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         Tomorrow morning I took a bath and changed into some high waisted navy blue skinny jeans and a green crop top with long sleeves.I tied my hair up.I knocked on Draco's door at 7 am.When he didn't answer ı walked in."Get up."I threw a shirt I found at the side of his bed.He fixed his hair and looked at me."What the actual hell?What time is it?""It's seven am."He turned to me."Why am I waking up now?I have one more hour."I scoffed."No you don't.Not if I'm training you.Get up!Be down in ten."I got to the kitchen."Hey Winky.Good morning."She smiled."Good morning mistress.What can I do for you?"I looked around."A flask of firewhiskey and two sandwiches?"She nodded and handed all three of them to me.I got the flask and put it at my back pocket and I got the sandwiches."Thanks."I left and when I got to the dining hall Draco was waiting."Grab your sandwich and follow me,Malfoy."

        I went out to the garden."What are we doing here again?""Voldemort came to get me last night.That's why they locked you up and got me.He was going to take me away.Your motherfucker of a dad thought that I should stay and train you.Because appearently you are 'weak'.Bullshit!But I do want to stay here with you so I agreed.Besides we get to spend time togather."He wasn't really pleased with the situation."Do you think I'm weak?"I rolled my eyes."Of course not!You are not weak Draco!You never were and you never will be."I grabbed his hand and kissed it."Your father doesn't know you like I do.Do you think a weak person could handle all the pain that your father causes you and look at people like they don't give a fuck?No.So never think that."I lost my apatite.I got up from the green ground."What do we know?"

       We started things simple.With the things we already know.Day by day we moved forward.And after four years I'll be trying the Patronus Charm."Have you ever tried the Patronus Charm yourself?"I turned to Draco."Yes...actually.I did.But it was years ago.I don't know if I could do it now.Let's just get on with it."I took out my wand.I took a deep breath in and thought about my happiest memories.I chose the night where me and Draco were sitting on the bed and talking about how I came to Hogwarts."Expecto Patronum!"And it worked.The spirit of a dragon lingered around us.It was huge.And the whole manor was under the protection of my charm.When I focused on the memory more I only expanded the area I protected.I had to focus on it more so it would be enough for Azkaban break out.

     I was drained so I lowered my wand as the protection faded.I was panting for air.I fell on my knees and sighed in relief."Do you realize what you have just done?!"I looked up to Draco."Believe's not enough."He laughed."You just covered over 10 thousand yards Ula!How could you even think it's not enough?!"I hit the ground with my curled up fists."It's not enough!"I know I was being hard on myself but I had to be.I stood up."You saw how it's done.Your turn Malfoy."He sighed and tried to hug me."No!Just do it!"I yelled at him and stepped away."Ula?"I sniffed."Just do it Malfoy.I'm fine."He took out his wand."Expecto Patronum!"It didn't come out at first."Try again."He tried again and again."You're not choosing the right memory.You need to focus on another.A more powerful.It doesn't have to be a memory.It could be your imagination.A fragment of it.A memory-like fragment.One you feel happy and safe."

     He tried again after taking in a deep breath.This time it worked.But he needed to work on it."You're on the right track Malfoy.We'll continue tomorrow."I left without a word.I walked into the manor and went up to Lucius' study."It's enough for today.""That dragon...was it you or Draco?"I sighed."Me.It was me."He scoffed."He couldn't even do it did he?""He needs practice.It took me a week to do it.I was weak and it didn't really work like that.He needs time.It's not something anyone could do on their first try Lucius.Give him the time he needs to perfect it."He took out two letters."Your Hogwarts letters.They arrived while you two were outside."I took the letters."I'll give it to Malfoy.The last thing he needs is to talk to you.You ruin him.No wonder he can't do it like me.He doesn't have enough happy memories because of you."I walked out on him and went to my bedroom.

      I took a shower and changed.I went to Draco's bedroom."Malfoy it's me."His mother opened the door.She closed it after I came in."Where is he?""I thought he was with you."I sighed."He's still out there."I put the letters on his desk and went out to the garden.I found him.He was at the verge of tears."Draco?"He finally lowered his wand."Don't do this to yourself.It's not worth it.You are self-destructing yourself.Don't.So what if you need more time?Please Draco.You're hurting yourself."I slowly took his wand and hugged him.He broke down.He was so fucking tired he fell on his knees.I tried staying strong for him but his tears broke me.They broke me more than anyone or anything ever did.This isn't fair to him!I decided that I grew up before I actually did.He isn't ready for the mistakes I've done.When he finally started calming down I spoke up."You want to know what I thought of?I thought about my birthday.I thought about that night.I thought about the necklace.I thought about you."

     "I thought about how you were running and broke your ankle.Then you fixed it and kept running.I thought about you.Why isn't it working then?"I sighed."You weren't focusing hard enough.Your mind probably shifted between memories and it messed it up.Focus on one single memory.We'll try again tomorrow.Ok?"I kissed him."Ok."He buried his head into my neck."Can we stay like this?"I nodded as a couple tears ran down."Of course,ferret.Of course can."He chuckled for a moment but we ended up falling asleep there.

    Next morning me and Draco woke up and snuck back into the manor.We went to his room."I almost forgot."I handed him the letter."This is yours."I looked at it and switched the letters."Sorry."We opened the letters."Prefect?""You too?"I turned to Draco."Me too?You too?"We switched the letters and processed the fact that we were both prefects."This year is going to be one hell of fun."He scoffed."You bet your ass and it won't be."I narrowed my eyes."What?Why?""Because if you bet your ass and lose I get to have it."I rolled my eyes."Smooth.Really smooth.So I won't bet my ass but it will be.Just admit it.With Potter's hearing and's all going like-"I realized what I was saying."I can't continue that.Sorry."He narrowed his eyes."Just tell me."I shook my head."Technically I won't be lying but I won't be telling you what I was going to tell you.And it's basically covering up and I don't find it reasonable."He smiled."Then kiss me.""That...I can do."

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