Not Loyalty

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         "Draco?""I can't deal with you today Pansy."She sighed."Ula isn't here?"I looked around."'s not.Where is she?"Pansy looked around."I'M gonna look for her.Tell me who wins if I'm not here?""No."I don't get how those two end up besties in the first place.Last night her and I were supposed to meet at the Astronomy tower like we planned the night before that in the common room.She never skips a date.I know she likes it that we get to see each other.She likes it more than I do.It's her escape from her reality.She told me herself.I was worried.Not a word.Anyways.The cannon blew up and they all went into the maze.I was still in worry but I couldn't have leave.


       Moody tipped me off on the way I should take before the maze closed.I was scared.Terrified even.Bloody brilliant.The maze is huge.Wherever I go it looks exactly the same.I was wandering around hoping I was on the right track when I heard a cracking voice and hid myself.It was Krum.He pointed his wand at me.His eyes.He was bewitched!But he let me go.As I was going around the maze,which felt like hours,I saw Fleur.She was being dragged into the maze it self by brances and roots of the trees that created the maze itself.She was beyond my saving so I sent a red spark to help her withdrawl from the tournament.I was on edge.The smallest rustling startled me.Wind howlings and maze changing it's was even harder not being scared or winding your way.Constantly on the run.I heard whispers and turned to the voice.I saw the cup.I was going to walk towards it but then I found myself between Krum and Cedric.

       "Get down!"Yelled Cedric.I got down as Krum came my way.Cedric disarmed him and he blacked out.Cedric got his wand away from him and he was about to hurt Krum."No,don't!Stop!He's bewitched,Cedric!"He pushed me off of him."Get off of me!""He's bewitched!"He started running and I ran with him.We battled each other to get to the cup first.We stopped once we saw the cup behind the corner."Yes."As we both ran to it,roots started moving and tackle us.One of the root branches caught Cedric.I kept running but stopped once I realized he wasn't with me anymore.I turned around to see him battling with the roots that were trying to kill him.For a moment I wanted to leave him But my morals got the best of me and I saved him.He was calling my name in a desparate tune."Th-Thanks.""No problem."He kept panting."You know for a moment there I thought you were gonna let it get me.""For a moment,so did I."I said with honesty."Some game huh?""Soem game."

         We heard branches poping and we ran to the cup for our lives.When we made it we looked at each other."Go on take it!You saved me take it!"I didn't want to leave him there."Togather.One...two...three."And we touched it togather.It was a Portkey.We eneded up in the cemetery in my nightmares."You ok?""Yeah.You?"I didn't answer."Where are we?"Cedric asked as he stood up."I've been here before."Then I heard mumbling and crying sounds."Ula?"


        Harry and Cedric both came up to me.Cedric took the fabric out my mouth.He is not supposed to be here!"You both need to leave."I said crying."I've been here before.In my dream."Harry said as he looked at the tombstone."Cedric get Ula and get to the cup!Now!"Cedric tilted his up from me to Harry."What are you talking about?" The wooden door opened with cracking voices.Wormtail got out with my father in his arms like a baby.Harry immediately started grunting in pain."Harry what is it?"But Harry insisted."Get back to the cup!"Cedric got up and got in front of me on the ground."Who are you?!What do you want?!"Then my father spoke."Kill the spare."Then Wormtail killed him."NO!"This time I wasn't faking it."CEDRIC!NO!"His dead body fell right next to me.I was sobbing."Cedric no!"Harry couldn't come to Cedric because Wormtail got to him.

        The death angel on the tomb got Harry.We heard my godfather."Do it now."Wormtail dropped him into the couldron."Bone of the father,unwillingly given."He dropped the bone but I was still crying over Cedric.I managed to grab his hand."Flesh of the servant,willingly sacrificed."He cut off his hand."And blood of the enemy,forcibly taken.He cut Harry's left fore arm to take his blood.I heard him in pain but I was too broken to see Cedric's dead body and hold his hand.It was really painful.He was never supposed to be here.Moody was supposed to bewitch him!Now he's dead.He killed him because he couldn't do the only job he was given right!I sobbed even louder in pain."Crutio!"Wormtail tortured me.I screamed in pain.But it wasn't because of the curse.But for Cedric."The Dark Lord shall rise again."Wortail finished the ritual.

       As Harry screamed in pain and bubbles came from the couldron was in tears and I was losing a lot of blood.The couldron was on fire.And soon the body he was stuck in grew on the air as it floated.The dark smoke around him covered him up as a dress.Wormtail ran away.He was bold.He had nostrils of a snake rather than a human.His eyes changed and I felt mine change too for a moment.We shared the same blood.He had no eyebrows.His nails was longer like claws.Just not as sharp.He went over to Wormtail."My wand,Wormtail."He handed his wand to him as he bowed.He picked it up delicately.I was still crying and it was audiable."Hold out your arm.""Master.Thank you,master."Peter gave his lost hand to him."The other arm,Wormtail."But he wasn't trying to fix his hand.He was going to call the others.As he touched Peter's mark with his wand my mark started moving.I could feel it.With thunder rumblings all the Death Eaters came over.

       "Welcome my friends.Thirteen years it's been and yet here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday.I confess myself...disappointed."I was sobbing quitely and holding Cedric's hand more tightly now.His poetic voice gave me chills."Not one of you tried to find me.Crabbe!Macnair!Goyle!"He took off their masks."Not even you...Lucius."He took his mask off too."My Lord,had I detected any sign,a whisper of your whereabouts-"He cut him off."There were signs,my slippery friend.And more than whispers.""I assure you,my Lord,I have never renounced the old ways."He took his hat off."The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence...that is my treu mask."Wormtail stepped forward."I returned."I wanted to laugh at him but I was in too much shock and pain."Out of fear,not loyalty."He paused."Still,you have proved yourself worthy these past few months,Wormtail."He gave him a hand."Thank you,master.Thank you."Asswipe!

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