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                Me and Draco spent the most of our days in that hidden room.I was right.He got me the teddy bear as a birthday gift on my fifth birthday."Remember what you said about us havign a son back in the greenhouse?"I nodded as I was looking at our pictures."If we have a daughter...don't wait to kill me before she grows up to be like you.Just kill me then.You'd be sparing so many lives.Believe me."I chuckled and looked up from the album."Sure,baby.Sure."I said in a mocking tone and closed the album.I checked the time and it was getting really late."We should probably head back."He put down the album he was checking and then we Apparated to his room.I basically live in his room now.I haven't gone to mine in a long time.

             A few days went by and we were in the dining hall.With Draco and his parents.None of us could eat.It seemed...wierd.Then Voldemort walked in.They stood up.I didn't have the energy to do so."Ula?"I slowly stood up."Father."He turned to the Malfoys."You all may leave."I shook my head."They have no reasons to leave.""Very well.My snatchers found the boy and his friends.Although they are not sure if they got the right ones.So you and Draco will attend to the meeting today and identify them for me."I nodded."Of course father.""And tell your brother to come back from wherever hole he crawled into.I gave him over a month to show up.He hadn't."I nodded."Of course father."He vanished away and I finally let out the breath I've been holding.I didn't turned to the Malfoys."You heard him."I just walked away after that.

           I came to my room and looked at my closet for something formal.I wore my black dress.I don't know why but when I'm around someone who isn't Draco or a Death Eater...I'm not comfortable with my mark.I don't want people to see it.Especially my friends.So I dressed up and made a high ponytail on my head.

               It had come to the moment where we were waiting for them to come

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               It had come to the moment where we were waiting for them to come.Bellatrix came in with a fucked up Harry.What the hell happened to his face?Ron and Hermione was locked up in the basement with Luna.Bellatrix asked if it was Harry,indeed."I can't be sure."Lucius got his neck with his hand."Draco,look closely,son.If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord,everything would be forgiven.A-All would be as it was,you understand?"I walked up to the two and got Lucius' hand behind both."That's enough.If he says he's not sure...then he's not sure."He let go of Draco and right when he was about to touch my shoulder Draco got his father's hand."Don't,father."

               "Now,we won't be forgetting who actually caught him,I hope,Mr.Malfoy.""You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?!"Narcissa came over."Lucius!"As Narcissa got to him I placed my hand on the back of his shoulder and whispered."You're not ok.Not right now.Leave."He shook his head but at least he walked away.I got the goblet from his hand and put it on the table.Even though it is slightly unpleasent...he's my father in law.And normally that wouldn't change anything.But I saw the look on his face the night we came back from Madrid.He cares.He cares a lot mare than he shows to."Don't be shy,sweetie.Come over.Now,if this isn't who we think it is,Draco,and we call him,he'll kill us all."Bellatrix leaned down and whispered to him.He straightened up and backed away with wide eyes.I left Lucius and went over to Draco."We need to be absolutely sure.Ula you know Potter.Take a look."

               I went over and leaned down.I put my hand on his face.I turned it to the right then to the left.Up and down.I looked at where his scar used to be."Go dump this fucker where you found him.He's not Harry."I rolled my eyes."What's wrong with his face anyways?Stinging jinx?Or some herb or fruit in the forrest?"I turned to the Snatcher."He came to us like that my Lady."I rolled my eyes."Was it you,dearie?"Bellatrix turned to Hermione."She does not seem intellegent enough to jinx someone."Bellatrix turned to the Snatchers from me."Give me her wand.We'll see what her last spell was."As Bellatrix went over to the Snatchers to get her wand Draco leaned down to look at Harry.It was Harry I knew it was.Narcissa was going over to tap on his shoulder but I stopped her.

          I leaned next to Draco."C'mon.Stand up."I got his hand and stood up.He did too."Ah.Got you."Bellatrix laughed at Hermione.Then when she saw Godric's sword she gasped.I kept my calm."What is that?Where'd you get that from?""It was in her bag when we searched her.Reckon it's mine now."Bellatrix blasted him and got the sword.She later on attacked the remaining snatchers.Ordered them to leave."Cissy...but the boys in the cellar!"She threw Ron at Narcissa and Narcissa left with them both.Peter showed up and helped her."I want to have a little conversation with this one.Girl to girl!"Bellatrix faught Hermione and ended up on top of her.She leaned down to her ear."That sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts.How did you get it?"She was whispering but we heard her.

           I turned to Lucius."Go.Get Draco and go."I whispered.He tried to get Draco but he resisted."You made a promise to me.Don't break it."I sighed and looked at Lucius.It was now four of us:Bella,me,Hermione and Draco.After locking up the boys,Narcissa came back and stood beside Draco."Where is Lucius?""He's not good.I sent him to his room."Narcissa nodded."I didn't take anything!""I don't believe you."Then Bellatrix leaned to her arm and she started screaming.It took my breath away.It wasn't just me.Her screaming took both Draco's and Narcissa's breaths away."I can't."I turned to Draco and he pulled my head onto his chest."I've heard worse."Hermione blacked out and Bella ordered Pettigrew to get the goblin.

             A Gringotts employee walked and was tossed on the ground."How did this mudblood get into my vault?"He spoke up."I don't know."She asked him again and he did not answer.Then for the third time she attempted to ask."I am only going to ask you once more,goblin.Think very,very carefully before you answer.""I don't know."I wanted to intervine."You don't know?Why weren't you doing your job?Who got into my vault?!Who stole it?!Who stole it?!Well?"Goblin started talking."When I was last in your vault,the sword was there."I kind of blacked out after that.All I could do was stare at the 'mudblood' written on her arm by Bellatrix.It started bleeding.And I felt so...guilty.This is all my fault.

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