That Conversation

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           How can I,a headmaster,could tell a bunch of children that my daughter,their friend or wife,has just lost her baby?They are all just bunch of kids.Ula is the only thing I have left after Lily.She will lose her mind.And since Draco and her friends will be broken she'll lose her mind more.I can't do this.Without a word to Draco I went to Madam Pomfrey."I can't tell them,Madam Pomfrey."She sighed."If I understood correctly from what you had said headmaster Snape,she is indeed your daughter."I nodded and a couple tears fell."I cannot do this,Madam Pomfrey.I will be,however,in my office."Then I left.


           He just left.He just-He left!That fucker!Madam Pomfrey came over."Dears you should all sit down."I was at the front so she made me sit down and so did the others when they saw me sit."Madam Pomfrey?What is wrong with my cousin?"Madam Pomfrey looked at Stefan."Who is,by chance,Ms.Lopez's boyfriend?"I raised my hand."That'd be me.Madam Pomfrey I am begging you to tell me what's wrong."She sat next to me."You see,Mr.Malfoy,when Ms.Lopez was being tortured by the torture curse,I dare not say it's name,she was not the only one being tortured.And unlike Ms.Lopez,it did not survive."I scoffed."What are you talking about?"She covered her mouth."Oh,dear you didn't know?""Didn't know what,Madam Pomfrey?!"She sighed."Ula was pregnant.""Wha-"And it all went black.


            "Malfoy?!"Eve got Draco off the ground and made him sit."Madam Pomfrey,I don't understand."She turned to me."Mr.Akulov it is quite simple.When Ms.Lopez was being tortured the baby was too young to bare that pain.It died.Even if it's not because the baby could not endure the pain,it would've died regardless because that type and amount of pain wouldn't help the carrying body,Ula's body.The body would fail to keep the baby."I scoffed."Unbelievable.I could've been an uncle right now!"I stood up and started pacing.Neville tried to calm me down.Ginny and Eve helped Madam Pomfrey to take Draco into the hospital wing so she could tend to him too.This is so fucked up."Stefan calm down.""Neville I know that things between me and Ula started different but she's my family now.I can't and I won't lose her.She is more like my sister than my cousin.It's like watching my little sister in pain."


           I woke up in the hospital wing.I looked around to see where Madam Pomfrey was.It was so dark.I got out of the bed and found Ula.So it wasn't a nightmare after all.Then Madam Pomfrey came in."I was hoping you would wake up by now,Mr.Malfoy.I assumed you'd be here.Follow me."I didn't move."How?"She pulled a chair to the other side of Ula's bed."I personally don't think Ms.Lopez knew that she was pregnant.Or she never would've let herself be treated like that.However...I do not suggest you to keep this piece of information to yourself.She deserves to know."I turned to her."So uhm...I was going to be a dad?"She nodded.I covered my face with my hands as I buried my face onto Ula's belly to cry."I'll leave you to it then."Then I heard Madam Pomfrey's fading footsteps.

           Then I felt a hand behind my neck.I would know her touch anywhere."Ula?"I straightened up and turned around to wipe my face and everything before she sees me."What happened?Ah!That hurt."She was trying to get up."Not yet,darling."I got her hands."I swear to God I thought I would be ok with it.That I could endure it.I don't know how I passed out."How am I gonna tell her?I can't do it!"Can you give me a minute?Just a minute?"She scoffed."O-Ok.Yeah.Sure."I went out and I saw all of them still waiting."She woke up and...I can't tell her.Akulov?"He got up."You hold her back and I...tell her?How the fuck am I gonna do this?""Hold her back?Why?"I fixed my hair."She lost her voice for a whole month when her mother died.Think about it if she learned that it was her kid."

           "We're fucked."I nodded."That we are."Eve rolled her eyes."As an orphan?I get it.I also think we should all go in.I have a feeling she will resent you in the end of that conversation."I slightly pushed Akulov out of my way."Eve?What is it you're not telling us?"She sighed."My muggle adoptive parents.They uh...they had something like this happen to them.And my adoptive mother...She did not take it well.She didn't want to see my adoptive father.In fact she even made him sign a divorce.Since they were divorced and I was their children I had to stay with one of them.But that's not the thing.My point here is that...she was ok with her friends' comfortings and presence when she resented my adoptive father so much that she ended up divorcing him.At least you guys are not married.And there is no children from before."

          Akulov whispered."I think it's kind of a great moment."He backed away and ı turned around to calm down."Eve..."I turned back to the crowd."We are married.We have been for almost a year.It slipped my mouth when I told to Snape as I yelled at him out of anger.Other than one knows.None of our parents.Except the people who were in the wedding."I turned to Akulov."I'll go in first.She's overwhelmed enough as it is."I went back inside."Ula?What are you doing?""Trying to get up?What do you think I'm doing?"I put her back in bed."Akulov."Stefan came in and got her hands.I hugged her neck and girls came in."Draco what is going on?Why is everybody holding me down like I am some rabid animal?"I took a deep breath of her scent in before I whispered.

          "Something happened.Something very...unpleasent,upsetting and not good.I uhm...You weren't the only one being tortured.And that uh...other person didn't survive."She sighed."Who died?"Her voice broke down."Who died,Draco?!"I took in a deep breath and my tears fell on her cheek."Draco who was it?!Just answer the goddamn question!"I whispered."Our baby.""No.No!NO!NO...!"Her screamings echoed through out the hospital wing.Hell!The whole school could hear it.She screamed right next to my ear and after some point I just heard a ringing.She was trying to get out of our grip on her.She screamed which felt like an eternity.I looked at the faces around us to see their reaction.Stefan was in tears.So was Eve,Neville,Ginny and I don't know how to stop her.


           I was trying to focus on my work.I really tried.But the image of her lying in that bed wouldn't leave my mind.I was out of my trance with the loudest scream I have ever heard.I got out of my office and followed the scream.It wasn't easy because it was echoing through out the castle of Hogwarts.As I was getting closer to the hospital wing I saw other teachers,prefects,headboys and headgirls hollering over Madam Pomfrey."Quiet."They all went silent and the only thing audiable was the scream.And I know who it is."Madam Pomfrey?""It's her,sir.They are trying to hold her back but...they are four people in there.If she continues this...she might not survive herself."Professor McGonagall turned to me."Severus what is going on?"I rolled my eyes and left.Because I knew...I wouldn't be able to stay there and keep my reputation nor this secret.They told her.She knows.

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