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         I was locked inside my room."Psst.Mistress Ula?"I got off my bed and looked under it."Winky?"I got her hand and she took me to Draco's room."Ula?"He whispered."Why are they here?"He grabbed my arm hugged me."I don't know,darling.I don't know."I hugged him back.As we were standing like that I never realized how late it was."10...9...8...7..."He let go of me and I kept counting."3...2...1...And happy birthday Draco Malfoy."I smiled wide.He chuckled.He hugged me from behind.I placed my hands on his arms around my neck."This year might be the best birthday I ever had."I kissed his arm under my chin."I'm glad you're happy.""Thanks to you."He kissed my cheek.I got his arm and took it off of me."Ok turn around.I wanna meet the 15 year old Draco Malfoy."He smiled at me wide and stood straight in front of me.

      "Turn."I forcibly yet playfully turned him around.He silently laughed."What do you think?""I don't see a differance.I have to express my disappointment Mr.Malfoy.How dare you not change?"He grabbed me from my waist and threw me on his bed."What the hell Malfoy?"He slowly walked to his bed and liad next to me."Downstairs is full of Death Eaters."I said as he spooned me from the back."I know."He said in the softest tone."Why did he needed your blood?""Honestly?He didn't."I paused."Draco if you ask I'll have to lie.On the train...I did lie about one part because there were others.So please don't ask anything."He kissed my neck."Ok.I won't.Just don't lie to me."I don't know how but I let myself fall asleep.Draco's arm around me...It was really cosy and comfortable.The thing is I woke up in my room.The door was being knocked."Come in."I got up on the bed and tied my hair into a pen bun.

      "Why aren't you dressed Ula?"I sighed."Mrs.Malfoy what are you talking about?"I fell back on my pillow."The gathering is starting."I whined."How am I going to hide it?"She closed the door behind her."One thing I have but barely use:Make up."She helped me get into the dress and I looked truly amazing.

"She helped me get into the dress and I looked truly amazing

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       I wore my black heels."Now your arm."I gave her my arm and with some foundation she managed to cover it.After applying some hair spray for some reason I didn't really question I was done."You should tie your hair up like you always do.It suits you."I smiled."But he likes my hair down."She smiled back at me wider.She gently took my hand and took me to their little ball room in the manor."Ms.Lopez."Just because other people from other places are here I'M going to be nice."Mr.Malfoy."Then the minister came."Ms.Lopez?""Mr.Fudge?"Then thankfully Crabbe came in."Excuse me."I went over to Crabbe."Hey Ula.""Hi Vincent."We hugged.His father looked at me terrified."You must be Mr.Crabbe Senior.Ula Lopez."I reached for his hand but if it wasn't for his wife he would still look at me wide eyed.

       I'm quiet enjoying this.The fear in their eyes against a 14 year old girl?It amazes me."Mrs.Crabbe."She shook hands with me too.Then the Goyles came."Ms.Lopez."He raised his hand.That's weird."Mr.Goyle."Gregory was shaken to his core."Mrs.Goyle."I shook hands with them too.As we were shaking hands with Mrs.Goyle I heard Nagini."I-I-I'm sorry.Could you excuse me for a moment?"She nodded."Of course young lady."I slowly and subtly tried leaving."Where are you going Ula?"I turned to Narcissa."Nagini is here.Please Mrs.Malfoy.Cover for me."She shook her head."I'm coming with you."I shook my head."She is too dangerous to be around.Especially more dangerous to someone who isn't me.You're his mother.I don't want to risk your life.Just...please?"She gave up and I left.

       I went to the basement and saw Nagini crawling to Dobby."Nagini?"She turned to me."Well well well.If this isn't the escapee.I came here to give you this.His plans for next year.You'll have to work with Snape though.I must tell you."I whined."He knows I hate him.Why?""I can't know his intentions.But he did say something about explaining the blood thing."I leaned down a little.I got the box from Nagini.I shook it."What is it?""I don't know.But everything you need is inside it.You're lucky I'm not around to keep an eye on you."I sighed."Nagini you saw how he looked at me.Do you think he could possibly like me anymore?"She laughed."Of course not.I meant Lucius."I smiled."He can try."She and I shared a little laugh."I missed the times you were my best friend Nagini."She sighed and crawled around my waist."Me too.I'm sorry."I hugged the snake around my waist."Me too.But I gotta go.Mrs.Malfoy could cover for me just for a little more."She let go of me and I left.

     After I dropped the box in my room I went back there and Malfoy was talking with his bodyguards.I went over."You guys seem like you formed a group over here."Crabbe smiled."Butterbeer?"He handed me a glass."Don't mind if I do."Then Blaise came."Wait for me."He got a glass of butterbeer and we all raised our glasses."Salude."Except Draco.He was still looking at me."You look different."I turned to Blaise."Is it an insult or a compliment?""I think you can say it's a compliment."I smiled."Then thank you."I took a sip from my butterbeer.Just when I was swallowing it my father spoke to me through our bond."Have you recieved my package from Nagini?""Yes father.May I ask what's inside?"He sighed."Once you read it,it'll make sense my dear."For a moment I felt Nagini around my waist but it wasn't Nagini.It was Draco secretly wrapping his arm around me."I'll read it tonight."Then the connection was broken.

     "Ula?"I got out of my trance."Sorry.I blacked out for a moment.""We asked why you were staying here?"I sighed."Oh that? got to me last year my mother thought it was best if I spent the summer here with the Malfoys.She knew Mrs.Malfoy."Crabbe high-fived with me."What was that for?""I don't know.Felt like it."I scoffed."I'm going to sneak some firewhiskey from the kitchen with Winky.Meet me at the roof."Blaise winked."I like the way you think Lopez."I winked back."I'm boring when I'm at school."I left and snuck into the kitchen."Winky!"She appeared on the kitchen island."Mistress Ula.You look wonderful."I smiled."Thank you Winky.Do you know where the firewhiskey is?"She shook her head."Winky don't lie to me."She pointed the cupboard."Thank you."

      I got the drinks and met the boys on the roof."What's up boys?I come baring drinks."I saw between Draco and Blaise.Next to Blaise,Crabbe and Goyle took place."First sip is birthday boy's."I handed him the bottle."I don't think I should.""Give it a try.It's totally ok if you don't want to Malfoy."He gave it to me."Let's a get a bit hammered as muggles would say."I drank big gulps but after the third I was done."Oh that felt good."I handed it to Blaise as they were cheering up.While we were all focused on Goyle,Malfoy grabbed my waist and leaned into my neck to whisper."If I get hammered I might just yell that I love you."I laughed."That's cute I have to admit."Then Goyle was done."How many gulps?""Five sips."I scoffed."Hand me the bottle you amatuers."That night was fun.

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