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            I sent the letter to the guy and told him that I needed it to find Barty Crouch Jr.I know eactly who he is and that he is alive and well.I didn't meet him before but he is the most faithful and loyal servant my godfather has.A few days after I sent the letter,while we were having dinner an owl flew right in and dropped a letter for me.I snatched it in the air.It didn't have the Dark Mark stamp but it had BCJ assuming it's Barty I opened the letter and broke the stamp.When I saw that the letter started with 'my dear goddaughter' my eyes widened and I re-folded the letter.I stood up and left the great hall.I was almost running.When I came to my room I locked the door and pulled my hair up.I let it down more than I usually did since Draco thinks I look more beautiful than I already am.I like the flattery though.Anyways. I opened the letter and reading it.

My Dear Goddaughter,

             As weak as I am I got my loyal servants to help me with everything I could possibly need.For the news you have given me I have to say that we expected something like this.Sirius however never did anything to betray the Potters.It was Pettigrew.He's my servant not Black.After that they he had cut off his finger and this must explain it for you.He went to hiding.No one ever saw or heard of him.For that he will be punished but as far as we all know he's alive.If we were to put this behind us Nagini tells me all about you.Sometimes I try talking to you through our bond.But I'm too weak.Everything is coming togather my dear Ula.Soon I will be back and you will be by my side.Even though I know I am not your father you are my daughter.Your mother tells me that you spent the holiday break with your father.I hope that it doesn't change the love you have for me.

-Love,your godfather

      I started crying as I read the letter.Not out of sadness.Out of joy.Of course it doesn't change anything between us.Even in his weakest he finds the time to write to me.Even between all of his servants he finds the time to spare for me.Ever since I was a baby I wanted to see him.Meet him.And now after almost 14 years I will.I am beyond excitement right now.Wait.Hold the fuck on!Scabbers!That Weasley's mouse.Holy-I need to go find Ron.After I hid the letter I left my room and I bumped into Draco."Hey.What's the rush darling?"I looked around and no one was there so I kissed him."I'm too happy to care."He smiled widely at me.Continued to do so as I ran away.I came to the door.The Fat Lady stopped singing as fast as she saw me."What are you doing here?"I sighed."I need to talk to my friend in there."She sighed."Let me knock the door."She knocked on the door."They must be sleeping."But then the door opened and Potter got out.

       "Lopez?""Potter."He's the only at this point."I was meaning to talk to Ron actually.Stefan too."He looked around."They're both asleep.With Draco being in your house I thought you would know."I narrowed my eyes."Know what exactly?""Lucius sentenced Buckbeak to death after Buckbeak scratched Malfoy."I mena I didn't like Potter but this isn't good."So Buckbeak is going to die?"He nodded."Why did you want to talk with Ron?Stefan is your friend but Ron?"I sighed."I thought I saw Scabbers today.I know he lost him.I thought he would like to know.""Wh-Where did you see him?"I sighed."I saw him when I was leaving dinner tonight.That rat has never looked that old to me before.How long has it been with Ron?11?"He narrowed his eyes."How do you know?""We were talking about our animals with Stefan.I have an owl like you.You have Hedwig.A snowy owl.I have Arsenio.A western screech owl."Then we both heard footsteps."I should go.""We both should."He said and went back to his common room.


     I went back to my room and kept on looking at the Marauder's map.I was looking through it.Mr.Filch was around.When I turned over I thought I read it wrong but I saw right.Peter Pettigrew.I got out of my bed and went out.On my way to hallway I saw Ula trying to go back to her room."Hey!"I covered her mouth and pulled her to the corner of the hallway because I heard footsteps getting faster."Memt gom om me."I took my hand off of her."Let go of me."I shook my head and shushed with my finger on my mouth.She tried looking but I pulled her back.Once the footsteps were getting further I let go of her fully and we were in the middle of the hallways now."Lumos.""What was that?"I sighed.When I saw Peter getting away."Holy-Follow me."I walked away but she grabbed my arm."I'm not following you anywhere until you tell me why?""Because Pettigrew is supposed to be dead and he is in the castle right now."


       I need to say something.I'm not supposed to know who Peter is."Who the hell is Pettigrew?""Right.You don't know.So uh...This Sirius Black.The prisoner from Azkaban turned out to be my godfather."Knew that already!"He also led Lord Voldemort to my parents.He is the reason I'm an orphan."Knew that too!"And appearently Pettigrew was also there.Rumor says that Black killed him but-"Then he took out a map."He's alive and here."He handed me the map and he was walking around.His walking patterns were like a mouse.Not a normal person.That only proves that I was right.Scabbers is Pettigrew."Come on then what are we waiting for?"He smiled.For the sake of finding Pettigrew I smiled back.We were going around.When his Lumos didn't stay long I light up mine.Paintings were asleep and complaining about the lights.

     Poor Potter.Expecting a person to walk by.When all he had to do was lower his wand and find Scabbers.As he was turning like crazy I grabbed Scabbers and left Potter there to face my biological father.I turned Pettigrew back to a person."Don't run!"I said in a whisper.I showed him my mark.Then I hid it again."Sirius is hiding under the tree."Then he grabbed my wand and went back to his mouse form.I peeked and he saw me."Ms.Lopez!"I came out of hiding.I walked next to Potter."I am not surprised by Potter's actions but Ms.Lopez what do you have to say for yourself?"I crossed my arms around my chest."I don't have to answer to you."Potter pinched me."Touch me again and I'll Crutio your ass."I turned back to Snape."Turn out your pockets.Both of you."I looked at myself up and down."I don't have pockets."Then Potter took out the Marauder's map.But it was empty.

His Goddaughter,His DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now