Death Eater Business

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        I was having breaakfast and feeling the absance of my father in this big manor.After breakfast I went to see my mother."Where are you going mum?"She turned around."It's nothing Draco.Your father and I have some duties to attend to."It's Death Eater business written all over it."When will you be back?"She sighed."We'll be able to see you go into Hogwarts Exspress."I sighed."Where will you be going?""That is to remain secret."Then I felt father's cane's snake head on my shoulder."We must leave now Narcissa.Draco go start packing."I nodded."Yes,father."I went to my room and started packing my trunk.Packing up my uniforms was boring and lonely.I was done after two hours of packing.Crabbe and Goyle's fathers came with Crabbe and Goyle.We all went to the train station.Father and mother showed up afterwards.After we all said our goodbyes we went into the express.

        We sat down in the compartment with Blaise and Pansy."Why were your parents late Malfoy?"I rolled my eyes and scoffed."You know why?They think I don't know but I do."Crabbe shut his mouth.Goyle spoke up."My parents were gone too.They wouldn't tell me where though.Just that we need to be more careful from now on."I don't knwo what's going on but...I don't like this.But father will see.I will prove myself worthy.While they were chatting up I just stared out the window to watch the Semptember weather settle in.Then unexpectedly the compartment door opened.A girl walked in.I listened to the whispers that went around.Asking who the new girl was.Wondering which house she'll settle in.Saying that she's probably a transfer student.I couldn't hold it in anymore.As I watched the outside world I spoke up."If another mudblood comes to this school I will lose my mind."She gave no reponse.She showed no interest in Blaise and now she dismisses what I say?!I was going to teach her a lesson when the trolley lady came to ask if we wanted anything as a snack.

        She handed the girl a letter.I couldn't see the stamp nor who it was from.She opened it and seconds later the glass windows froze.A cold air settled in.It was freezing.Whena ll of us were wondering what was happening or who that was causing this she stayed in her seat.Calm and collected.She stared at her letter.Aside from her hands and black nails we saw nothing of her features.We have no idea what she looks like.When things stared going back to it's normal pace we all sat down.A couple minutes later a fourth year old asked me to come outside of the compartment to tell me something important."What is it you prick?""Dementors went for Potter,Malfoy.He fainted."I chuckled."Did he now?"Well my day just got better.


       The blonde boy came back and sat down with the others."What was he wondering Draco?"So he's the Malfoy lad.Interesting."Potter fainted.Dementors targeted him.This new professor Lupin saved him."The whole compartment laughed.The only words I let out were these."Él se lo merecía."(He had it coming.)I said it lower than a whisper.I don't event hink they heard it."If you're going to speak about us in another language at least say it to our faces you bitch.I raised my hand to cover my mouth from laughing to this idiota."I ain't dealing with you perra."I got out of the compartment.I snatched my cloak and closed the door after me without letting them see me.I found a guy sitting alone.He didn't have a color on his robes.Just like I didn't.So I had the librity to go inside."Oh hello.I'm Stefan."He had a think Russian like Bulgarian accent.I didn't say a word.I just sat in front of him and looked down at the letter in my hand.Staring at the stamp I felt weird.I never got letters from them before.I mean mother got them and I saw the stamp but it was never for me."I am a transfer student from Durmstrang.It'll be my third year this year.What's your name?"His accent made me want to laugh.He was sweet.

        But then I felt the train stop.We were steps away from the Great Hall with the first years.Me and Stefan were being explained rules we probably already know.McGonnagol led us into the Great Hall.I still had my hood on."I'm Ula by the way."Then before I could say more Minerva spoke up."At first we'll have our two new third year to sort them out.Stefan Akulov?!"Stefan walked to the sorting hat."Brave.Very brave.trong sense of friendship.Chivalrous too.GRYFFINDOR!"I stood still as everyone clapped for him.As he was walking past me I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder."I didn't knwo you were a breaveheart Akulov.See you around."I let him go and he walked away."Ula Lopez R-There must be a mistake."My name in my ID card is Ula Lopez-Riddle.Normally it's suppoed to be Snape.But appearently before my godfather disappeared he asked for his surname to be given to me.And my mother really believed in him.If I had his surname she believed I'd be as strong and powerful he is.

         "There is no mistake."I took off my hood."But Ula Lopez is fine."I walked through the first years.I sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair.The hat was placed upon my head."Oh...we have a strong personailty here.Knows no boundries to get what it wants.Almost one of a kind.The ambition.The determination.A little selfish.It must be...SLYTHERIN!"I smirked.I turned to the teachers and I found Severus and winked at him.I got off the chair and walked to the Slytherin table.I sat down.I later realized I was sitting close to the Malfoy lad."Potter!Potter!"Harry turned around."Is it true that you fainted?"The guy next to him gestured fainting."I mean you actually fainted?"The Weasley sitting next to him spat at Malfoy."Shove off,Malfoy."I don't blame Malfoy.I hate Harry just as much if not more.She took the closest thing I had to a father.I don't know how but I could hear him talking to me sometimes.Whispers to me when it's night.Sometimes Nagini comes bearing a letter from him.I don't tell about them to my mother of course but he reaches out to me.He looks after me.The whole wizarding worl sees him as the enemy.Fears him.They don't even dare to speak his name.Just like he wanted.

        That perra from the train sat next to me."If you even think about looking at Draco then you'll see what I'll do to you,mudblood."I put down my fork and smiled.Before she could say something else I stabbed the knife in her hand and heard her scream.I turned to her.I grabbed her chin and whispered."Call me mudblood again and I'll show you mudblood."Then I heard Snape snatching his cape."Ms.Lopez.50 points from Slytherin.Detention with Hagrid for a week.Ms.Parkinson go to the hospital wing."All eyes were on me."Ms.Lopez.Follow me."I rolled my eyes and followed him outside of the Great Hall.Let's see what my dear father will say.

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