Your Victim

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         Draco's condition has been getting better.Madam Pomfrey's hopes are getting higher and higher for his life.It's been 7 weeks and 2 days since he's been in there.He's so drained but he manages opens his eyes everyonce in a while.He has the strength to hold my hand.Today he's going to walk again.The past two weeks he's been trying to walk.He managed and he wanted to leave but...Madam Pomfrey and I insisted until we're sure he made a full recovery.I walked intot he hospital wing."Hey,ferret.""Hey,darling."I sat next to him on the bed and hugged him."I missed you."He hugged me back."I missed you too."I broke the hug."You are getting out of here.Finally.Almost two months in this place is truly depressing."He smiled a little.

         "Well Mr.Malfoy.Give it a go."Madam Pomfrey let him stand up."I'm fine Madam Pomfrey.I just want to leave."She smiled."You may leave,Mr.Malfoy.And you,Ms.Lopez,I hope he never gets hurt or sick again because you have been practically living here.Go get a good night sleep!"She was mad at me."Well I wasn't going to leave him alone."Draco hugged me and kissed my forehead."I'm glad you didn't."We left and bumped into Stefan on our way out."Hey cuz.""Hey,braveheart."Draco and Stefan are...not hateful towards each other anymore.They still aren't friends and I can't make them be friends but it's better than them not hating each other."Akulov.""Malfoy."I rolled my eyes."You two will be the death of me."

          We were going to go to my room with Draco but Stefan stopped us again."This came for you.My father got it for you appearently."I got the package."Cuba?I'm still questioning how they went from Russia to Bulgaria,from Bulgaria to Bahamas,from Bahamas to Miami,from Miami to Florida and now they are in Cuba?!"He laughed."I am asking the same question but basically?Yeah.They are in Cuba."I scoffed."I'll see you later."He nodded and we finally made it to my room.

          "You and Akulov are awfully closer than before.""He's family now.A family you are also a part of if I have to remind you."He scoffed."I didn't forget that I am married to you.I just...don't like how close you two are."I rolled my eyes."He's my cousin whether we are bound by blood or not.Step cousin or blood related cousin.He is my know I don't like him that way.I never did.""I know that.But he liked you that way.I bet he still does."I groaned."Stop with all that bullshit.He is my tia's son.Therefore he's my cousin."He rolled his eyes as he started changing into his black suit."Where are you going?""I haven't been able to check the cabinet for two months Ula."I sighed."I know that.But...I did."He turned to me."You did what?""He was mad that you got hurt and that your attepts had failed to kill Dumbledore.So he told me to keep working on it."

         "Seriously?!"I nodded."Look,Draco.I had no choice.You were lying that bed half dead!That killed me enough!I couldn't let him end you.I had to do as he said!"He sighed."I'm not mad that you did it.I'm upset that you didn't feel like you could tell me."I sighed in relief."It's not that I didn't feel like I could share it with you.It's because you were in recovery.I didn't want you to worry about me.That's all.If I told you there was no way,no way,you would've stayed in that bed.No way you could've made a full recovery.I just wanted you to be ok."He sat down."What else did you keep from me because of the same reason?""I used the liquid luck on you."I said it.It's not like he would judge me for it."You did what?""I knew you would wake up but I wanted to speed up the process.I didn't want to see you like that anymore."He sighed.

         "I would do the same."I sighed in relief.I leaned on his shoulder."I guess I owe you my life."I shook my head."I helped.The rest was you.You underestimate the amount of strength you have,Malfoy."

          A couple days went by and I woke up in the middle of the night.When I looked at the other side of the bed Draco was gone.But the bed was still warm from his body tempreture.I got out of bed."He's been gone for only a couple minutes."I turned to Asmo and nodded."Thanks."I adjusted my short that I slept in and my shirt.I got my jacket and left the room.I found the closest thing I could to wear and it was my fluffy homeboots.The sound of thunder scared me.I had a guess of where Draco could be.I went to the vanishing cabinet.As I was going McGonagall told me to go to my house.I didn't.I snuck into the room of requirements and the second I went in a cold harsh breeze hit me.I went to the cabinet and Bellatrix got out of it.Followed by many other Death Eaters."You did it Draco.So did you m'lady."I sighed in discomfort.Draco turned to me."You were supposed to be asleep."I shook my head."You know how I am.""How lovely."We both turned to Bellatrix and the others.

         Draco got me by hand and we left."Leave,darling.Ula you need to leave.""I am a part of this as much as you are."He locked me to my room and left.He can't kill Dumbledore.I won't let him do this to himself.It will ruin him."Bombarda Maxima."The wooden door was in pieces.I ran as fast as I could.I made it to the Astronomy tower right on time."He trusts me!I was chosen!"Draco showed him his mark."Draco you're not alone!"I yelled behind him.I walked towards him."You think you could lock me up in my room to prevent me from stopping you do this?""Then I shall make it easy for you."Draco disarmed him the second he took out his wand."Very good.Very good."Draco was so scared and terrified."Don't do this.""You're not alone.There are others.How?"I was in tears."The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirements.I've been mending it."

         "Let me guess.It has a sister.A twin.""In Borgin and Burkes.They form a passage."I couldn't help but cry silently in the background."Draco don't do this.""Draco,years ago,I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices.Please let me help you."Draco snapped back."I don't want your help!Don't you understand?!I have to do this!I have to kill you!Or he's gonna kill us.He's gonna kill Ula."I stepped in front of him."If you're doing this because of me.Don't.Not for me."Then everybody came upstairs.Bella,Fenrir..."Well,look what we have here.Well done,Draco."She leaned and whispered to his ear."Step away form him.That's on order."Bella was frustrated and extremely annoyed but she did as I told her to."Good evening Bellatrix.I think introductions are in order,don't you?""Love to,Albus,but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight schedule."She turned to Draco."Do it."She hissed at him.

         "He doesn't have the stomache,just like his father.Let me finish him in my own way."Bella was against Fenrir's idea."No!The Dar Lord was clear,the boy is to do it.This is your moment.Do it.Go on,Draco.Now!"I went against Bellatrix."SHUT UP BELLATRIX!"She stepped away.I looked at Draco in the eyes."It's not too late.You are nothing like your father."I snatched his wand as Snape walked."I'm so sorry professor.Avada Kedavra."I killed Dumbledore."What have done?!"The question I was asked echoed in my brain.I killed Dumbledore.I feel...horrible.I feel the same way I felt when Cedric died.It hits different when you know your victim or the victim you watch as they die.Dumbledore's dead.And it's entirely my fault.

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