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           On Snape's request he opened it wide.Snape pointed his wand at the map."Reveal your secrets."Then he told Potter to read it but I wanted the pleasure to do so I got the map."Mssrs.Moony,Wormtail,Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and requests he keeps his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."He was furious when I said it with a cocky smile looking at him widely.Before he could say anything Lupin showed up."Well well.Lupin.Out for a little walk in the moonlight are we?"He tilted his head to side."Harry.Ula.Are you alright?"Snape snatched the map from me."That remains to be seen.I have now just confiscated a reather curious artifact.Take a look Lupin.Supposed to be your area of expertise.Clearly,it's full of dark magic."Dark magic my ass.It's a map!"I seriously doubt it,Severus.It looks as though it's a parchment design to insult anyone who tries to read it.I suspect it's a Zonko product."When Snape tried to get it back he pulled it away.He knows this is a map.He knows what this is."Nevertheless,I shall investigate  any hidden qualities it may posses.It is,after all,as you say,my area of expertise."He turned to us."Harry.Ula.Would you come with me please?"We nodded.Lupin turned to Snape."Professor,goodnight."

      Snape grabbed my arm and whispered."What are you doing?""Nothing."Then I followed Lupin to the DADA classroom."I haven't the faintest idea how this mape came to be in your possesion guys.But quiet frankly I am astounded that you didn't hand it in.Did it ever occur to any of you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to Harry?"We both shook our heads."No.""No sir it didn't."He came up to Harry."Your father never  set much store by the rules either.But he and your mother gave their lives to save you.And gambling their sacrifice by wandering in the caslte unprotected with a killer on the loose seems to me a poor way to repay them!"He turned to me this time."And you Ula.As much as you are good with the lessons I teach you even better than all of your classmates...that doesn't mean the two of you stand a chance against Sirius Black!"He backed away from us."Now,I will not cover up for neither of you again.Do you two hear me?"We nodded."Now I want you both to return to your dormitories and stay there."We were walking away."And don't take any detours.If you do.I shall know."He pointed the map with his wand.

       As we were about to leave from the door Harry stopped."Professor,just so you know.I don't think the map always works."Lupin turned to us."Earlier,it showed someone in the castle.Someone I know to be dead.""Oh really.Who might that be?"And Harry told him."Peter Pettigrew."Lupin's eyes widened."That's not possible.""It's just what I saw."I stepped up."I saw it too Professor Lupin."Then Harry grabbed my hand and led me to the door.We said goodnight to the professor and then we left.The second we were out the classroom I took my hand out of his."Just because I backed you up on something that really happened doesn't mean we're all lovey dovey now Potter."His eyes widened."I never said we were."I rolled my eyes."I did the mistake of coming to the Gryffindor common room."As I was walking away he grabbed my wrist."You're not like the rest of the Slytherins.You don't go bullying around like Malfoy.You don't even praise Malfoy like all of them does.You act tough,insult people but when you're with Stefan you act different.I think you act the way you do because you're around them.If you were to hang out with us you could be whoever you want."I took my wrist and rubbed it because he held tight.

     "You don't know anything about me.The way I act has nothing to do with Stefan or Malfoy or Malfoy's crew.My toughness isn't an act.My insults are real.Who says I don't bully people?Just because the people I bully are either my peers or the older students doesn't mean I don't bully.Potter I hate you.I have my reasons.The way I act around Stefan has nothing to do with me not being able to who I want to be.Stefan acts nice around me so I act nice around him.I don't act the way I do because I am like that.If Granger were to act nice around me and treat me nicely then I would do the same for her.Same goes for Cho,Ginny,Ron,George and Fred.And Malfoy is not the bad guy either.Niether is Goyle or Crabbe.Blaise's cockiness makes people think he is the bad guy.Not because he actually is.I don't have to explain anything to you.But if I wanted to hang with you people I would.I just don't."I walked away."Lumos."I came to the common room and I found Draco waiting beside the fireplace."It's almost midnight.""I was thinking the same thing.It's almost midnight and you're just now coming in.And you're no longer smiling like the way you left."

       He pays too much attention.Though it was kinda hard to miss.He was sitting like an Alpha male main character.I went over and sat on his lap.I hugged around his neck and crawled into his arms.He later on couldn't stay mad at me any longer so his gaze softened and her arms came around me."Where were you?After you got that letter you disappeared.Then when I finally saw you,you just kissed me and left.I'm not complaining but you left."I nodded."I know.And believe me I had a good reason.I would've been back earlier if that Potter didn't pull me into his business."His furious look was back and I realized what I just said."What did Potter do?!"I sighed."It's nothing.The boy is delusional.There is this Marauder's map.It's a map of Hogwarts.But the difference between that map and a normal map is that when you look at it you can see who is where and what they are doing.He said he saw this dude who was supposed to be dead appearently.But we think the map is broken.If it wasn't for Lupin,Snape would've sent us to detention for a whole month after that insult."

      He was still mad."Did he touch you?"My wrist still hurt a bit."It's nothing Draco.Don't worry about it."He first grabbed my left arm but I took it away."Not that one."I gave him my right arm.It was starting to have purple shades there."I'm gonna kill him."I sighed and cupped his face."Hey.Look at me."I kissed his forehead."It's ok.This is nothing.If it makes you feel better I will go see Madam Pomfrey first thing in the morning."He placed his hand on my cheek and his finger reached to the back of my neck.He pulled me and kissed me."It does.""Good."After we kissed I hugged him."Goodnight,darling.""Goodnight,Draco."I kissed his forehead again and left to go to my room.

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