Lose You Completely

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         Weeks go by.Snow finds it's place.I started dressing up for Hogsmeade today.I was doing my bun when Draco walked in.All black."Are you ready?""Just my coat then I'm done."Just when I was about to reach to it he was holding it for me to wear it.He even buttoned up my coat."What is it?Something is wrong.""Nothing is wrong."I held onto his collor as I kissed him.His arms found their way on me.I raised my hands from his collar to his face.As we slowly broke the kiss I hugged back as he hugged my neck.Then my door was knocked."Come on Ula.We're gonna be late."I sighed."Let's go."I sniffed and Draco stopped walking.He pulled me back from my hand and kissed my forehead."Lead the way."He whispered and we left.

       We were walking in the snow.Goyle,Nott,Zambini,Crabbe,Malfoy;me,Daphne and Pansy headed in the 3 Broomsticks.Draco went straight to the loo as we entered.Goyle and Crabbe got us Butterbeers."Drinks.""Thanks,Crabbe."He smiled as he sat down.A couple minutes later Slughorn left Harry's table and came over to ours."Ms.Lopez and Mr.Zambini.How good to see you here."We both got up and shook hands with him."What brings you two over here?"Zambini shot him a charming smile."A couple drinks,sir."He chuckled."Well good for you.I thought I would give you a heads up about the supper.My owl will find you two."We smiled."It will be delightful sir."He laughed and almost poured the whole thing on himself."Well I should go.Have a nice day you kids."Then he left.After looking at each other with Blaise we sat down.

       "What was that?""Nothing."But Blaise likes to brag."Professor Slughorn chooses students that he thinks will be special.Almost all of them are in really good places right now.He chose me and Lopez to join his club."I rolled my eyes."As I said.It's nothing.Honestly I don't even know why I am in that club.My detention record is thick.And I am talking real thick.He should've asked Draco."Blaise leaned down and whispered."He doesn't want someone who has relations to you-know-who.Now Malfoy's father is in Azkaban and-"I cut him off."And that is none of our business.It's not our obligation to judge,Zambini.So shut up.Sit your ass down.Zip that mouth before I make sure you no longer speak."He rolled his eyes and laid back on his seat.After I drank my butterbeer I didn't feel like staying and Draco wasn't coming either."I'm leaving."I stood up and walked out.

       As I was leaving I bumped into the golden trio and Stefan."Hey braveheart.Trio."They turned to me."Hey Lopez."I high-fived with Stefan."I still don't like you.""And I still don't blame you."Hermione got her arms around both the boys necks.Harry put his arm on Stefan and he did the same with me.As we were walking we heard a girl scream.The four ran over."I warned her!I warned her not to touch it!"The girl first went left to right on the ground.Then she started floating.She started gasping for air then fell on the floor.I know only one person who is THIS good at curses and hexes just like me.And that's Draco.Hagrid came and warned us not to get any closer.We eventually got back to school.

      McGonagall called over Snape.When she asked him about the necklace the answer was not satisfying."I think Ms.Bell is lucky to be alive.""She was cursed,wasn't she?I know Katie,off the Quidditch pitch,she wouldn't hurt a fly.If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore ,she wasn't doing it knowingly."McGonagall spoke up."Yes,she was cursed."And Harry knew who to blame."It was Malfoy.""That is a very serious accusation,Potter."Me and spoke up."Indeed."At the same time.Both of our gazes turned from Potter to each other.I was the first one to avoid."Your evidence?"Asked Snape."I just know."I scoffed."I'm out of here.I'm not listening to this bullshit any longer than I already have."I backed away a couple steps before I turned to my front and left.

       It wasn't bullshit.It was Draco.But I have pretty solid guess how he knew it was Draco.Marauder's map.If Lupin handed it back to him he could see everything.I went to Draco's room."What do you think you're doing?!"His head snapped back at me.Then he turned away.I saw Blaise on his bed minding his own business."Give us a minute Blaise,will you?"He got up from his bed and left.The second he closed the door I turned back at Draco."What are you doing?!""What did I do?!"I sighed."What did you do?This is your question.Draco what were you thinking making Katie Bell your delivery girl?She almost died!"He scoffed."So it failed."I chuckled."So it failed?!Draco I love you but even I have my limits!How could you endanger someone who wasn't even your target in the first place?!"

         "I did what I had to do,Ula!You said you didn't want me to die!That's what I'm trying to do.I'm trying to live!"I sighed and sat on his bed."I've been doing this for far longer than you.I know how this goes!It's only a matter of time before I lose you completely!"I sobbed."Lose me completely?"I kept crying."Yes.Can't you see you're not the only one losing yourself?I'm losing you too.The more you give up on yourself the more I lose you even though I don't want to!""You're not losing me!"I looked up to him."Really?I'm not losing you?Draco you barely sleep.You barely spend time with me.You barely come to your classes.You barely draw anymore.All you do is lock yourself in that friggin room!All you care about is that vanishing cabinet!I'm trying to love you more than I already do.And I would if you let me but you just don't!"

         "What now?"I sighed.I spoke in a low soft voice."I don't know.But I know that I don't want to leave you.And I know that I don't want you to leave me."He sat beside me."I don't want those either."I was holding tight on his bed sheets out of many mixed emotions.He placed his hand on mine and it instantly relaxed.My whole body did.I held his hand and we turned to each other."I'm sorry.I-I-I-I went out of line."He got me on his lap."You weren't out of line.Also you weren't the only one."We hugged tight.I don't know when the fuck I fell asleep.But it was too comfortable.


       "Ula?"When I tilted my head down I saw her asleep.How long have we been like this?I picked her up and left.I walked through the common room to her room.I didn't give a fuck who was seeing it.I got in her room and closed the door behind myself with my foot.I realized how tight she was holding onto my neck.I opened the quilt with one of my hands and laid her down.I took off her coat,her scarf.Her jacket and boots.I let down her hair.I put on the quilt.Her hand immediately moved to the side I sleep when I'm with her.She woke up."Draco?"She turned her head to me."Draco."I love it how she says my name.I leaned down and kissed her forehead."Sleep,darling."She shook her head."You're gonna leave again."Before she got up on the bed I got down on my knees.I placed my hand on her cheek.She placed her hand upon mine."It's already late.I have to go."She closed her eyes as she tried to not cry."I'll be back before you know it."She shook her head.But I had to leave.So I did.

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