His Debt

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          We came back to the school and another month went by.I was finally caught up on my studies and everything was great.The weekend came and in the morning I got a letter.I opened and it was my form to go to Hogsmeade.Draco and I have been great.No one suspects anything because we still fight.Maybe even worse than before.Since we know it's an act we're both fine with it.I was walking around on my own when I saw footsteps on the snow.But there was no one as a body.I followed it.My curiousity got the best of me.That's when I saw Draco,Crabbe and this other guy I haven't bothered to learn his name yet."You two shopping for your new dream home?Bit grand for you isn't it Weasel-Bee?Don't your family uh...sleep in one room?" This was going to be fun."Shut your mouth,Malfoy."Malfoy talked back."Not very friendly.Boys,I think it's time we teach Weasel-Bee how to respect his superiors."I giggled.Grager stepped in."Hope you don't mean yourself."I couldn't hold it."YES HE DOES!THAT EGOTICTICAL BLOKE HAS A EGO BIGGER THAN UNIVERSE!"He turned to me and rolled his eyes.I winked back.I saw his lip curving into a smile but it faded fast remembering where we were.He turned back to Granger."How dare you talk to me!You filthy little mudblood!"

           I saw Potter when no one did.Then he put the cloak back on and attacked Malfoy and his crew with snowballs.When he first hit Malfoy he yelled."Who is that?!"Befor eı oculd get down and tell them it's Potter they were attacked.He later on dragged him to the shrieking shack's path.That's when I lost it.They boys were trying to get away I took out my wand and yelled."Expelliarmus!"It must've been because of me because I blasted him and he flew away and fell down.Before they could see it was me I ran away.As I was running someone took my hand and clearly it was Draco.He pulled me on himself and kissed me right away."Bit protective are we?"I scoffed and kissed him back."Don't flatter yourself.No one hates Potter more than I do.No one could."He pulled me closer by the waist and I hugged his neck.As I was hugging him I kissed his neck.He started stroking my hair and even the thought of losing him started eating my brain.I hugged him tighter as my thoughts of losing him consumed me and I started crying.

          "Is everything ok?Darling?"I gave no response.He tried to look me in the eye but I hugged him too tight."I'm scared.Draco I'm terrified."I finally let go of him."Sorry.Uhm...I'm gonna leave before-before anyone sees us and-I gotta go."I was about to  go but he grabbed my fore arm tight it kinda hurt."Ula talk to me!"I wiped my face and looked into his eyes."Just look at me this way.That's all I need.And when things needs to be explained I'll explain.I promise Draco.But not now.And I am really sorry for making you feel the way you do.It sucks.I know it does.But I just need you to trust me the way I trust you.And coming from me who only trusted one person in her entire life that says something.Draco tell me.Do you trust me?Do you trust that I have my reasons?"He let go of my arm and took both of my hands in his hands."I do."He kissed me."Thank you."I smiled at him and he smiled back.He placed his hand on my cheek as he wiped my tears away.I took his hand and kissed his palm before taking it off of me.Then I walked away.

          I was on my way to the village center I saw the Ministry.I saw Cornelius.Then my eyes found the golden trio.Then Harry got under his cloak and the footsteps led into the pub.I transported in there and hid myself behind the furniture.They were talking about Sirius Black coming to kill Harry.How dangerous he was and that he destroyed Peter Pettigrew.They were talking about how Black knew where they were hiding and led my godfather to the Potters.A finger was appearently all they found from Peter Pettigrew.Holy Shit!Black i Potter's godfather!Just like Voldemort is mine!I left the place without being seen and finally made it to my room.I wrote a letter and tried thinking of an address.I found Draco immediately.He was in the common room.I knew his father was a Death Eater but how do I bring it up?!I never thought about that part.

        So I pulled Blaise over to a far corner as I looked into Draco's eyes."What do you want Lopez?"I sighed."I need to send someone a letter.Someone I have no idea where they are.How can I do that?"He looked around and lean over."There is this guy my parents use as a passage when they want to send someone an anonymous message.I don't know if it'Ll work out but you can send it to him.He can find anyone where ever they go to."I smirked."I like this guy.Give me the address."He smirked back and my smirk faded."What's the catch?"He smirked wider."You pay off the bet I lost with Malfoy."I scoffed."How much are we talking about here?"He looked at Malfoy then he looked back at me."30 galleons."I smirked."Done."I reached for his hand and we shook hands.He grabbed a parchment and a quill from the studying group in the common room and wrote down the address."Here.Now you hold your end of the bargain."I snatched the parchment."Malfoy will walk up to you in about 15 minutes holding the money I gave him.Good luck with that Zambini."


           What the hell are they talking about?I saw the way Blaise looked at me.He has something else in mind.She snatched a piece of parchment from Blaise and left him.A few minutes later she came up to me."A word,Malfoy?"I shut the book so loud out of anger I said no."Too bad you have to."She grabbed my arm and made me stand up.Later on I followed her to a corner.She looked at Blaise and winked."What is going on with you and Blaise?"She rolled her eyes."Nothing.I just asked him something and the catch was that I paid off his debt with you.30 galleons appearently so here it is."She handed me the money."It's his debt.I'm not taking your money.""It's Blaise's money Draco.What difference would it make if I gave it to Blaise and he gave it to you?Same thing.Just take the money so I can do what I have to."I snatched the money."Him and I are having a talk."She rolled my eyes."I know.It doesn't matter.I asked a favor and this how he wanted me to pay.What's done is done."Then I smirked."I would've kissed you if we weren't in public or that I wasn't too mad."She gave a weak smile."Go."I rolled my eyes and went to Blaise.

His Goddaughter,His DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now