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               The whole family stayed long enough.It was around midnight."Since only Marisol,Raphael and Eve are underage here...I'll bring out the big guys."Ivan left and came back with bottles off drinks.My aunt and Narcissa was getting along pretty good."Yeah...this might be a good time to tell you guys something.Even though I am the most trained drinker in this room...I can't drink.Because I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."Draco sparyed out the drink he had taken a sip from and turned to me."Say what now?"I sighed with a smile."There was three heartbeats when I was killing you-know-who.At first I thought I was hearing it wrong.Maybe it was Nuri,me and him.But he died,Nuri left and only for a couple seconds I kept hearing two heartbeats."Draco stood and picked me up.He turned around and around until he felt dizzy.

             "I knew I would be an uncle."I turned to Stefan."Like hell you knew."He rolled his eyes.Eve stood up and hugged me.So did Camila."I'm the godmother."I chuckled."Sure,Camila.Sure."Draco and I were congratulated."I brought apple juice mixed with mineral water.Not alcoholic but feels like it is when you take big gulps.I'm still breast feeding two babies hun.I got you."We all celebrated."Let's do a competition.To the kitchen.We have a bar there."We all moved to the kitchen."Shots.But I know my sobrina.She would want to join.So we're doing it with apple juice mixture I created.""I love you,tia.I love you."My aunt winked at me and we started. First round Ivan was eliminated because the drink came out of his nose."That was gross,adopted dad."He rolled his eyes at me.Four more rounds and Eve,Stefan,Narcissa and Camila were eliminated.It was down to me,Lucius,Draco and my aunt.

            "This round determines the first three.""Let's do it then."They counted down from three and Draco was eliminated."I am never doing this again.I know there isn't any alcohol but I'm dizzy.I'm done."I turned to him."Not everyone could be me.Mami would've win this thing but...I'm the legacy."I turned back to the bar after winking at him.My aunt got eliminated."Last round.Ready?""Tia come on."She chuckled."Ok then."We did the shots and I was pretty sure I would win."Tie.Again."We did it again."Tie.Again."I turned to Lucius."I underestimated your capabilities,sir.I apologize deeply."I said mockingly yet meaning it.We did another round."Ula wins.That's my girl."I turned to Lucius."Sorry.""No problem,mother of my grandkid."I chuckled."I can go with that."We ended up hugging.

             After a long goodbye Camila left.Everyone went to their own room.Draco never stopped smiling ever since I told him."I'm going to be a dad.I'm going to be a dad.I'm going to be a dad."He repeated the same thing over and over again.Niether did I stop saying that I was going to be a mom.We were in the bed cuddling.We both finally stopped talking.I whispered."Andrea Lopez de la Garcia Malfoy."He turned me to himself."What?""Andrea.It could be given to a boy or a girl.It just popped into my mind.Or we could just make it Andreas if it sounds like a girl's name to you."He pulled me in to kiss me."Nope.It's perfect.I love it."I pushed myself away."But if it's a boy it's going to sound like this 'Lucius Andrea Draco Lopez de la Garcia Malfoy' but if it's a girl it'll go like this 'Narcissa Andrea Ula Lopez de la Garcia Malfoy'."

              "But your name is your mom's mom.Not your dad's mom."I nodded."I only seems fit since Narcissa has been a mom to me over these past years more than my mom was.My mom wasn't a fanatic like your aunt but...she was close.She let him use me as his little experiment.I don't want my kid to be named after someone who used his or her mom.No.I can't do that."He hugged me."Ok.Ok.I get it."I didn't want to think about it but...Snape wasn't here tonight."Ferret I know I said Lucius Andrea Draco but...if you don't mind...Could we change it with Severus Andrea Draco?He died saving me and...if I died...this baby wouldn't be here either."He looked at me."Honestly?I don't really care about the name.Well...names in this case.I just-"I cut him off."Don't want it to go away."He nodded.I crawled into his neck."Makes two of us."

A Couple Months Later

               We came back to London right after we were pardoned.Lucius and I are kinda best friends.I call him dad now.He likes it.I call Narcissa mom.Not because she asked me to though.I feel like it.Malfoy Manor is more...alive.I gave Winky a dress.She's a free elf.But she stays around because she likes to work here.But today is especially important because we're going to learn if we'll have a mommy's boy,daddy's girl,mommy's girl or a daddy's boy.Those four are different things.Ivan,Stefan,my aunt,my uncle,Camila and Eve is coming over to the manor so we can all go togather."Is everybody here?!Parents in law,adopting parents,cousin/big brother,hopefully future sister in law,baby daddy,tio Sanchez and muggle best friend.No offense."Camilla yelled."None taken,whore."I chuckled.I turned to Draco."Set up the camera."

             We all squeezed into one tiny frame and took a picture.Then we all headed to the hospital.We were in the hospital room.It was only two of us inside with the doctor."What do you say doc?"She turned to me."What are the options?""A mommy's boy,a daddy's girl,a mommy's girl or a daddy's boy."She laughed at me."Mrs.Malfoy I think it's going to be a mommy's boy.He likes you."Then he kicked me again."Yeah I think we got our answer doc.""I'll be the favorite parent regardless."I gasped."That's war.""I don't care."He shrugged in a childish manner and ran outside."IT'S A MOMMY'S BOY!"The screamings coming from outside were crazy!"Wow.I never met a family like yours."I turned to the doctor."I know.They're the best.But unfortunately...this sin't the whole family.""Some lives out of city?"I shook my head."Most is in Madrid and a huge part is six feet under.God I wish my parents were here."Doctor looked at me."For a teenage're already doing a good job.It's been 4 months since I met you and...he is perfectly healthy.You both are.Just keep it that way."I nodded with a smile.

             When I came out they all congratulated us."Mi sobrina I am so proud but I have meeting in the minitry.""Go,tio."I said with a smile and he Apparated."We should go too.Raphael and Marisol are alone with Roopy."My eyes widened."Run."They chuckled at me and left too."We're staying over tonight.Tomorrow,Eve and I are going back to Hogwarts."I nodded to Stefan."You guys should stay in the manor with us.It's unecessarily big."Lucius rolled his eyes.I elbowed him.He gently elbowed me.We kept going until Narcissa stopped us."Stop acting like kids!""Sorry mom."I gave a dirty narrow look at Lucius like he did with me."And I thought I was the toddler."I turned to Draco."You are.Shut up."

             Next day me and Draco went to the 9 ¾ to drop off Stefan and Eve.When we were there we bumped into Harry,Hermione and Ron.And they came over."Holy cricket!Ula what is that?""Piss off mudblood."I elbowed Draco."I'm kidding.I grew out of that purity shit,Granger.I'm just joking."He smirked at me.Then Ginny came."Hey Gin."She smiled and hugged me."Holy hell you did it.""Kinda.Mostly it was surprise."Ginny high-fived with me."How old?""Five months baby.And we learned it was a boy just yesterday."They congratulated us."Ula I'm going to be honest I never though I would see you again after the war."I smiled."You four are not getting rid of me that easily.Once I give birth you guys are coming to our wedding celebration.I already wrote your invitation cards.But we've been married for over a year so no vows.Just having fun and shit ton of drinking."

            "I'm in."I turned to Gin."I know you're in.I'm asking this three."She giggled."I'll come too.""If she's in I'm in too."I smiled at Ron."I'm glad you no longer hate me,Weasel-bee."He rolled his eyes.I turned to Harry."What do you say Chosen One?""I'll be there Dragon Lady."

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