Snapy Snapy

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         Days without Ula here was boring and dull like any other day.Crabbe and Goyle by my side we walk around the school.People respect us.When the holiday break finally arrived I went back home.I actually left a couple days early after I handed my papers to my professors.Except Snape.He was nowhere to be found.After the Qudditch no one ever saw him.When ı came back my mum was happy to see me."Welcome back Draco."I hugged her back."Glad to be here mum.""Your father is in his study with a friend.Go up and greet them."She said with a smile.Even though I knew he hated being interrupted since mum told me to do so I went upstairs.I knocked on the door."Come in."I came in."I'm back father."When I looked at the desk I saw bunch of rings that either had the motive of a snake or it was a snake."Are these for mum?"He shook his head."It's not.It's business."I was staring at the rings and one of them stood out.It was really good but it stood out.It kind of made it look good even though it wasn't.

        "You may leave Draco.""Of course father."I turned around and left.As we were having dinner that night I turned to mum."If the rings weren't for you mum...Who are they for?"Mum looked at father then she turned to me to answer."It's for someone important."Then an owl came and  dropped a letter.It's stamp had the Dark Mark of Lord Voldemort.It scared me.Father reached to it."It's for you."Then he handed the letter to mum."I must leave."Mum stood up.As she walked away father caught up to her and they started whispering.But I could hear them."What is it?""-broguht-muggle-Snape."Those were the only words I heard from them.Mum was being extremely secretive.I don't know what it actually meant but what I got was that Snape brought a muggle.Anotehr mudblood?!


        Jeremy came inside.We were sitting in the living room down on the floor right under the tree.We were playing rock,paper,scissors."Who is that?"I turned to see Snape looking down to us.I rolled my eyes."It's nto like he's going to murder us.Geez relax Snape."An hour later Death Eaters filled the room.They were all behind Jeremy so he didn't see them."'s getting late.Maybe you should leave."He smiled."I'll page you later."I nodded and he left without seeing any of them."What did I do now?"One of them stepped forward."You can't bring muggles into the household we placed you for your safety!"I sighed."Fine.I'm sorry I went out of line.I just...I miss my mother.""She sighed."You'll see her soon.Just do as we say until then."I nodded."How is he?"She took a step back."None of us really know.We're also waiting."I nodded."I wrote to him before.I didn't know where to send so...Could you give it to him?"All of them looked around to see what they could do."We're not quiet sure."I sighed.I leaned under and behind the tree and got the letter out.I handed it to the woman."Take it to him for me."Before they left I held the woman."Please keep me in the loop of your plans with him.I want to help."Her head snapped when she heard footsteps of my father.

         "We will if he wants you involved.As much as I think it's scary for a kid at your age you bare the mark we all do.It's your right to know since you bare it."I nodded."You won't do such a thing."I grabbed the wand from the woman and yelled."Stupefy!"He fell on the ground after hitting the wall behind him.The woman snatched her wand out of my hand.The Death Eater I hadn't realized that was still there slowly clapped."I am very impressed Ms.Lopez."The woman stepped backwards."I will keep you updated myself.And it'll be my honor to do so."I pulled my shirt's sleeve."The honor is all mine."Then they both vanished out of thin air.Snape eventually woke up."What did you just do to me?"I rolled my eyes."Ugh!You were much better when I stupfied you ass."


         I sneaked out of my room when I heard my parents come in.I watched them.I couldn't pick up a lot from my distance but I heard bits and pieces."It's amazing.""That's a kid Lucius!A kid!No older than our son!It shouldn't be going like this!Do you have any idea what you've done right now?!"He nodded."I did what he would do to a loyal servant.""That kid is not a servant!"Mum was worried while dad was amazed and proud of whoever this kid was.I sneaked back into my room.This was Death Eater business.I knew how dangerous it  was.I know how dangerous he is.I do believe that he is doing it for us purebloods but massacring people isn't really my thing if you hadn't realized it.As I was in my bedroom I wanted to write to Ula.I wrote and when it came to the address I got stuck.I have no idea where she lives.Where she could be living.I was clueless.I didn't know her guardian either so I couldn't send it to whoever it was either.With no hope I just sat there on my desk.Weird enough I also woke up on my desk.


      I woke up.The Christmas morning never seemed this dark.The alley was empty and depressif.I don't care where I am.I am not making breakfast alone or playing the snow on my own.I went to Snape's room.He was already awake.He was reading the Daily Prophet."Good morning."He closed the news paper."Morning."I rolled my eyes."I'm not gonna be a pain in your ass today if you could just play with me in the snow and prepare breakfast with me."He rolled his eyes but he didn't say no.I smiled."I'll change."I ran out of his room and went to mine.I changed into my warm and cozy clothes.Thermal black leggings and a warm oversized forrest green trutleneck sweater.I wore my black coat and took my green beanie as I let my hair down.Snape on the other hand?He wore what he wore to school."How many of those do you have?!"He looked around.He swished his wand and snowballs were coming at me.I giggled and ran away from them."You're supposed to make them on your own!Not with magic!"I made a snowball and threw it at him.He didn't smile but I saw that he was happy.Frankly I had a good time too when we were outside.We headed inside when he realized that people were coming out to play too.As we went inside I went to the kitchen."So Snapy Snapy.""Do not call me that.Ever."I sighed and my smile faded."Okie.Now we make pancakes."We made the mixture.Well...I did.He just watched.When I couldn't reach a cabinet I asked him to hand it to me and that was the only time he actually helped if we think about it.But wasn't the worst Christmas.

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