Girls Night Out

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                Eve and Stefan left a couple days ago.I had an amazing idea."Draco,I have an idea."He turned to me.So did Blaise and Theo.Four of us were talking."What idea?""Let's go to my house back in US.I haven't been there for exactly five years."He thought about it."Oh...I see.You want to get the teddy bear.One with the little green plaid bow tie?"I rolled my eyes."Five years ago huh?Geez it's been so long."I turned to Blaise."I know right? asked me out in the compartment five years ago.Remember?"Blaise rolled his eyes."I didn't know we'd be in the situation we are today though.If I knew I never would've asked."I scoffed."I'm glad you asked.Draco was jealous."Draco rolled his eyes."I was also 13.Thanks."Theo cut in."Does anyone know what happened to Pansy after the war?""She's lucky if she's alive."I turned to Theo."Why did you ask it like that?What am I missing out?"

                "Right.You came after that.When you-know-who asked for Harry to be handed.Pansy jumped in and asked why no one was grabbing him.She wanted to hand Harry to him."I rolled my eyes."I should've seen it coming.She was always such a bitch.At least she was nicer to me after she told me she had a crush on me."Blaise started laughing."Right!She made out with you too when we were playing that game you showed us.What was it's name?"I giggled."The Flirt you mean?Yeah I remember.Goyle ruined it with implying that I was his fiancée.I wasn't.Anyway.He's gone now.I feel bad talking behind his back now."

             Then he started kicking."Oh good Lord please stop kicking."I looked down at my bump."Dude check it out."Draco told Theo and Blaise to touch my bump and he kicked.All three boys jumped away."That thing is rabid.""You tell me?I want chocolate."I stood up and left."WINKY!"


           "Man I never thought I'd see the day you'd be a dad.""Niether did I man."Then my dad came in."Where is that little idiot?"I rolled my eyes."You do realize she's your daughter in law right?"He rolled his eyes."Whatever,son."As he was walking away I stopped him."She was craving chocolate.She's probably in the kitchen.""It wasn't that hard now,was it son?"Then he left."I've never seen Mr.Malfoy like that either."I scoffed."He's been like this ever since Ula beat him at the shot competition we held in Madrid.Sometimes she spends more time with my parents than she does with me.I swear.It's either checking my baby pictures with my mom to see how the baby would look like if he turned out to be like me.Or fighting with my dad over the most stupid things like kids.Then she calls me a toddler."

            "When is the wedding then?She's already pregnant."I keep forgetting not everyone knows."We're already married.We have been married for one year,8 months,one week and a day."They narrowed their eyes."Since when are you a softie,Malfoy?""Since I met her?You guys are way behind."Blaise jumped in."Bachelor party.You,me,Theo and I'll bring a couple more buddies if you catch my drift."I rolled my eyes."You,me,Theo.No buddies.We can drink."Then my dad and Ula came back.Ula had a chocolate tablet in her hand."I'm back."She sat back on her spot."They're throwing me a bachelor party.Just the three of us and some drinking.""Ok.But I expect a performance if an event like the 'Valentina incident' happens.Understood?"I kissed her neck and whispered."Understood,darling."

            "What is the Valentina incident?"Ula started laughing."One of literally the best moments of my life.That bitch was dead.I'll leave you boys to it.But when you come back we'll go to my old house."I nodded."Then we'll get the teddy bear?""Then we'll get the teddy bear."She left.Me and the boys left to go to the bar.


            I Apparated to Madrid to Camila's house.I knocked on the door and a guy answered the door."Who are you?""Who are you?"Emphasis on the 'you'.Who the hell does he thinks asking my name.I'm THE best friend."Who are you even looking for?"I rolled my eyes and dismissed the question.I went straight in."Camila!Who is this idiot?"Camila came out of her room with a robe.Probably naked underneath."Oh...I get it now.""David this is my best friend,Ula.Ula,my boyfriend David."I turned to Camila after looking at David."Were you going to tell me?""Yes."I rolled my eyes."Fine then.I thought I'd come over.Blaise and Theo are taking Draco out for a bachelor party appearently."Camila's jaw fell on the floor."And you let him go?Without an inside men?"I nodded."Oh he knows damn well I'd divorce his ass if he even thinks about cheating on me.Besides...I trust him.Blaise can be...tempting.But...he'll do fine.We've been togather for five years and have been married for almost two."

           "I'm still here by the way."Camila and I turned to David."Yeah no one cares."We said in unison and turned back to each other."I'll get dressed and we can go out too.""See,Camila.You get me.I brought my own dress.I don't fit in yours anymore."She chuckled and we left David there to dress up.I wore a black kind of bohemian dress."Let's kidnap Eve,Ginny and Hermione.We could have a girls night out."Camila turned to me."Genius.Truly Genius."We were ready and we went to Hog's Head."Hey Ab."He turned to me."Who-Ula?"I smiled."Wow...that's-"I cut him off."Big?I know.But that's not why I'm here."Ab couldn't take his eyes off my belly."Ab.I need to get to the Room of Requirements."His eyes widened."No.McGonagall will kill me."I smiled."If I am to be caught your name will not be mentioned Ab.Don't worry."

            Camila stayed back with Ab siince she's a muggle.I managed to get to the Slytherin common room without being caught.Eve was there."Ula?!"She came over."Hey kiddo.Go get dressed and meet me at the seventh floor.We're going out."I winked at her and she went to her room.I left and managed my way to the Gryffindor common room."Hey Fat Lady.""Oh it's you again.You look...different."I rolled my eyes."Can you knock on the door?"She nodded and door was opened by this younger student.Oh this is Nigel."Hey Nigel.Is Hermione and Ginny in there?"He just stared down to my bump."Nigel?Ginny and Granger?"Then Hermione came out."Nigel go back in."She turned to me."How the hell did you sneak in?""Get Ginny too.Dress up and meet us on the seventh floor if you know what I mean.Well go on!Go get ready."I went to the seventh floor and started waiting.All three showed up and we all ended up in Hog's Head."I hope you guys got people to cover for you."They looked at each other."We got Nigel.""That's what I'm talking about Gin.Let's go."

           I get tired quickly because of my condition so we went to the closest wizard bar to the manor."Three firewhiskey and a non-alcoholic butterbeer for me."Waiter nodded with a smile and left.A couple minutes later our drinks came.We were dancing and everything but I got tired.Girls kept dancing but I sat down.I was drinking my butterbeer with a long straw and the glass was basically standing on my semi-ginormous bump."What are you doing here?"I turned around to see Draco."What am I doing here?What are you doing here?"Then we spoke in unison."This is the closest wizard bar to the manor."We both chuckled and he sat down next to me."I thought I would come here so if you needed me I would be able to come as fast as I could."I kissed his cheek."I came here because if I were to be tired...I could just go home easily.But I forgot that I have to drop Gin and Granger back to Hog's Head and Camila back to Madrid."I pointed the girls.

           "You brought the entire gang I see."I nodded.I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around my shoulders and bump."I missed you.""I missed you too,darling."Dude we only spent 4 hours apart.

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