No Complaints

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            He gave me the box and stood up.We sat beside the fountain full of lilypads.He took the box from me and opened the little vault-ish thing under it.The key of the box fell on my hand."Open it."I got the box and unlocked it."Your memories."I handed the box back to him.He opened it."My teddy bear?"I snatched it from him."I knew I wasn't the only one with the teddy bear.Why is it so familiar though?"We kept looking in.There was drawings of him and his friend."She looks pretty."He scoffed."I don't even know who that is.At least I don't remember it."He turned the drawing over and saw the date."It was when It was my fifth birthday.It's been almost 13 years since this thing."I saw something inside it and took it off."Ok this is getting creepy.This is MY drawing.I know because I did the same thing at the right up corner in every drawing of mine when I was a kid."

          "Are you sure?"I nodded."Yeah.I'm sure."Then he took out a photo album.The first pages were when he was a baby.It was so cute.Narcissa had blonde hair?Wierd.

            "You're so cute here!I am loving this

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            "You're so cute here!I am loving this."He chuckled."Dude if we have a son and he looks like you?I'm in trouble.I am.And if he grows up to be ANYTHING like you?You better kill me because girls will be all over him and I am not sharing my son with another puta."Draco laughed at me and we moved onto the next picture.

             "I don't remember this specific moment but I do remember the story

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             "I don't remember this specific moment but I do remember the story.Mum told me about it when I asked her before I even started Hogwarts.That was a potions book and Dobby was cleaning up the library when I went inside crawling.Trying to escape mum so she wouldn't take me to my nap.I found the book on the ground and started chewing on it.Mum found it adorable and took a picture."I chuckled."Did you end up going to your nap?"He sighed."Unfortunately."He kept a serious face for a couple minutes but we ended up cracking.

"He kept a serious face for a couple minutes but we ended up cracking

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           "This masterpiece belongs to Winky.I was three."I bursted out laughing."I love Winky."We moved between pages.When it came to the pictures in 1985 I was stuck."Who's she?""I don't know.But she's in pretty much every picture until a couple months before my nineth birthday.Though I don't remember a thing about her."I scoffed."Mom what did you do?"I accidently said it out-loud."What does she have to do with your mom?"I turned to Draco in the verge of tears."Because that's me."I got the album and helped Draco stand up."What do you mean 'it's me'?If I knew you before I don't think I would able to forget about you."I paced a little."First the teddy bear.It seemed so familiar because I got it for you.Or you got me a teddy bear too when you got that for yourself.Because the teddy bear I have is the exact copy of yours except the color of the bow tie."

            I took a deep breath."Then the drawing I made.I drew that.I know I did.Now the photo album.Let's say I remember my own drawing thing wrong.I cannor deny the fact that...the girl next to you on that me."He looked back and forth between me and the photo."That's it.We're going to my mum.He got my hand and the album.We went to the library to see Narcissa."Mum can we talk?The three of us?"She closed the book in her hand."Of course,sweetheart.Sit down."We sat down at the armchairs in front of her.I lit up the fireplace because it felt cold in there."What is it,honey?"Draco gave her the album."I thought I hid them all.Where did you find this?"I turned to Narcissa."Hid them all?There is more?"She nodded.She stood up and told us to follow her.We went deep into the library."'U' aisle."Then she pulled the candle holder and the aisle revealed another room in the house behind it.We went in.

         "Mum what is this place?"She sighed and turned to us."This is the room you two declared to be yours back when you two were kids."Draco was furious.His mother is the one person he would choose me over and I get it.She is his world."How could you keep this from me mum?!It's not just me either.You kept it from both of us.Didn't you ever thought we deserved to know?"I sighed."Draco...yelling at Narcissa won't fix what was done.Let her explain."I gently pushed him away from his mother."Let her explain."I whispered and he calmed down."He's right.I could've told both of you.And seems like this is a great time to explain."

          She started explaining."It was a couple months before summer.Either two or three.Your mother wrote to me.She told me that you wanted to meet someone like you.You wanted a magical friend rather than the muggles because they didn't understand you.And I knew that Draco would love to have a friend he could spend at least an hour with.So I told her that you can spend time with Draco.A week or two before Draco's fifth birthday you two came over.You and Draco got along so well.Too well.Every time that you left you both would start crying.Of course you both grew up and even if you didn't cry you two would be grumpy.Lock yourselves to your rooms.One day you two were in the manor with Winky and Dobby.Me and your mother were out to get you guys gifts because we wanted to spoil you guys.Make you guys happy.We were talking over a cup of coffee.I told Maria what Draco told me the other day."

            "What did I say?"Narcissa smiled."That you would marry Ula one day.And now you propsed.And with the family ring."I turned to Draco."Family ring.I see..."I turned to Narcissa."That piece of information was kept from me."Narcissa chuckled when Draco died from emberassment.I held his hand."I'm kidding.Don't get all red now."I kissed his cheek and turned to Narcissa."Then your mother gave the bad news."We both turned to Narcissa with a serious look."Bad news?What bad news?""That your grandparents were getting sicker.And that you had to go back to Madrid with your mom.But we both knew you two would never leave each other.You two would die each other and that made us both extremely happy.We also knew if you-know-who knew about your friendship he wouldn't have liked it.He might've not known it but if he did...he wouldn't like it.So we...obliviated the two of you.Your mother brought all the pictures of you and Draco had that she kept.And I brought the ones that I kept.We locked it in this room.This room if literally the four years of your childhood that we hid from the two of you.That was mainly why I was never really shocked that you two found your way back to each other.And that you two started dating."

          "Seems like I kept my promise."I sighed."Yeah.No complaints.No wonder we felt instantly close to each other within a couple weeks.We already knew each other.We were already friends."Narcissa chuckled."You two were never friends.He asked you to marry him the day you two met and you said yes.Technically if we didn't count it as a child two have been engaged ever since you guys were 5.Well...Ula had one more month to be five."Wow.What a story.

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