When I Say It's Over

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          "Prepare to be amazed.""Really?Let's see what you have."We started dancing and he was playing with me.He was making his voice sound bad and he kept making song noises that really wasn't a song.We tripped over.We fell.It didn't change.We kept dancing."You are perfectly ready for this Malfoy.I am really proud.""I thought you didn't want to lie to me."I smiled and placed my hands on his torso's sides."I did say that but this is a white lie.If you aren't acting like you suck then I don't want you to feel bad."He smiled and placed his hands around my waist."I'm not this horrible.It was fun.I'll dazzle you when we are actually on the dance floor."I got on my toes and gave him a peck on the lips.Before I could leave his lips his hands got up to my cheeks from my waist and kissed me for real."What in Merlin's name are you doing to me Ula Lopez?"I giggled."The same thing you're doing to me Ferret."He kissed me once again.Then the door was knocked."Ula?"Shit that's Snape.I wishpered to Draco."My closet.Go."I pushed him inside.I looked around if he had something left outside.

        "Come in."I took the book out of my face and stood up from the bed I was laying on."Well if this isn't Severus Snape in flesh.""Are you going back to your mother this Christmas?"I tied my hair up with my pen."What do you think Snape?You think I would want to go to that place again?"He raised his eyebrows."If she told you to...would you come?"I turned my back to him and took my pen out.As I was turning around I threw the knife and his sleeve stuck on my wall."My mother loved me!She protected me!She spared time to spend with me!What did you do?!Tell me Snape what did you do?!You never called her!I bet you never even thought of reaching out to her!You left the second Lily Potter was dead!"At this point I was shaking.It took me a while to realize I was crying."Watch how you talk to me Ula."He took the knife and threw it on the floor."Don't call me Ula,Severus!That is for my friends and my family.You are niether of them!You are my potions master and that is the end of this conversation!"

       "I am your birth father Ula!And you will respect me as such!And this conversation is over when I say it's over!This conversation is ongoing Ula."He swooshed his cape and left.He slammed the door on his way out."FUCK!"Draco got out of the closet and it hit me that he heard it all."Snape is your father?"But I was shaken to my core to answer his question.I got my hands on my heart and my stomache.Sobbing my soul out."He's going to choose Harry over me every single time!He left us both for someone who was bound to die!"He was shaken up too but he slowly came and held me."Come now."


      I have so many questions.So many that only she and Snape could answer.But she was crumbling down before my eyes.I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me.I don't want to leave her.Not like this.Especially not like this.I crawled next to her under the quilt.Her arms around my neck and mine around her waist we are as close as we could get."Why didn't you tell me?""I told no one Draco!The more people that knows the more it breaks me.More emberassed I am.Because the more people that knows also knows that he would choose Harry over me every time."I know how she feels.I know exactly how she feels.This whole summer.Father and mum talked about this kid.Even though mum insisted that it was just a kid that they were talking about father was impressed.He liked whoever this kid was.And I know that father would prefer him over me as his son.


     I have to oblivate him.He can't.Not this way.I reached to my nightstand."What is it darling?""I'm so sorry.But this was not the way you were supposed to learn.I was supposed to tell you."I sat up on the bed as he did."Ula what are you doing?""Obliviate."Erasing this memory of him learning about Snape and I's relationship I replaced it with a one rather much more delightful.Us continuing dacning and later on getting tired and falling asleep togather.When I was done he fell on the pillow.It was painful to do this to him.But I'm going to tell him.I'm gonna tell him tomorrow morning.

      Tomorrow morning came faster than I thought."Good morning."He woke up with my words."I fell asleep here didn't I?"I smiled."You swept my feet off the floor with those moves Malfoy I have to admit."I giggled with a wide smile.He kissed me and got on top of me before he started tickling me."Oh good God get off of me Malfoy."He laughed and stopped.My smile didn't stay long."We need to talk."I sat on my bed as he kept laying."Last night...you found out something.You weren't supposed to learn it the way you did.So I erased your memory of finding out last night."He got up on the bed."You did what?"I sighed as tears fell down."Last night Snape came in to talk to me.We faught.It got heated.And it got heated fast."His eyes widened."Did he hurt you?"He lifted my hair and looked at my neck.He looked at my right wrist but I stopped him before he could get to my other wrist.

       "He didn't hurt me,love.Don't worry."I pointed the wall."You see the damaged wallpaper there?"I got off the bed and picked up my knife."This was there.I threw it at him out of anger.His sleeve got stuck on the wall.He didn't hurt me.But if my aim wasn't great he would be."I turned my knife back into it's pen form."How-Wow.That is brilliant.Wait.What am I saying?I'm mad at you."I smiled weakly and went back to bed after locking the door."Why did you guys fight?"I sighed."Because he is my father."His eyes widened."We were fighting about me spending Christmas with him.But I think it's better if I show you."I got up from the bed.I know Dumbledore uses this technique.A bowl of memories.So I did the same.I took my tear and gave it to Draco."Put it in the bowl then watch."He dropped my tear and he went in.He knew.

       When he got out I put the bowl on my nightstand and wiped his face with my bare hands."I didn't want you to learn the way you did Draco.I wanted you to hear it from me.That wasn't the way you were supposed to learn.Do you see why I did what I did?"His eyes still wide."You almost killed Snape."I sighed."I know.I wouldn't.I have great aim.I've been training for years."What I didn't expect was that he pulled my from my neck and waist with each of his hand."Believe it or not I should be thankful that you oblivated me.I wouldn't have bare the tears you shed last night."I sighed in relief."So you don't hate me for what I've done?"He pushed me away."Of course I don't.I love you Ula."I kissed him.But it didn't last long when my door was knocked.

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