No Doubt

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          As two idiots faught for the books inside the cabinet I realized that Harry got Snape's book.Otherwise known as 'the Half-Blood Prince's book'."As I was saying I prepared some concoctions this morning.Any ideas what these might be?"I rolled my eyes as Granger raised her hand."That one there is Veritaserum.It's a truth telling serum.And that would be Polyjuice Potion.It's terribly tricky to make.And this is Armontentia,the most powerful love potion in the world.It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them.For example I smell...freshly mown grass,and new parchment,and spearmint toothpaste."Is that what Ron smells like?Congratulations Granger you got yourself a freshly mown grass,parchment and toothpaste.

       "Anyone else who wants so share?Ms.Lopez?"I was looking at Granger and my head snapped to Slughorn."Excuse me Professor Slughorn.I must've misheard you."Then three other girls started walking towards the potion.Slughorn's attention turned to them."Now,Armontentia doesn't create actual love.That would be impossible.But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession.And for that reason,it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room."He closed the couldron's top and the girls backed away.I tilted my head and whispered."It smelt like you if you were wondering."He whispered back."I had no doubt.It smelt like you to me."I held his hand."I had no doubt."Slughorn then continued the class."Sir,you haven't told us what's in that one."I spoke up."Felix Felicis.Right?""Very impressive,Ms.Lopez.And yes.Felix Felicis.More commonly known as-"Granger cut him off."Liquid Luck.""Yes,Ms.Granger.Liquid luck.Desperately tricky to make,disastrous should you get it wrong.One sip and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed."

       Draco,who was looking down on the floor over my shoulder the whole class,turned to professor Slughorn when he heard about the elixir."At least until the effects wear off.So this is what I offer each of you today.One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who,in the hour that remains,manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death,the recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books.I should point out,however,only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim the prize.Nevertheless,good luck to you all.Let the brewing commance."We all went behind a couldron.I heard popping and exploding sounds from Seamus' table.Draco was working so hard and Harry...was going excellent with my father's book in his hands.But he questions the book and it's writer's motives so much I finished before him."This is perfect Ms.Lopez.Amazing."Then Potter called out."I also finished Professor."

       He went over to Harry."Merlin's beard.Yours is also perfect.So perfect,both of you,I dare say one drop could kill us all."I heard Stefan grumping behind me."Are you mad because you didn't get to annoy me or that you didn't get the liquid luck?""Both."I rolled my eyes with a smirk as Slughorn brought us both in front of the whole class and took out another vial of liquid luck for both of us."So here we are,then,as promised.One vial of liquid luck.Congartulations both of you.Use it well."The class was dismissed and the day flew by.Draco was changing into his black suit to go to the room of requirements."Why don't you want me to come with you?"I got his black tie and started tying it myself."He told me to do it.Not you.""I know that.But he didn't say you can't get help.Besides...I want to come with you even though I wouldn't be doing anything."

      I pulled the tie so it would fit better."I don't know when I'll get back.""That just makes me feel better."I said mockingly.He looked at me and I just...I couldn't even be mad at him."Ok."I got on my toe tips to kiss his cheek."Goodnight.In case you come back after I fall asleep."He left without a word.I crossed my arms in front of my chest.He's being too hard on himself.He opened the door and turned back."I love you."He whispered and even though it hurt it felt like it was worth it.And I knew it was worth it."I love you too."I said as a couple tears ran down and he closed the door behind him."Why is he doing this?"I asked to Asmo."He's scared.I mean I would be.""I'm scared too.You don't see me isolating myself from everything and everyone.You don't see me ruining myself.You don't see me stop talking and turn into a fucking ghost."

      "I don't see that because that's how you've been since I met you last year."I turned to Asmo."What's that supposed to mean?""It means what it means.You were a toddler when you became a Death Eater.You didn't have a lot to change because you were still struggling to have a stable life.He had a stable life and Voldemort changed it.Gave him a mission he knew Draco wouldn't be able to do."I bit my lip."And he did it because of me."Then the door was knocked."Who is it?""It's Blaise."I let him in after I wiped my tears."What is it Blaise?""Professor Slughorn wants to see us both."I sniffed."Uh...sure."I opened my closet and got my black plain jacket and zipped it up halfway."Let's go."

      We started walking the castle."What's wrong?"I turned to Blaise."Nothing.Usual stuff."He was looking at his front."I'm used to girls crying for me but you're not crying for me."I scoffed as I rolled my eyes."Nothing,Blaise.Thanks for worrying but I'm fine."We came to Slughorn's office.I knocked on the door."Oh,yes.Ms.Lopez and Mr.Zambini.Come in."We came in.He offered drinks."Can I not Professor Slughorn?""A responsible girl."Blaise laughed politely."Responsible?"I remembered that night on Malfoy manor's roof.I laughed too.Just a bit."Is there something funny?"Blaise looked at me and then turned to Slughorn."A year or two ago we were drinking on the roof with a couple more people and she was the one who finished half the bottle.You saying responsible to describe Lopez caught me off guard."He chuckled himself before he sat down.

     "Professor Slughorn with all due respect why are we here?"He chuckled."Right.Follow me."We stood up and he took us to a corner where a lot of people had their pictures in."Wait that's my aunt."Slughorn turned to me."I know.Such a bright girl just like you."He turned to us."I wanted you two to join my club.We have supper parties.Nothing big.Just a little gathering.With more bright students like you two I thought you would want to join us."Blaise shook his hand."That'd be an honor sir."I did the same."Same,Professer Slughorn."He smiled."Well this is delightful.But it's getting late.Prefects will be on night patrol soon.I don't want the newset members of my club getting detention."I chuckled."I'm a prefect,professor.So I have to go anyways to go on night patrol."

      We left.I escorted Blaise back to the common room and went on night patrol.I was around Dumbledore's room when Harry left his office."Potter?""Ula?"

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