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         I don't know what I have done to deserve this.When I woke up in the morning I wrote a letter.To my godfather.To my mother.To Draco.To mother I wrote about how I wanted to be with her in Madrid this year.I asked my godfather the same.In fact if he could I wanted him to come with us.I also told him about not trusting Pettigrew.But the letter I wrote the Draco was the one I had no control over.There was a month until I could give it to him but I wrote nonetheless.


      You will be receiving this letter by the time the school year is over.It truly breaks my heart into millions of pieces to write these words to you.Sobs that echoes in my head and the tears that has become waterfalls...I told you before and I must tell you now.I love you.Whatever you'll hear that I have said,I said it to protect you.Do not believe anyone who says otherwise because I know they will try if they learn we had something.I love you...but this is our only option.This 'time' you said you needed...I need it too now.Probably more than you do.I have done my fair share of mistakes.Now I must do what is necessary. I'm not telling you that I want to break up.I don't want that.That is the last thing I want.I l know I ask too much.I know I do.But if you were in my position you would do the same.If you loved me the way I loved you,you would do whatever you could to protect me and that's what I'm doing.I only hope that you could understand and forgive me.I also want to thank you for being there for me when no one else could.It must've been so hard for you.The tears I have shed as we held each other were shed because I loved you you and valued your life.I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy.

 -love,your darling

      I put a simple stamp on it that had no initials or any symbols.I put it in my drawer for safe keeping.As I was going to my herbology class I saw Daphne and stuck with her the whole day.Following days went by really quick.I spent most of my days with either Stefan or Daphne.The eye contacts were the worst of all.Seeing but not being able to say a word.Even when we were trying to hide it,it wasn't hard.But now it's different.I have no idea how to talk to him.Even if it's just an act.Avoiding his breathtaking gaze brought pain to my heart.A week before we went home I received a letter from mother.

            Sugarplum,I have done what I can.We won't be able to go to Madrid like we do every year but we will be togather.Since I am closely tending to your godfather with Pettigrew and Crouch Jr. you will be with us all.I get that you don't trust Pettigrew.Niether does your godfather.We both understand your worries and Nagini talked to your godfather.He is now allowing you to come with us on the missions.One of the Death Eaters that is in contact with him told him about how impressed he was with you.With Nagini and his loyal servant saying that you should he found it right that you did.I am so proud of you.As much as I am scared for you and all of us I believe in your godfather.I really do.Now it's your time.But one thing he wanted me to tell you was that you will not reveal your identity to anyone who already doesn't know you.So you must be ready.                                               


        I was really excited.I couldn't wait for the summer to come.The day before we were supposed to go back to London I received another letter.Telling me to meet the Death Eaters that were going to lead me in the alley I was dropped off at.I was proud of myself for coming this far.Finally it was that day.As the sun came up all the students started leaving the castle.I had slipped a note to Draco earlier telling him to meet me in the common room when there was no one."Ula?"I turned around."Y-You came?"I couldn't breath at the sight of him.It was like my heart was being ripped out.I took out the letter from my pocket and looked at it."This is uhm...it's for you."I stepped forward and got his hand."Read it in private.Destroy it the second you finish reading it."I tilted my head up from our hands to his grey eyes that held the sorrows of a little boy."And forgive me for this."He froze.I would too if I was in his place.I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and he leaned to it.His hand was on mine as I held his cheek."It's hard enough.Please!"I got my hand and left.

        The whole train ride I just looked out the window with no feelings whatsoever.I was alone in the compartment until this a little scary Ravenclaw came in."I'm Luna."I sighed."I don't want to be rude but I really don't feel like talking."She smiled and nodded.She hummed the whole train ride but it was calming and soothing.Once the train stopped I went to that alley.They took me to the old Riddle house.My godfather's muggle father's house."Mother!"I ran and hugged her.I haven't seen her in months and she barely found the time to write to me."I missed you so much sugarplum!""I missed you too mother."Then I felt someone tapping on my shoulder."You must be the little girl that wrote to me."I nodded."You must be Barty Crouch Jr."He licked his lip quiet a lot."Yea.That's me.Your godfather is expecting you."He reached for my hand.I looked at my mother and gave him my hand.He led me upstairs to a room with nothing but an armchair.

        When I leaned I saw that my godfather was almost as small as a newborn baby."My Lord!"I got to the other side of the armchair and got down on my knees."Ula?You have grown so much."He tried to raise his hand to reach me but I gave him my hand instead."Show it to me."I rolled my sleeve and showed him my mark.It moved."I'm proud of you Ula.When I heard you accepted my reign I was glad."I was confused now."Aceepting your reign?"He was tired but it was obvious he nodded."You now have the same authority I have over my servants.They are ours to rule over.You accepted for me to call you my own."I nodded."I did.And I'm honored my Lord."He squeezed my hand."I am honored...father."

His Goddaughter,His DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now