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        "ULA?!"I sighed."Just listen to me.She says that if you don't leave me.I'll have to leave you painfully.I don-"She tightened her grip around my neck."I don't remember letting you speak Ula."I whined."Please don't.He's my friend.""You're fooling yourself.He likes you.He still likes you.You think he would've saved your life if he hadn't.He wouldn't have even noticed you were gone let along wait for you to wake up in the hospital wing.It may be over but it's not over for him.He's a distraction!He makes you weak!"I was crying.She was tightening her grip with every word.Draco was trying to get her off of me but he was never going to be any help."I'm gonna go look for help!Just don't give up.""Stop him Ula."I reached for my wand."Wingardium leviosa."I raised him up so he wouldn't walk away."Good.Now you're gonna tell him that there could be nothing between you two.And hate him.""But I don't hate him.He is loyal and his fath-"She was about to kill me."Alright I'll do it."I didn't want Draco to watch me die.She let go of me and left.

      I let go of him and he came up to me.He took me and pressed my against his chest."Get off of me Malfoy."I pushed him away.I stood up.He stood up with me."You need to see Madam Pomfrey.""No.No I don't."I looked at him with my heart turned into stone."There is two way this could go Malfoy so listen to me carefully.It is either you giving up on your stupid crush on me.Or she kills me.I never even liked you."I was lying."Malfoy I hate you."Tears running down he pointed his wand at me.Then Nagini got in front of me and he jumped away.Tears streaming down I mouthed my words."I love you."He left the tower sobbing."That's much better."I scoffed."He's going to tell his father.How is it any better?"She turned to me."Go to bed.Me and my master will be waiting for your report."She left and I felt like I could breath."Draco."I whispered his name.I ran to the dungeons in fear.I bumped into Hermione crying.I was crying too."What happened to you?""What happened to you?Your throat!"I got her hand off of me."I asked first."She sobbed."You were right!All along!"

       She snuck me into their common room without anyone seeing."I like Ron.I waited for him to ask me but Viktor asked me first.I don't want him to see me as the last option!"I sighed."I'm gonna be honest with you Granger.Probably because I am extremely vunerable right now.But I told Viktor to ask you when I refused to go with him."She scoffed."It was obvious Ula.When you got on the stage he didn't even see me.I don't mind him.I mind that Ron chose me as a last resort!"I wiped my tears.But then the door was opened and Neville came in."Hey Hermi-Ula?""Hi Neville.Ginny."They sat down at the fireplace with us."Since I'm so vunerable right now I am only going to say these next words once.Granger...For a mudblood you're actually nice."She rolled her eyes and I turned to Neville."I saw you dancing and let me two were amazing."Neville smiled."Thanks Ula."I turned to Ginny."Two topics that I understand your father's muggle love is their music and movies.The Mask movie that came out this year?Amazing.Totally a 'must-watch' movie.And Jim Carrey is the lead arguement that it could be even slightly bad."

      She scoffed."Seems like you like muggles to me."I rolled my eyes."Don't be ridiculous Weasley!They're pathetic.Thinking that magic is just a fantasy movie aspect that is made with illusions and editing into the movies.They are plain idiots."She rolled her eyes."Your troat Ula.You still hadn't answer my question."I took off the blanket around my neck.Neville narrowed his eyes and got close."Are those...snake scales?"I turned to him."Snake?How the hell-You've got some eyes Longbottom.""Who did this to you?Or what did this to you?"I rolled my eyes."It's nothing guys.Really."Then we heard cracks from the stairs case and found Harry coming down.Followed by Stefan."Hey dude.What's up?"He high-fived with me."Nice dream.See you in the real reality when I wake up."Then he left.We looked at each other and kinda laughed."What are you doing here Ula?"When I looked into his eyes I saw the nightmare he saw.But it was a vision.Vision of the night I killed that caretaker.Luckily I was not in it."You saw Voldemort in your nightmare with Wormtail aka Peter Pettigrew and they killed you didn't they?"

      His eyes widened and he wasn't the only one.Including me.All of us were the same."How did you?""I-I-I don't know.I have a tendancy to see terrifying nightmares.But it hadn't happened in a very,very long time."I wasn't lying.It was the truth.I do have a tendancy to see nightmares.Especially the ones who are most likely to be visions.He sat between me and Granger."Tell me what you think.I can't show them to anyone even if I tried to and you just saw it yourself.Ula please I need your help."I sighed."I don't know what it means but one thing I know is that...seeing death...isn't a good sign."I stood up."Thank you for having me guys but...I gotta go."I got out of their common room and Percy got me.He took me to Dumbledore's office and to my luck all of them was there:McGonagall,Snape and Moody.Fuck!

      "I found her leaving the Gryffindor common room.I don't know how she got in."I got my wrist out of his grip."For Merlin's sake you didn't have to be so fu-harsh."I turned that around really good."What was your business in the Gryffindor common room Ms.Lopez?"Dumbledore came up to me."Hermione and I bumped into each other after the ball.I saw her crying so I asked what was wrong.She said she wanted to talk about in private and took me to the common room.She just wanted to talk to someone and I was there.I don't know what happened to my 'stone cold heart' as many student in Hogwarts refers to it,I listened to her.Then I should've left but then Neville,Ginny and Harry showed up.Technically Stefan was there but he thought it was a dream so he went straight back."McGonagall dismissed Percy."I think it is alright.Ms.Lopez has been getting in trouble a lot but this time it was for a friend.I say we pardon her."Snape raised his eyebrows."She is from my house,Professor McGonagall.She will not be pardoned."I scoffed."Why am I not surprised?"Dumbledore narrowed his eyes."Leave me and Ms.Lopez alone please."


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