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        We went out on the streets.We sang with every caroling group we ever saw.We had the most marvelous night with sweets,songs and the tree in the middle of the city square.It was amazing.I saw my friend's mother and went up to her after I informed my aunt."Mrs.Gonzalez?""Yes?Do I know you?"I nodded."Ula.Ula Lopez."Her jaw fell."Ula mi querida!How have you been?!I couldn't recognize you!"I giggled."Is Camila here?"She nodded and pointed her direction."She is there with Valentina,Sofia,Santiago and her boyfriend Matteo."Valentina?!Really?That girl was such a bitch when I last saw her the summer I came to Hogwarts.They are all muggles but if I could hex her I would've.

         "Camila Gonzalez!"She turned to me."No way.Mi puta ha vuelto!"(My whore is back!)I laughed and hugged her."I sure as hell am back you perra!"She interduced me to everyone except Valentina."Guys this is my childhood friend Ula Lopez.""Good to meet you guys."I chuckled."What brings you back,you slut?"I rolled my eyes."There is a thing called Christmas Valentina.People tend to see their loved ones.I would completely understand if you don't know since you wouldn't have a lot who would want to celebrate with you."She was so frustrated."Come on papito let's leave."She got Santiago and left."I feel sorry for him.""We do too but we don't really say anything."I chuckled."Well I find it extremely weird that you would hang out with her."Matteo raised his hand."Santiago is mi mejor amigo so he came.Valentina is the one who wouldn't leave him alone."

        A couple minutes later Santiago came back."Took you long enough,hermano.""I dumped the bitch's ass.I had enough."I giggled."Who wants to got o my place?My parents are out."They looked at each other."We can come."I looked at my aunt."Well my tia is over there.I'll tell her and meet you guys here.""Iremos contigo, preciosa."(We'll go with you,gorgeous.)I scoffed."Alright then.Follow me."We went over to my aunt."Tia do you mind if I go with my friends?""Be back before I start opening the presents,niña.And if you sneak in do not let me notice."I giggled and hugged her."¡Eres la mejor tía de todas!"(You are the best aunt ever!)And we went to Santiago's place all five of us.

        "So Lopez?Who are you?"I chuckled."A little firewhi-Whiskey and maybe I'll spill my deepest darkest secrets,Santiago."He smirked and went to the kitchen."Since when do you drink?""Since I was 12.I'm trained.Don't worry."I chuckled.Santiago came back with glasses and a bottle of whiskey."I'll do the service.Gracias,Santiago."I got the bottle and poured the glasses.Except the one he brought for me."I won't be needing that."I took a couple big gulps."Whoa that felt good."I sat back down on the L-couch."For those who do not know me like...everyone except Camila.I'm Ula Lopez.My name is so much longer than that but it is unnecessary to explain.I am 16.I go to a...special boarding school in England hence the disappearance for the past three years.Mi mami y mi hermano mayor are both in England right now.Mi papi is a professor in the boarding school I go to.I am definitely uno de los malos.And lastly..."I looked Santiago in the eye."I have a boyfriend whom I love and we've been togather for the past three years.Gracias por tu tiempo."(Thank you for your time.)

        Santiago smirked."We can change that if you want,hermosa.""I'd rather chew off my own foot."He got mad."Camila.Kitchen."I stood up and left.Camila knows I am a witch."That guy is pushing my limits.I am this close to burning him to ground just like that."I snapped my fingers."That's Santiago.He's not used to being rejected.""Well if he's trying to shoot his shot with me like that he would be rejected regardless of me having a boyfriend."She chuckled."I missed you.Maybe you could do some tricks that they will believe it's an illusion.Just like when we were kids.That might warm up the place."I smirked."Or his body burning on the floor might warm it up a bit."Then I heard a window breaking.I went back inside."Arsenio!?"I caught him in the air."Arseino what the fuck are you doing here?"He stood on my arm.I saw the stamp and got the letters."Thank you Arsenio."I sent him away from the window he broke.

          "That owl is loco!""No he isn't!He is my owl!"Camila saw the stamp."Are sure this isn't for your mother?"I nodded.I pulled my sleeve."You didn't!""I did,Camila!I had no choice!"She knew everything.She was and is my rock."This little party is over.And you,Isabella Ula Maria Lopez de la Garcia Hernandez Snape Riddle,will tell me everything!"She got both of our coats and we left the place.The streets were bright with the Christmas lights and the snow made it even look more beautiful.We saw an open café and went in."You better start talking or I will kick your witch ass."I sighed."Start with the boarding school.Hogwarts?You finally go there?"I nodded."And Snape?Does he teach you?"I nodded."Santa mierdo,mi querido."(Holy shit,my dear.)

         "That explains the absence and the owl.Now continue.""I got my mark when I was ten.I didn't want to tell you."She laughed."So you've been keeping this from me for 6 years?Ula I am your best friend in the entire world even though I am a simple muggle.I've known you since we were both in diapers.I thought we were friends."I sighed."We are friend Camila.We are friends.You are my rock and the only person he cannot reach.If he does he'll kill you!"I took a deep breath."Camila you wouldn't want to be my friend if you learn the things I've done!I killed people.I helped him achieve.I helped him kill my friend,Camila."I sniffed.No tears yet I wanted there to be."I've done terrible things these past years."I sighed deeply."And I have no way of getting out.And even if I get out I don't think my boyfriend will be able to come out with me."

        "He's one of you?""I met him before he became one of us.This summer he forced me to make him one of us.He wanted it to prove himself.For years I tried to make him think otherwise and make him give up on being one of us but he just wanted to be the one to make everyone proud.Oh...fuck!"I sighed."I don't know what to do anymore,Camila.I'm stuck.And now I heard that I was a friggin lab rat for my mother.When I was three we appearently went to this trip.A dragon was on the loose.It got to me.I almost died.She took me to a family friend.To save me she made me drink phoenix tears which have immense effect on healing.Normally one cannot drink it but my whole body was burned and I could've died so she made me drink it.Now I am a friggin freak.I am a witch who's blood has been changed with the blood of her lunatic godfather,parsel-tongue speaker,phoenix tear drinker,kind of an alcoholic,who almost died more than 20 times over the past 3 years and a criminal in the wizarding world."

        "Well shit.How much of this does your boyfriend know?""All of it.I told him.He is the only person I didn't have to lie to.I did lie to you about being a witch in the first if you remember."She rolled her eyes."Well I'm your best friend.I want to meet this guy."I shook my head."You can't.The minute you-know-who enters his mind you'll be exposed."She sighed."Well at least I tried."I hugged her."Thank you Camila.""Anytime,puta.Anytime."

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