Why not six?

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               I started whispering the enchantments.I slowly started stepping forward.Nuri was on her way."You know...something just never adds up."He turned to me."Somehow you are always outsmarted.I admit.You're smart.But never smart enough.You see...dear father...I'm not really happy with this ideas that is constantly in your mind.For starters...killing mudbloods.Let me tell you something."I turned to the Hogwarts side of the castle."You see these people?Well you have to unless you're fucking blind."I turned back to Voldemort.As I was about to speak I saw Bellatrix reaching out to her wand.As she was about to kill me I killed her."You just killed my most trusted lieutenant.""I know.But I warned her.And yet she chose to disobey me.We're not that different you see.I don't take disrespect well either.Anyways.You see these people?They are innocent and you're going around playing with them like your personal toys.But you know what?They're not your toys."

               I turned to Nagini."Please attack the Longbottom boy."I turned to Neville and looked at the sword.Then to Nagini and winked at him.Then turned back to Voldemort."What game are you playing,my dear?You know I don't like games."Then Neville killed Nagini.I turned to see a black sand cloud."This is what I'm playing at."I turned full red.Nuri came behind me."Tolle illum et beneficium."I kept repeating it over and over.Again and again.He tried to back away.Tried to get out of my grip because it was hurting him but I didn't let go.It was hurting me too.The mark of the Dragon Lords appeared around me and him.Nuri went up to the sky and breathed out fire to us from above.I could hear Draco begging me to stop.Then Nuri got tired right when it was done.The power he possed was now mine.And there was nothing left of him.Nothing.Nuri left and it was just me.Standing between two sides.My ears and my nose was bleeding.The blood even came out of my eyes like tears.I Apparated right next to Harry.

               "You don't have to act anymore."I stepped away and he got himself out of Hagrid's arms.All the Death Eaters turned to me and Harry."Harry run!"Harry ran into Hogwarts.All the Death Eaters started running towards me.I Apparated behind them all to the bridge.Narcissa,Lucius and Draco were already coming my way to ditch the others.I got them and I Apparated all of them back to Madrid."Ula!""Tia I have to go get Eve and Stefan."She nodded and I Apparated back there.But since Draco got my arm at the last minute...we Apparated togather.A huge duel was going on in the Great Hall.I got Eve and Stefan.We four got back to Madrid."Is it over?"I was about to answer but I finally blacked out.

               I woke up in my bed with new clothes and clean hair.I changed into something proper and ran out fo my room.I saw Draco,Stefan,Ivan and my uncle talking to a doctor."You woke up!"Draco hugged me and I hugged him back."Finally."I let him go even though I didn't want to."How long have I been out?""About 5 hours 32 minutes and 49 seconds.50 seconds.51 seco-I'm just going to stop."I smiled at Draco but I turned to my uncle."I got out of there in time but...if the British Aurors find us...they'll arrest me.So I want you to cut a deal with them.Me and Lucius will rat them out.All of them.And they'll let the four of us live in peace and quiet."He raised his hand."Good deal."I shook hands with him."I'll talk to Thicknesse."I scoffed."I uh...I don't think so.He's an idiot.And he is extremely loyal to Voldemort and the Death Eaters.But I have a better idea."I let go of his hand and Apparated to the phone booth in London.I got to the Minsitry and let me say it was a havoc.

              I hid myself and wrote down everything I could remember on the spot.I copied it up to hundreds and even many thousands.Then I made them rain down.I had my signiture on it and a little note saying 'Ula Lopez.And I wish to give you more than this once Pius is no longer the corrupted minister'.I left the ministry and Apparated back to my bedroom door."You were gone for literally less than five minutes.What did you do?"I smiled at my uncle."You'll see it tomorrow when Daily Prophet arrives,querido tio."He sighed."Now I'm really concerned."Then he turned around and left.I chuckled."Am I that bad?"Stefan sighed."The entire family is downstairs and waiting for you to wake up.I don't know if it's related but niether Marisol or Raphael had stopped crying since you blacked out."I scoffed."I hardly think that has something to do with me.But...if it's ok I want to talk to Draco first."They left and I got Draco into my room.

             "I'm sorry I took them off.And I know it's going to sound so dumb but...I'd like them back if you would."He stood up from my bed and picked me up to put me on my desk.He took out the necklace and put it on.I adjusted my hair then he took my right hand."That's my right hand.""So?"I chuckled."Right hand is engaged.Left hand is for married."He threw my right hand aggressively and took my left hand.I snickered to his childish act as he put on both rings."We're free.Wow it feels really wierd to say that after years of both physical and mental torment.No longer having to worry about keeping secrets.No longer keeping the fact that we're married.No longer have to fear that the people in my life could die at any moment.Even though he killed...a huge part of my family...my aunt is here.My uncle,Ivan,your parents,all of my cousins,my cousins' kids and most importantly...you're here."

             "And I have no intention to leave."He kissed my forehead and got me down from the desk."Go.They're worried too."I turned to him."What is it?You want to be alone.I mean alone alone."He sighed."To process it all in.I'm not really good with change this big.You killed my aunt."I sighed."Yeah...I did.Sorry about that by the way."He scoffed."Your dad died.Holy shit your brother died.Oh my God."He kept going and going about the events of the war we just got out from so I just...left him with his mind.On top of the stairs I looked down to see Camila."You whore!"She looked up."There is the bitch I've been waiting to see."I jumped down from two floors and Apparated mid-air.I landed right in front of her and hugged her."I missed you C.""I missed you too,L."

             Ivan came over."I'm going to have to steal you away for a quick minute with your aunt and Stefan."I let go of Camila."Oh...ok.I'm totally not freaked out."They took me to the office upstairs and my uncle came in too."We know that your names is long enough but...we thought you might want to make it even longer."They handed me over a paper from a file.It said and I quote 'Isabella Ula Maria Lopez de la Garcia Hernandez Snape Riddle AKULOV Malfoy'.Do they want me to lose my breath when I try to say my own fucking name?!

            "I'm confused."Stefan rolled his eyes.He got me up on his shoulders."Last time you did this I broke your arm,braveheart."He scoffed."Get down and look me in the eye."I leaned down."They're trying to fucking adopt you."I straightened up."If I become your little sister you will torment me for the rest of my life.""Or you could annoy me to death."I chuckled."But I would also have Marisol and Raphael as my little baby siblings.And hopefully,Eve as my sister in law."Stefan put me down."Yeah...don't adopt her."I hugged his waist."Come on...admit it.You would love to be my big brother."I let him go and turned to my aunt."So what do you say?""I already have 5 family names in my name.Why not six?"

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