Tus Padres?

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            I went back to my uncle."How do you know my full name?"I crossed my arms in front of my chest."Just wanted to see your reaction young lady.I must say that I was not pleased with it."I scoffed."Who gives a fuck if you are pleased with it?Not me.That I can guarantee.Maybe instead of playing games and shit like a fucking toddler,try not to piss me off."He scoffed."Te niña do you have any idea who you are talking to?"I nodded."Yeah.I actually do.Unlike you."He chuckled."Is that a threat?"I shook my head with a devilish smirk."If I were threatening you,you would know.I'm just saying that you clearly don't know who you're talking to.Which is absolutely fine as long as ou don't piss me off."

            "I reckon that Mrs.Malfoy should be locked up in an insane asylum.""Maybe we'd be roommates.What do you say?"I raised my pinky finger."Besties for life?"He scoffed as I rolled my eyes."You know what?I'm just going to talk to my tia for a moment then I'm out of here."Me and my aunt went to the kitchen."What is it mi querida?"I took in a deep breath."I'm taking your advice.I am leaving.I am running away.Going rebel.Whatever you want to call it.I'm out of London.Soon I'll be out of this mansion.Draco and I...we had enough.We got our heartsbroken.We got tortured.We tormented each other with our own fears.Voldemort isn't happy with our relationship either.She wanted me to take off my promise ring on my birthday this year because appearently I can't and won't marry Draco.He didn't know we were already married and I am afraid he'll do something to him.I am tired of constantly watching my moves because one mistake and it's either Ezra or Draco."

            "I am so happy you're listening to me.But if it's Draco or Ezra...where is Ezra?"I sighed."We split up.He is in China.He said he wanted to see it before but couldn't.And I knew if we split up he had less percentage of finding any of us.Ezra is...strong and powerful.Even if it were for him to be caught he could escape easily.So can I and Draco."She got my hands on the kitchen island."What changed your mind?What changed your mind that you are ready to risk it all?Risk Draco's life.Risk Ezra's life.Risk your life.Risk mine and Ivan's lives.Twins and Stefan."I took a deep breath in."About a week ago,the night we decided to run away,I had detention and Alecto was torturing me.Normally it never affected me after proper training.And uhm...I was fine for a while.But then-"I couldn't continue.I paused for a moment and turned back to my aunt.

           "I'm just going to say it.Rip the band aid."I took a deep breath."I had a miscarriage."She started crying."Oh mi querida.Tu pobrecito.Debes estar muy molesta, mi pequeña."(Oh my dear.You poor little thing.You must be so upset,my little girl.)She hugged me tightly.Then in an instant she let go."Your tio could get you under his protection."I scoffed."After the way I treated him?If places were switch,he'd be dead.I feel luck he isn't like me."She scoffed."Believe me.That's his special treatment.You could've been in Azkaban for that."She got my hand."He's your tio whether he likes it or not.Got it,mi niña?"I nodded and we left the kitchen."Harmano?"Sanhez turned to Lydia."Hermana.Sobrina."I sighed."Tio."My aunt leaned to my ear."Do you mind if I tell him?I'll try my best not to."I kissed her cheek."He's going to learn eventually.So will Ivan.Stefan already knows."She nodded and turned to my uncle and her brother."Necesitamos hablar, Sánchez."(We need to talk,Sanchez.)

            Tio and tia left.Ivan got worried and wanted to head in.It was me,Draco and the guards."What are they going to talk about?""I told her.It...hurt like hell.But...I told her.She's my tia."He got my hand and made me sit down.But it wasn't really like...by force.He sat down next to me without letting my hands go."I couldn't have done it if I were you.Whoever it may be:My mum,father,aunt Bella...I couldn't have done it."I sighed."I know."I hugged his neck but then I saw the guards staring at the two of us and let go of him."They are watching."I whispered.He chuckled."Ok then.This tia and tio thing is easy to understand.Tia is aunt and tio is uncle."I chuckled."You're adorable and I love it."Fuck the watching creepy guards.I kissed Draco."Ok so...tia is aunt.Tio is uncle.The difference is the last letter.If it's a female there is a and if it's male then o.Exceptions are here and there.Hermana is sister and sobrina is niece."

           "That makes hermano brother and sobrino nephew.Right?"I nodded."Exactly.Mi niña and mi pequeña means my little girl.Mi niño means my little boy."As we were talking and I was explaining bits and pieces of what I mostly use if it's English and Spanish mixed in a sentence,my uncle and aunt came back in with Ivan."Sobrina?"I stopped talking to Draco and turned to my uncle."Tio."I stood up."You have a lot of explaining to do.""Tio I have no idea what tia told you but...whatever she said...it's probably the truth.What do I have to explain."He sighed."Ula if not for explaining I want to talk to my sobrina if that's alright by you."Draco got me behind him and looked at my uncle."I don't like you.And I most certainly don't trust you with her."My uncle rolled his eyes."Veré su cadáver cuando envíe los papeles del divorcio."(I'll see your dead body when you send over the divorce papers.)

            I couldn't help but chuckled.I tried to keep it in."Y te veré cuando lo firmes con lágrimas corriendo por tu rostro."(And I'll see you when you sign it with tears running down your face.)Now it's not funny.My smile faded and I went over."Send your guards."I let my eyes shine red without the guards' attention.He sent them away."You wanna talk?Fine.THAT?You're not allowed to get into.You might just burn."I was on flames."Santa mie-Ula?"I went back to my original features."Tia do you mind if I talk with my tio in your office?"She nodded her head and we went up to her office."So...?"He looked at me awkwardly."Dude you were the one who wanted to talk."He sighed."Look,Ula.I know I wasn't there.I never were.I know that Lydia was and I ccan see the two of you being very attached to each other."I scoffed.

          "I'm sorry?Attached?She's my aunt.Mi tia.She's been taking care of me for quite some time now.Especially after Mami died.Ezra left me.Even though I begged him not to.I lost my brother.I lost my mother.And until tia married Ivan she was the only family I had.My own father hates me.My godfather is using me as his weapon and I am running away from him.Wanna know why?Because I'm scared.Not my biggest fear...but it doesn't make it any less scary.For all those years!You sat in your study in the ministry headquarters for years!No visit.Hell!No owl!Like the owls went suddenly extinct!Let's say you had your reasons or you didn't hear about mami's death.Why haven't I met you 9 years ago at abuelita and abuelito's funeral?Tus padres?"(Your parents?)He had no answer.He couldn't have have an answer.Uncle?My ass.

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