I'm Good

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         For days Dumbledore and Snape asked me to unblind her.But then Luna came."Hey Luna.""Madam Pomfrey wanted me to tell you that Pansy is waiting for you."I narrowed my eyes."Really?I guess she learned her lesson.""Yeah."I went up to Madam Pomfrey with Luna."Oh dear.You came.""Don't get your hopes up Madam Pomfrey.If she doesn't apologize this won't be her last day in the hospital wing just yet."I went to Pansy."Are you going to apologize?""Will you go out with me?"WHAT?!I was speechless and stuck."Oh...""Oh ok.I-I get it."I unblinded her."It's not that.I uhm...I didn't think-I mean-"She scoffed."You have a boyfriend right?"I shook my head but ti was a lie."Then you're straight.""No I'm not.I just didn't expect it but it does make sense."She sighed."I just realized that I always catogorized you based on your actions.But now the emotion part is coming togather and it all makes sense.But the answer to your question is no.It's not because you're a girl.I just never looked at you that way."She smiled."No one does.Don't really worry about it."

         "I don't know if it would change anything but...I guess we could be friend."She tied her hair up."That'd be nice."I smiled."See you at dinner Parkinson."She smiled back and I left.I saw Luna waiting for me at the door."Did you unblind her?""Yeah.Turns out the situation was much different than I saw."She put her arm around my back."Well you did the right thing in the end.You just didn't like the pushing you were recieving."I nodded."Exactly."

       Dinner time came and I sat down beside Pansy.Daphne sat at my other side.Blaise,Goyle,Nott,Crabbe and lastly Malfoy.They all came around us."You finally unblinded Parkinson,Lopez?"I turned to Blaise."Wanna find out how it feels,Zambini?I might not be as mericful as I was with Parkinson and make yours perminent."I said with a devilish smile.He turned back to his meal."Good to know I scare you."I got to my meal too.Me and Draco were both subtly looking at each other everyonce in a while.

      Until the thir d task I was basically ruling over the Slytherin girls.I don't know how that made a one eighty but it did.The night before the third tournament Moody poured his goblet on me by 'mistake'.Mistake my ass."I didn't see you there."I sighed."Thank Merlin that you're a professor."I left in anger and I changed into another uniform.I was between wearing a shirt or secretly wearing a jean underneath.But if I wear that it'd be obvious I knew.So let's go with the skirt.I change and Moody came knocking."You ready?""Am I ready?Good question.Let's just go before I kill you.How is that?"He rolled his eyes and took me to the cemetery.

     I went behind to the back room."Goyle.Macnair.Crabbe.Oh and here it is.Malfoy."I turned to Wormtail."Out of the way."He gasped out of fear and moved away."Father?""My dear."I sighed and got up."Let's do this I guess.Anyone who has firewhiskey?"Lucius looked at his inside pocket and handed me a fisk."Gee thanks."I got the fisk and took a big gulp and handed it back."Ula Lopez!"I turned over."Oh shit!""How dare you not share with me?"I sighed in relief."Hey mother."We hugged."I missed you mother.""I missed you too sugarplum."I turned to the room."If any of you even thinks that this is my usual behavior then you are highly mistaken and I will make you wish you were never born."Lucius smirked."Draco needs someone like you.Maybe then he'll decide to grow up.""No!"We turned to my godfather."Ula deserves someone as strong as her.Draco is weak!"He tried speaking again but it wasn't heard because of his weak condition.

      They don't know Draco!I do!It is taking every bit of will power within me not hurt them!Yes!Them!I would dare to go against my godfather for Draco.For over a year that we've been togather he did nothign but respect and love me.Listen to me when I needed him to.He let me cry when my own mother saw it as a weakness for years.All the years I spent without a tear is not getting it's toll on me."I don't think growing up is a decision Malfoy.It comes with experience.Did Draco lose people that he loved?""No.I believe not."I smirked."Did Draco have to move away to another country that he had no idea about?"He shook his head."Did Draco took place in missions?That one I know.The answer is 'no'.Did Draco have to pretend and train for his life?Probably no.Again.He didn't get the chance to grow up.It's not me that could make him 'decide' that he wants to grow up.Growing up comes with responsibilities.That I knwo for a fact that Draco is too young for."

      "How would you know my son better than me?""The differance between a parent and a friend is that...one gives you problems and the other turns those problems into conversations.I never had that problem mainly because my mother was my only friend till I was brought to Hogwarts.Before I got to spend time with people around my age with magic.But parents are the main conversation because they give the kids problems they can't handle on their own.I heard a couple things I don't like Lucius.Don't make me act on my feelings because I really don't like it when my people is insulted.I don't give a fuck who that insults them.They're dead to me.You are dead to me Lucius Malfoy."I turned to Goyle."Don't get your hopes up.Your son is not really any better.He judges people based on their appearances.Not their actions or their emotional state."

     I turned to Crabbe."Your son is a lucky boy I'll give you that.Mainly because he's adorable with those chubby cheeks but partly because he wanted to see the person under my mask.He chose to be friends with me and ask if he regrets it when you see him after the school year is over."I looked around and saw bunch of misfits with no use to our cause."Whatever.I'm gonna go get ready."I took the knife pen out of my hair and stabbed myself with it."Ula?!""Merlin's beard mother why are you yelling?"Her eye wide looked at me."You just stabbed yourself for goodness' sake!"I rolled my eyes."Do you want it to be believable or not?"I took off my school robe and threw it away.I ripped one of my shoulders.I found a rock on the floor and bruised my cheek with it until it got red.I put some dirt on my clothes and my wounds.My once white shirt was red around my wound.I messed up my hair."I think I'm good.Tie me up."We went out to the cemetery.Mother tied my hands and feet togather."Let me heal it Ula.I am begging you.""I'm not weak!I'm not weak mother!"She was startled.She was doen tying me up."Now get the pen out  and put it in my hand."I got it and turned the knife into a pen.I put it in side my boot.Too in that I wouldn't reach.My mother put the gag on and I started crying."Ula?"I tried talking so she took it off."I was just testing.I'm good."She sighed in relief and left after putting the fabric around my mouth.

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