Since I was 10

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         "Lopez?"I crossed my arms on my chest and leaned on the wall behind me."What are you gonna do?Use the Cruciatus curse on me?"He pulled his sleeves.He grabbed me from my shoulders and made me stand straight without leaning."Are you her daughter?"I scoffed."What?Are you going to tell me if you knew you would've visited?Bullocks!"Then the students got out of the Great Hall since the dinner was over.I saw a Slytherin robe and followed it as Snape got confused with students running around.I went inside the common room.Dungeons.Great design.It's really nice.With the unburning fireplace it's not so cozy.The leather couches seem comfy.While I was just walking Blaise hit me with his shoulder as he was going to go past me."You really want to play that game Zambini?"He turned to me."What are you gonna do?Stab me like you stapped Parkinson?"I scoffed."Hey.Stop right there.Just because that perra sees me as a competition doesn't give her the right to call me a mudblood when I'm not.She got what she deserved."Then these two guys grabbed my arms.Everybody was watching now.

         "You think you could dismiss my words like that,darling?"I rolled my eyes."What are you gonna do Malfoy?Call your daddy?"Yeah...I knew about his situation.I thought I would put some salt around his wound so he would regret even thinking that I would back off."Crabbe.Goyle."The two guys let me go.I got rid of the non-existing dust on my arms and shoulders."You'll see when I talk to my father about this."All his crew left in frustration.That fucker thinks he can fuck with me.Well I don't thinks so."Hey there.I'm-I'm Daphne."She reached for my hand."Don't worry.I'm not a part of their group."I sighed."Uh...sure.Ula."I gave her my hand and we shook hands."No one really likes Pansy.The act you saw is just image.It's nothing major."She smiled bright."You're better than those pollas anyways."She looked at me curious."So which school did you transfer from?People say it's Catalonia.What's the real answer?"We sat down on those leather couches."I'm not a transfer student.Let's put that out there.Also I don't trust anyone here.I only like that Akulov guy.He was the first guy to don't push a button since I walked through that brick wall."

       "You have a crush on the Durmstrang boy?Well that's just interesting.I want to see that happen."I scoffed."Oh you got it all wrong.Just because he's not a fucking arsehole doesn't mean I have 'crush' on him as you refered."She scoffed."I'll see you two when things get heated."I rolled my eyes."I just want to head to bed.Do you know where my room is?"I handed her the letter they gave me for my room number."Oh...they gave you a room with no roommate.You're staying on your own."I smiled as I mumbled under my breath."I like those Death Eaters."Daphne spoke up."Did you say something?"I shook my head."Oh.Nothing.Can you lead me to my room?"She nodded and we headed to my room.It was bed for two.Daphne left and I unpacked.I saw that my uniforms were already hung in my closet.I changed into my pyjamas.Before I wore my long sleeved shirt I stared at myself in the mirror.Especially my fore arm.I've had this mark since I was 10!First year was hard.I was just a kid and it really scared me.But then I got used to it.Sometimes I drew little hearts or stars around it to make it look cute.Though when I took a shower the mark stayed and the rest was washed off.

        I wore the shirt to my waist when Draco came into the room.I pulled the shirt down fast."What are you doing here?"His back was turned when she saw me changing."Since when do you stay here?!"I rolled my eyes."Look at me when you're talking to me."He turned to me."You didn't answer me.Since when do you stay here?Why aren't you with the other girls?"I rolled my eyes."Sooner or later you'll figure it out chico.Probably next year."He narrowed his eyes and came closer to me as I stood on the same spot."Who are you Lopez?"I scoffed."Who I none of your goddamn business,Malfoy."He stayed that close to me and just then I paid enough attention to his icy grey eyes.Truly mesmerizing.His narrowed eyes were now wide open."I'm gonna head out."He quickly walked to the door."Ayo Malfoy!"He stopped and turned right when he opened the door."What?""I don't know why you came here in the first place but if you need a place to hide from's not my bedroom it's the library."He rolled his eyes and left.Dis he think I would say 'you can come here'?Oh hell no!

        We were all leaving breakfast for our classes.On my way I saw Akulov."Hey breaveheart!"He stopped.He wasn't smiling.Instead he kept walking."Akulov!"But he just walked faster and faster.We entered divination class and I was going to sit next to him.The seat next to him was taken."Do you mind?"Because of what I have done to Parkinson the kid next to him stood up right away."Am I that scary?Damn."Then I sat in his place.Malfoy and his guards Crabbe and Goyle came later.I was sitting right behind the Potter dude.I wanted to kick his ass and kill him right there but we were in class.Every time I see him my hand curls up in a ball and my knuckles get whiter."Did you come here for nothing or to just scare my friend?"I turned to Akulov wide eyed."Sorry.Uh...Lost in my train of thoughts.I came he-"Then Professor Trelawney came in.We finished our tea we were all instructed to look at our cups to see our 'future' apperantly.

        I had a falcon.It means an enemy.I sure as hell know who that is.I was holding the tea cup and I accidently broke it.I was bleeding.I mumbled under my breath."Fuck."Because of the adrenalin it didn't hurt.It will once it's gone though."Mr.Akulov please take Ms.Lopez to the hsopital wing."I sighed."I can go on my own Professor Trelawney.I'll be fine."But she insisted."Ms.Lopez you're new.We don't want you getting lost now do we?""I'm cool with being lost."I grabbed my stuff and left.Akulov ended up right behind me."Since we obviously will be spending the following years togather I want to know why you wanted to talk to me."I sighed."There is no actual reason.Ever since the train ride you were the first people to ever not touch a nerve.So I thought we could be you know...friends I guess.I don't know what you guys call it but I guess that's the right term.Besides you weren't smiling."We entered the hospital wing.Then a woman came over."Oh dear!Come come now."She took a look at my hand."Well luckly not too deep.You won't need stiches.It won't leave a scar either.Let's clean it up shall we?"

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