket.Do you know what to do?"My mother told me about this place.How I need to walk through a brick wall to get to the train that'll take me there."I know what to do."He sighed."Well you must go.Or you'll miss your train."Then he faded.

         With my cloak disguising me.The western screech owl stared at me.I like him."Arsenio.It fits you."Then I saw a redhead family walk through the wall.Weasley.Yes I grew up in Spain but I never lost track of what happened here in London.We get the Daily Prophet and other newsletters.That Harry Potter chico,that caused my godfather harm, was with them.After they went in I did too.After I handed my trunks I went inside.I don't know which house I am in yet but I am not sitting with people who does not value the nobility that comes with being a pureblood.Or grasps the idea of being the superior as a pureblood.So I went straight to my father's house.Slytherin.I saw a couple green robes and followed them.As I walked into the compartment I sat down ignoring the curious looks.I kept my hood over my head to hide my face."Shh.Who is the new girl?""Who is she?"And many other questions were being asked to each other by the curious students."I'm Blaise.Blaise Zambini.And who could you be sweetheart?"The British accent usually attracts me but I don't know if it's his attitude I want to end him.The train was moving.Blaise was being a pain in the ass.So I spoke in a language he wouldn't understand.

        "Lo que te haría si no estuviéramos en público, muchacho."(What I would do to you if we weren't in public,boy.)Then I heard them whisper again."Is she from Catalonia?She's a transfer student?"Similar words and questions ran around.I showed no interest in their talks,whispers and gossips."If another mudblood comes to this school I will lose my mind."Said the platinium blonde boy.What a prick?!Assuming-No daring to think I am a mudblood!I was so close to loosing my temper.Then a lady came in offering sweets and candies."Hey hun.I assume this belongs to you?"I saw the Dark Mark stamp and snatched it.I opened the letter.

                       My sugarplum,if you are getting this letter at the time I exactly wanted you to get it then it's close.Don't be scared.Dementors are not there for you.Keep calm.Stand tall,sugarplum.                                                                      -Love,mother 

        Dementors huh?Before I could read it again the glass windows started to freeze and this cold breeze came over all of us.The whole train froze.The students around me stood up and looked out the windows.One tried watching what was going from the compartment glass.But they came up with nothing.A couple minutes later all the ice and the cold breeze faded.I am too far away from home.

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