The Flirt

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         Tomorrow was OWLs and I was on 'night patrol'.I was just reading a book as I was walking around the castle.Then I heard the twins.I closed my book silently and saw them standing in front of the Great Hall's door."What are you two doing?"They turned to me."Preparing for our surprise as we go over our plans."I came over."I won't hand you over to Umbridge if you wish to tell me."I said with a smirk.They looked at each other and they smirked too.Then they told me their plans in whispers."I'm not joking right now.I love you both so fucking much."They laughed silently."The whole school loves us.What could we say?We're irresistable."I rolled my eyes."I changed my mind.I just love the plan."I looked around."Keep going I'll keep watch.Be quick."

        As they whispered around and went over their plan for the fifth time I heard footsteps."Go!"I yelled in a whisper.I walked out there.Just to find Draco.We weren't really on good terms.I mean we still hugged,held hands,said we loved each other but we didn't talk about that night ever again.It made it awkward since that's all I could think about."I was wondering where you were.You were gone for too long."I sighed."Yeah.I know.I'm sorry."He sighed."There is nothing to be sorry about.I just...I was worried."We went back to the common room.Everybody was trying to concentrate on their studying.But none of them paid attention to their studies because they didn't want to study."I have a really weird suggestion but it's fun.Anyone want to play 'The Flirt'?"

       We all gathered around."It's actually really simple.There is two people who will volunteer.They will flirt with each other using pick up lines.First one to give up will have to do a dare or a truth.The remaining opponent will be allowed to choose their next opponent.The crowd will be asking the loser 'truth or dare' and they will do as the crowd says.Let's do a training round.I'll volunteer."I sat down."Oh and I forgot to mention.The two oppenents don't have to be opposite genders."Then Pansy sat down in front of me."I'm a nice person so I'll let you have the start before I burn you to the ground Parkinson."She rolled her eyes and spoke up."I'm here.What are your remaining wishes?"I scoffed."Do you believe in love at first sight?Or should I walk by again?"Her cheeks got red."Uh...I'm learning about important dates in history.Wanna be one of them?"I chuckled."That's actually good.But I think I'll win.If kissing is a language of you want to have a conversation sometime?"She was dead."Truth or dare Parkinson?""Dare."Blaise had his evil grin on."I dare you to make out with your crush for a whole minute."Parkinson walked to me and picked my face up to kiss me.I counted to sixty.And pushed her away.

       "One minute is up."I sat down as she looked red as fuck!As she backed away I saw the shocked faces."Malfoy."He looked fucking furious.He won't be any longer when I'm done with him."I was being nice.Do you want me to be nice?"He scoffed."Go ahead."I smirked."Aisde from being sexy as fuck what do you do for a living?"His eyes widened and the crowd of students gasped."I must be in a museum because you look like a work of art."Not the best one.He's going to kill me for this."I'm on top of things.Wanna be one of them?"Does he think because I love him I'll go easy?"Someone call God 'cause I think he's missing an angel."I rolled my eyes."I am everything but an angel,Malfoy."I think I found one."Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!"Daphne high-fived with me."Giving up yet,Malfoy.""Not yet."He came up with a pick up line I never thought he would think of."Have I told you my name?I just want to make sure you're screaming the right name tonight when you beg me to go on."

       I was the tomato."I can't believe this but...I'm giving up.I say dare."Goyle chuckled."I dare you to make out with your faincé."I scoffed."I'm not engaged,Goyle.I think I would know if I was."He chuckled."It's not my fault you hadn't read your mom's letter this Christmas."I rolled my eyes."For the last fucking time Goyle!We're not fucking engaged!"The whole crowd faded away.It was down to four of us.Crabbe,Malfoy me and Goyle."What are you talking about Goyle?""You heard it Malfoy.She's my fiancée."I scoffed."No I'm not.Just because I had more imprtant things to do at Christmas doesn't mean we're engaged."Draco was about to lose it."Goyle I can't marry you even if it's an obligation that I must do.I don't love you.I don't trust you.I don't even like you."

        "You think I love you or trust you?!The only reason I'm ok with it is because I agree with his vision and so do you!"I contacted Voldemort."Tell me I'm not enagaged to Goyle.""You're not engaged to Goyle Ula.What are yout alking about?"I sighed in relief."Because Goyle is here.He is yelling at me about me being his fiancée!"He broke the connection.When I got out of my trance I found Goyle trying to attack Malfoy."What is wrong with you?!"I turned to Malfoy."Why didn't you tell me?""Because I didn't believe it myself."Then Snape came into the common room."Thank God!Someone sane!"I thought he was going to stop them but instead Snape got me."Where are you taking her?!"I heard Malfoy yell as he slammed the door of my bedroom.

       After he got me inside my room he left and took Malfoy.He got him inside my room."No funny business."Then he locked us in my room.I didn't mind being locked up with Draco.But they way we were locked up creeped me out."Asmo?"Asmo got out of my closet."Hey little noodle."He got around my neck."What was he talking about?"I turned to Draco."The day you followed me you saw me and Goyle talking right?"He nodded."That was the day he told me that our parents had decided that we were enaged.I told him we weren't and left.We never really talked about it and I forgot about it.It left my mind completely.That resulted with me not telling you and learning the way you did.But I know I'm not engaged to him.There is no way."I went over to him."One more thing I forgot to mention.Snape knows about us."

        "I get that you forgot your none existing engagement but how can you forget about your father knowing about us?"I sighed."That night was a rough one.I wasn't myself because of that nightmare.And Snape was called to Dumbledore's office.He dragged me there with him just to find out that Harry and I saw the same thing.Dumbledore must've suspected that this could happen he told Snape that it can't wait anymore.So until the Christmas break for a whole week he trained us to resist against the connection our minds had with Voldemort.Snape got nothing out of me but...Harry knew.And Harry couldn't resist against Snape.So he learned."He was confused."How did Potter know?""Before the Yule Ball he asked me to go with him but I said no because I was going with you.He asked me if I liked you and I happened to tell him.But if you ask him now he won't know because I obliviated him."Then Snape came back.One fucking game made this.

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