Bloody Hell

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            It was night.Draco was asleep.Madam Pomfrey has almost no hope.This was not how it was supposed to go.I'm trying to be as silent as I could be.But all I wanna do is scream.As the hospital wing was closing Madam Pomfrey came over with a candle."Come on dear.You can come back tomorrow if you'd like."I shook my head."I can't leave him.Not like this.Not ever."She sighed."You need to sleep dear.""What I need is not sleep.It's him."She sighed."Ms.Lopez,please."I shook my head."I'm not leaving Madam Pomfrey."She pulled a chair next to me and sat down."Ms.Lopez I see that you clearly care about Mr.Malfoy a great deal.You must sleep so when he wakes up you can be there for him in full health yourself."I shook my head."He's seen me at my worst and he still loved me.I'm not leaving Madam Pomfrey."She sighed and left.I heard the door close.

          I stood up from my chair and went in his bed.I sat where his pillow used to be.I put his head on my thighs.I placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.He likes it when I do that."You heard what she called me,Malfoy?She called me Ms.Lopez."I forced a chuckled but it turned into a sob."Don't leave me."My teardrops fell on his face.I kept crying in complete silence.I eventually got tired and fell asleep.The next morning I was woken up by Madam Pomfrey with Dumbledore,Snape and McGonagall looking at me."I tried getting her to leave professor.I tried.But she wouldn't leave.""It's alright Madam Pomfrey.You may attend to the other patients."Madam Pomfrey left and Dumbledore looked at me."Tell us what happened,Ms.Lopez."I sighed and looked down at Draco's head on my lap.

         "We were walking into the Great Hall for lunch.When he stopped walking I turned to him and then he let go of my hand.He left the Great Hall so I got worried and followed him.He went to the loo but I didn't really care.I went in I tried to help him breathe because I know how he felt.Harry came in and accused him of hexing Katie like he did before.They started dueling so Draco told me to leave.I didn't want to leave him.I stepped out of their way however because I knew he could've win.But he cursed him.He used the Sectumsempra curse on Draco.Luckily I knew how to reverse it.Harry needs to be punished for this.He almost killed him for Merlin's sake!"McGonagall sighed and left."Did he?Hexed Ms.Bell?""No!I told Professor McGonagall and Snape that he wouldn't do such a thing."I kept crying and Dumbledore left.It was me and Snape.

        "Harry found your stupid book.And now he's fighting for his life.It's all your fault.If you burned that book after you graduated none of this would've happened.Harry wouldn't have learned about the Sectumsempra curse."He raised his eyebrows."How do you know that I am the Half-Blood Prince?"I scoffed."I know everything about you.My mother wanted me to know you."I sighed."I'm glad she did.Now I know who to blame.Why,Snape?Why?"He stayed silent."Being silent won't change anything.If he'll be my fault.It'll be Harry's fault.It'll be your fault.And you will be breaking the Unbreakable Vow you have made."Then Stefan came in."I came as fast as I heard.How are you?""I'm fine."He kissed my forehead and pulled a chair."How is he?"I sighed."I don't know.""And lastly..."He turned to Snape."What the bloody hell is he doing here?"Snape raised his eyebrows once again.

         "I do not tolarate such a language when it is used against me,Mr.Akulov."He scoffed."Honestly?I don't give a shit about what you tolarate or not."I think this is where I stop this shit."It's enough,braveheart.Don't be that brave.You might end up with a year long detention."He rolled his eyes."I didn't know you were this close with Mr.Akulov,Ms.Lopez.What an unusual...friendship."I rolled my eyes."Unlike you...he's actually family.If you have anything else to say Professor Snape you may stay.However if you don't I have to ask you to leave us alone.And preferably leave the hospital wing in the process."He said nothing and left.

        "He is as bad as you told me.He doesn't give a shit.""If it isn't for the Unbreakable Vow,Snape wouldn't have even come.It's the way it is."I turned to Stefan."We're a family now.A family he missed out on."Stefan gave me a warm smile."I need you to stay with him for five minutes.I'm going to do something tad bit illegal."He smirked."At this point I'm not even surprised.Go.I'll watch him."After I made sure Draco was comfortable I left.I got the liquid luck and came back."Wait is that-"I nodded."I know he can wake up on his own and make a full recovery but...I don't want to see him like this any longer than I already have."He sighed."I get it.He's your hu-"I pressed my finger onto my lips."Shh!"He chuckled."It was too easy."I rolled my eyes."Look out for Madam Pomfrey."He nodded and stood up."Go for it."I opened the vial and poured it into Draco's mouth.

        "She's coming."I dropped the last drop of the elixir and hid the vial in my pocket."Oh dear.You're still here huh?"I nodded."Well give me a minute so I can check up on him."I nodded and backed away with Stefan."By the way I forgot to tell you.Harry and Ginny got rid of the book."I sighed in relief."Harry?Where is he?""He's out to go to Hagrid's.He used the liquid luck and went out."I scoffed."He's trying to get to Slughorn.""And?"I looked at Draco."I'm going to let him get to Slughorn.I might hate him but...he is doing what I have to do for me.All I need him to do is find out what he has to find out and do what he has to do.Then I'll do what I have to do."

        Hours went by and it was around dinner time when Stefan came back."It's dinner time."I turned to him."I'm fine.""You might be fine but you need to eat to live.When was the last time you ate something?"I sighed."I don't know.I guess the wedding cake.Meaning a little over two days."He scoffed."You're lucky you hadn't blacked out yet,you bloody stubborn idiot."I rolled my eyes."I'm not stubborn.I forget.That's it."He rolled his eyes."You're coming to dinner.End of discussion."He grabbed my by my wrist."I'll bring your little girl frined back in an hour."He dragged me to the Great Hall."Dude slow down my head is spinning."That's when he stopped."I told you,you were going to black out."

        He stopped draging me.I followed him willingly.We sat down with Weasleys and Granger."What's wrong with her?""Ever since Malfoy she hadn't eaten in almost three days."I rolled my eyes."For the tousandth time,Akulov.I'm fine.""Weren't you the one with a spinning head just a couple minutes ago?"Ginny got my hand."If you don't eat you're going to end up lying next to Malfoy in the hospital wing."I sighed."That sounds pretty amazing right about now."Akulov put a plate full of food in front of me.



"I'm older."

"I'm prettier."

"I'm taller."

"I'm more powerful."

"I'm braver."

"I'm smarter."

"I'm the oldest cousin."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not.It's my older brother.You then me."

"Then I'm the good looking cousin."

"Nope.That is also my brother."


"Have you seen my brother?"

"No.Then I'm the tallest cousin."

"I'm the original latina cousin."

"I'm a better dancer."

"Hell no.That's me."

"Nope!Lydia told me I was better."

"Better than your father.Not me."

            Finally Ron snapped."Bloody hell you two.What's wrong with you guys?"We looked away from each other."Nothing."In the end I ate the food.Not all of it but a little bit and went back to Draco.

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