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         Next morning we were all having breakfast."There has been a change of plans.Draco you will go with your mother and Ms.Lopez and I have somewhere to be."I looked at Lucius."I don't remember wanting to spend my birthday with you Lucius."He rolled his eyes."I also believe I warned you about rolling your eyes at me."Draco placed his hand on my thigh.I sighed."You know what?I'm going to shut up today.It's my birthday.Why make myself mad at you when I want a peaceful day?"An hour later Draco and Narcissa left.I went to Lucius' study."What's up oldie?"I came in without knocking.He hates that."You have two months to train.I don't really understand why you wouldn't tell me who you will be breaking out but you have to work on your patronus."I smiled."Dude I know how to produce one.I did once.It was 4 years ago.I think I worked on it for a week and it worked out fine for the whole neighborhood."

      "I want to hate you for the disrespect but you keep impressing me Ms.Lopez.""How do you think I was able to stay in Hogwarts with that much trouble record Lucius?Because they found me redeemable?Fuck that shit.But what I came here for is to ask 'why'."He sighed."My Lord contacted me and told me that he thought maybe you should pick your birthday present.And that's why I am taking you to a snake breeding area.They have all types of snakes in their possesion and your father thinks it's time you get one."I covered my mouth."My very own Nagini huh?I like that.Let's go."I was already dressed and we left.

    "Do you have something in your mind miss?"I smiled.I did my research years ago."I want a black baby boy noddle.Venemous if it's possible."The man that worked there took me to an aisle."Not that one.Not this one either.This?No.Uh...Yes!This one."He opened the little drawer."These are not venemous but I think it's a better option."I looked into the drawer."That little noodle right there.I want him.Can I take him with my hand?"He nodded and I got the little snake into my hand."Hey you little noddle.Your name should be...Asmodeus.Regardless of being Lucifer's weakest creation he takes over the hell."He's just too cute!

          "Your dad and I could talk the financials and how to look out for it while you enjoy your time with him

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          "Your dad and I could talk the financials and how to look out for it while you enjoy your time with him.You seem like a brave little girl."I looked at the man."Sir with all due respect...what the fuck?My dad?"I rolled my eyes."I'm going to hang out with Asmodeus while you two talk.He's much cuter.This little noodle right here."Then I walked away."Hey there.""Hi!"He's cheerful."I'm Ula.People call me by my surname sometimes which is Lopez.Today is my 15th birthday and my father got his men to get me here.So...Asmodeus?Do you like your name?"He nodded."You talked about it's story.I liked it."I giggled."You can go around my hand just don't get inside my clothes because I don't want to open my sleeves.I have this tattoo like thing that I have to hide all the time.Could you do that for me?"He nodded and he started wandering between my fingers and around my thumb.

       On the ride to the manor I told Asmodeus all about everyone.Who I like.Who I don't like.Who I live with.I basically told him my entire life."We're here."I got out of the car and wwent into the manor with Lucius."Why do you not like him again?""Because he says mean and bad words to his son.And I love his son.So my protectiveness kicks in everytime I see him."He nodded.We later on had lunch."What would you like to eat?"He sighed."Any chance I could eat a treefrog?"I smiled."Of course you little noodle."I turned to Lucius."Treefrog.I need a treefrog."He scoffed."I'm not going to catch it myself."I rolled my eyes."Winky!"Then Winky appeared on the table."What did I tell you about standing on the table you im-"I cut him off."Lucius!Do not push my limits or so help me Merlin I will cut your head off."I turned to Winky."Winky this is Asmodeus my little noddle.He wants to eat a treefrog.Could you find me one?"She nodded and left.

     We left the dining hall and I was in my room when Winky came in with a dead treefrog in her hand."I didn't know if you wanted it dead or alive but you said your snake was going to eat it."I chuckled."I did say that.Put it in Asmo's place."I pointed the glass cage with an open top.She put it in there."Oh and Master Draco is back with Mistress Narcissa."I smiled."Thanks Winky."I thought he was going to come.Why isn't he here then?Just when I was deep in thought I heard rushing footsteps.I got out of my room and saw Draco being forced into his room."You.Come."I scoffed."Who do you think you are?!"He grabbed and forced me down."Let me go!I can walk on my own!"I got down the stairs and it was my mother and Voldemort."Mother!"I jumped on her."I missed you."I broke the hug and then hugged my godfather."I was starting to think you two weren't showing up."My mother giggled."Never."I smiled."Lucius says that you picked a non-venemous snake."I nodded."Well I liked that one so I said fuck it.Who cares if it's venemous or not?"He kissed my forehead."I am glad you like it."

     "Sugarplum,show me your room so we can pack."I chuckled."Why would I pack?""Because we're leaving baby.You couldn't have stayed here forever.Besides you need to train."I scoffed."Please.You know I am better than almost all of you.I'd be thrid place or something.Maybe even second.I don't really have to train so hard."Lucius stepped forward."My Lord if I may?"He nodded."Draco is weak.Ms.Lopez isn't as she showed me multiple times.Could she possible train Draco?She would be training herself too.It's a win for both sides."I turned to Lucius."You could've just said 'win-win' but you should know that Draco is the best student in Hogwarts as an academical record.I'm second place because of the trouble I am in all the god damn fucking time."

     "He'll be joining us soon.I think I'm going to agree with you this time Lucius."Then he turned to me."Happy birthday sweet Ula."I smiled and they both left.I turned to Lucius."Did you mean what you said or did just want me to stay here for no reason?""Tomorrow you two begin."Then he left.I scoffed.What kind of fuckery is this?

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