He Forgave Me

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             They insisted that I should stay.I refused to do so for the sake of all the people I care about.They walked me to the big metal gate outside."Honey don't do this."I wiped my face and took a letter out of my pocket."If Draco's nightmare was correct and that I do die in the future-"Narcissa shook her head."You come back to him!"I gave the letter to Lucius."If I die...give that to Draco."He nodded.Then he came."How nice of you,Lucius,walking my daughter to the enterance."I sighed."Let's just leave."He raise his hand,asking for mine.He got my hand and we Apparated.For days we traveled.But we found it.We found Dumbledore's tomb.


            I felt colder even though the quilt was on me.I looked around to see Ula gone.I dressed up and looked out the window to see the sky but instead I watched Ula talking to my parents.Then he showed up.I ran out of the manor and when I got down Ula was gone and my parents were coming back to the manor."Where did he take her?""Draco go back inside."I scoffed at my father."He is constantly taking her away from me!I am sick of it!How could you guys let her go?!Especially after last night!"Mom sighed deeply."I didn't want her to leave either Draco but she had to leave!"I scoffed."I can't believe this."I went back inside.I threw a whoel tantrum and the only person that could calm me down was gone.I should've seen it coming!I broke down the entire room.Then I saw the notebook she gave me.I got mine and searched the stuff she had left here.Her notebook wasn't here.That means she has it with her.

             When I opened it I saw her writing."You'll probably see this when you wake up but I wanted to write regardless.I'm fine.We are now in some forest I don't know exactly where I am.He thinks I'm writing my diary.I never denied nor told him it was my diary so technically I'm not lying.Just wanted to say good morning and hopefully stop you from having a tantrum and breaking everything in your room.But if you already had broken everything just call Winky.She'll help you out.I love you baby."I sighed in relief.How could she calm me down without even actually being here?I got my quill and wrote back.For days we wrote to each other at every chance we got.Then she wrote that they found Dumbledore's tomb and that she might not write to me as much.I was disappointed but I didn't say anything.


            "Open the grave Ula."I helped him open the grave.He got the wand but I looked at Dumbledore.As he was blinded with the power he had now posessed,I reacehd out to Dumbledore's hand.Then visions of the night I killed him went like flashes before my eyes.But I heard something very clearly."I forgive you,Ms.Lopez."I let go of his hand and fell on the ground.I didn't even notice that I took the Ressurection stone from his hand.I put it in my bag and kept crying.When Voldemort was done he looked at me and saw me crying."What is it my dear?"There was no one except him.And I just needed to hug someone.His last words was to me.Telling me he forgave me.I couldn't handle it.I let go of Voldemort and turned around to wipe my tears."I want to go back.""We're done here anyways."I got his hand and we Apparated to the manor.When we came he vanished and I ran inside.I closed the door behind me and I fell on the floor,leaning on the door.

            I broke down completely."ULA?!"Draco rushed over and I fell on him.I hugged his neck."He forgave me."Lucius,Narcissa and Bellatrix came out.Draco broke the hug."Who forgave you?The Dark Lord?"I shook my head."She's weak!I can't bare this anymore than I have."Then Bellatrix left.Narcissa and Lucius also came over."What happened?""He got the wand.He got the Elder Wand.The story of Deathly Hallows.It's all real and he got the Elder Wand.We're doomed."We all went to the library and after I made sure no one would hear us I told them all about it.I showed them the ressurection stone."So the Deathly Hallows are real.It's not some 'old wives' tale'."I nodded to Lucius.Then I got this headache.I started seeing visions and blurry scenes.Fragments of what happened."Shit!Where is the radio?Don't answer.Accio radio."I opened the radio and found the right frequency.

            The chaos he had already started spreading was all over the news.Us four sat there and listened.Until we heard bunch of noises.I have to go to Hogwarts.But I need to do it secretly.The noises coming from outside only got louder.The sun was rising.They went to the hall and I joined them when I got in some proper clothes.When I got there I saw the dead goblins of Gringotts.I saw the Gryffindor sword in one of the goblins' hand and watched it as it faded.I Apparated through the dead bodies and stood beside Draco."Oh...you're here.How wonderful.You look much better than when I dropped you off here."I nodded."Yeah.I guess.I don't know."He rolled his eyes.Nagini following him they left.After I was sure he had left I gave my wand to Draco."Hold it."I Apparated in the middle of all the bodies."Accipere animarum. Iungite in potentia. Surge ex eius flammae. De id mihi ."

              The bodies of the goblins started floating.They made a tornado around me but instead of air there was fire and flames.As their souls turned to flames they went rounds around me.When they were done they combined with me.I felt the literal fire I was on.I could assume that my hair and eyes are also red.I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.The warmth of the fire I was on was gone.I was back to normal.I felt stronger."Just out of curiosity.What did you just do?"I sighed."I harnessed the power in their souls and took it.I'm going to need it when I kill the bastard."Then an owl broke through the window and we all turned to it."It's Eve and Stefan."I opened the letter.

                  Ula,Harry is here.So is Ron and Hermione.They just announced us to come forth to the Great Hall.Harry is disguised.We believe it is the Ravenclaw's lost diadem that is one of the remaining Horcruxes.By the time you get this...we will probably be in the Great Hall revieving a lecture we do not want.Please hurry.He is your father after all.Both of them.You-know-who and Snape.           -Eve and Stefan

             I turned to the Malfoys."I have to go."Then we heard footsteps."Snape."I said and Apparated out of there to my room.I wore my usual training outfit.You know...crop top with a turtleneck but no sleeve and a high waisted jeans and my high heeled combat boots.I Apparated to the Hogwarts gate.I saw McGonagall."PROFESSOR!I CAN HELP!"Neville saw me and then they started whispering.I saw Stefan but Eve wasn't there.They let me in."Ms.Lopez!""I know how it seems and I am very well aware of your opinion of me.But even headmaster Dumbledore forgave me himself.Please give me a chance.Snape has already got to Voldemort.They are most likely to be here in a shor amount of time.Please."She sighed.Molly spoke up."Help with the protection barriers Ula."I nodded."And...I'd very much appreciate it if this could be told as I used my wand."They were confused but I got down on the floor and whispered to the ground.The barrier showed up.This is going to be the worst day of my life.

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