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           "What did she say?""She complained about us not writing any reports.I used to write them weekly,last year.I haven't written any this year.She's expecting letters and reports."He turned me to himself."You wrote to them weekly?"I nodded."I had to.I did many deals with them.I was able to join the missions by not telling anyone who I am and keeping my mouth shut.I was able to stay in the Malfoy manor if I trained you.I was allowed to join Barty if I wrote to them weekly with reports.That's why Professor Moody had his eyes on me at all times like it wasn't enough when Snape was there."He scoffed."You've been doing this for years!"He walked away."I told you that before Draco.I told you I've been doing this for years!It's not something I'm telling you now."

         "I know."He sighed."I know that."I went over."Draco?"He turned to me."Hmm?"I smiled."Stay here tonight."He nodded."Ok."I kissed his jawline."I'm gonna take a quick bath.I'll be back."I whispered before I left.When I came back he was drawing.I waited.I watched him draw."How's my favorite seeker?"His head snapped to me."You're back."I nodded."Yeah.I am."I turned to Asmo."Hey noodle."I kissed his head."Goodnight baby."Then I turned back to Draco."What are you drawing?""Nothing."I got next to him."Really?"I snatched the notebook.I saw that he was drawing Asmo."Impressive."When he tried to get it I got the notebook behind me.As he tried to get it from me I kissed him."A little game wouldn't have hurt."

        As I got dressed I was going to wear my ring and my necklace.But I couldn't find them."Draco?!Where is my necklace and ring?"I searched the entire room.Crying in the process.I crawled under my desk when I couldn't find it."Darling,please come out of there.""No!I lost them!"He chuckled.I saw his hand.When he opened it there was my necklace and ring."You didn't lose them.""You took them?!"I got out and took my jewlery.After I wore them I got the book on my desk.Hit him with it."You knew what they meant!Why did you scare me like that?!"I put the book back on the desk and sighed."I hate you.You scared the living shit out of me!"He sighed."I'm sorry.I just wanted to see if you would notice."I scoffed."Notice?!I almost had a fucking heart attack Draco it's not funny!"

       The night went by and it was Slytherin versus Gryffindor Quidditch match."I think I'm more excited than you are for this match,ferret."He sighed."Can I ask you something?"I sat down on the bed next to him."Sure.What is it?""How can you stay alive knowing and doing all these things?"I sighed."It was...not easy.It's like Asmodeus said.I was starting to build myself a life when I got his mark.You already had a life when you got his mark.It changed your routine completely while my routine was designed with consideration of his mark and it's responsibilities."I sighed."You keep forgetting who you really are between your problems.You think about a lot of things at the same time.You think about your parents,his tasks,school and quidditch.It's expected but you shouldn't forget about yourself."

       "You.You forgot to count yourself when you listed the topics I think about."I kissed his cheek."Don't think about me.Not right now.You have a lot on your plate.I don't want you to think about me.I just want you to spend some time with me.You don't have to spend the whole day.Only a couple minutes is fine as long as you think and don't forget about yourself."He sighed."What if I want more than just a couple minutes?What if you're the only thing I want to think and worry about?What if I want the whole day?"I hugged him."You can't.I would love that but you can't."I let go of him and stood up.I went to his closet and took his spare Quidditch sweater."Come on.Let's get to lunch."He sighed as he got up.I took him to lunch.

        I ate a couple things but Draco didn't even touch his food."Do you want to pass out on your broom while you're going after the golden snitch and die,Draco?"He turned to me."Did you sa something?""I did.I told you to eat."He got his fork and got a couple bites.I sighed."Please don't do this.""I don't feel like it."I turned to the others who were joking around and messing with each other."Wait.Why aren't you wearing your Quidditch uniform like the others?""Because I'm not going on the field today."I don't know what to do anymore.All he cares about is that cabinet!He doesn't care about himself.And I know if I push too hard he's gonna blow up.And I will be the only one who'll be harmed.I held Draco's hand."If you're not playing I'm going to wish the others good luck."I stood up and kissed his forehead before I left.

          "Crabbe,Goyle,Zambini.Good luck."Crabbe and I high-fived.I turned to Zambini."I really thought you would have a concussion today Zambini.Guess I didn't hit that hard.Good luck though."I went over to a big lion head."Hey Luna.""How do you like my mask?"I adjusted it."Great."Hermione leaned and whispered."Why aren't you with the Slytherin team?"I rolled my eyes."Draco is not on the field.Blaise is an idiot.I wished my good luck to Crabbe and Goyle.Nothing I could do now except cheering my ass off at the bleachers."She sighed."You can watch the match with us if you want."I shook my head."I think I'll pass.No offense.""None taken."I stood up."Good luck guys."I gave a small wave and left the Great Hall.I turned to look at Draco but he was long gone.

         Before the match I went to Snape."Hey."He turned to me."Ms.Lopez.What brings you here?""Two things.One.My DADA schoolwork that is for tomorrow."I handed him the paper."Two.I don't really know.I just felt like it."He raised his eyebrows."Don't.Don't raise your eyebrows at me."He rolled his eyes."Why are you here Ms.Lopez?""I told you.I don't know."I checked the clock."I have to leave anyways.See you around Professor Snape."I left and went to the match.It was fucking freezing.But...Gryffindor ended up winning.Ginny snuck me into their common room for celebration.While they were all cheering for Weasley Stefan got me on his shoulders."Holy shit,Akulov!Put me down."He didn't."Come on I'll help you."Harry got me and put me down on the floor."Such a buzzkill,Harry."Then Stefan looked at me up and down."Well this is just wrong!"He took off his uniform and put it on Draco's."Much better.""Probably."I said as I took off Stefan's sweater and gave it back to him.

            It was fun until that Lavender started snogging Weasley and Hermione got upset.Potter followed her.So did I.We proceeded with caution."Charms spell.I'm just practicing."As I sat down next to Granger I heard the most stupid comforting ever."Well,they're really good."Harry also sat down."How does it feel,Harry...when you see Dean with Ginny?"Harry started stuttering."I know."Hermione's voice was breaking down.I placed my hand around her shoulders."I see the way you look at her,Harry.You look at her like Malfoy looks at Ula.You're my best friend,Harry."Then we heard laughing and sounds of stumbling."Ooops.I think this room's taken."Lavender walked away."What's with the birds?And what is Ula doing here?""Oppugno."The birds attacked Ron.Hermione sat back down.I snuggled to her and she snuggled to Harry."It feels like this."I sighed and got up."I'm sorry.But I have to go."I don't know why it hit me so slow.I went up to the Astronomy tower as fast as I could.He was there looking to the sky."Please don't leave me!"

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