The Luxury

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          Couple days went by and I was on patrol after dinner.I just took Harry to Snape so he could train him.An hour later as I was walking around I heard a little girl crying.I went over and saw that it was a Slytherin first year.I went over."Hey.What is it?"She hugged me.I broek the hug and looked at her."What is it?"I saw her hand."What happened?""I was exchanging my notes with my friend Micheal.She saw us close so she made us write lines."I hugged the girl and kissed her forehead.I heard another sobbing.This time a boy.Then I heard Fred and George.I looked at her."What's your name?""Eve."I got her hand."Come with me Eve."As her little hand in mine I went over.We saw Micheal."Fred?George?"They looked at us."Eve right?"I nodded."This is getting out of line.""You think I don't know that!?"I yelled as a whisper.Harry came over as I was trying to comfort Eve and twins were trying the same with Micheal.

         "It's going to be gone in a while.The pain fades away.You're going to be fine.I know this isn't fair but for now you just have to do your best to obey the rules.Ok honey?"I got her head rested on my chest as we sat at the bench right in front of twins and Micheal."We have to do something."I sighed."You guys can't do anything without hurting yourself.Not when you're under her monitor at all times."As the kids calmed down Umbridge showed up."As I told you once before,Mr.Potter,naughty children deserve to be punished."Umbridge went back tot he hole she crawled out of.Twins stood behind Potter."You know,George,I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievements.""Fred,I've been thinking exactly the same thing."

        I sighed."Please don't do something you could get hurt."I said with worry in my eyes for the three.I turned to Eve."Let's get you to our common room."I turned to Harry."If you guys can't take Micheal I can drop him too.But it's after hours now.You guys will be in trouble too."Harry sighed."This proves my point,Ula."He paused and continued in whispers."You don't want this!You don't want to be in a world where Voldemort rules!You don't like this!Stop acting like you do!"I sighed."I'm just playing my part,'s too late.They're out.He's back.You and Dumbledore are seen as liars.No one would listen you two.What's done is done.And I'm starting to adjust...just like you should.Just like we all should.So when things get worse...we won't be in as much as pain as we could've been."I got Eve and went to the dungeons.

       I entered in and Draco was the only one in the common room.Probably waiting for me.He saw me and ran to hug me."I'm fine.I'm fine,Draco.I promise."He let go of me."I found Eve crying.Umbridge made her and her friend Micheal write lines becuase they were closer than 8 inches."His eyes widened.He looked behind me to see Eve.I whispered."Just...go away a bit.She's still scared to get close to any boy."He nodded and stepped away.I slowly got Eve in front of me.I got down."Look at me honey."I leaned down."I know it's scary.And it hurts.But look at the bright side.It's fading away.Once it's gone it'll be alright.I,unfortunately,can't promise that it won't happen again.I'm really sorry about that.But you just have to be more careful.Ok?C'mere."I hugged her and she hugged me back.

       I looked at Draco."This was not what you deserved."I let go of her.I went over to Draco as I still held her hand.I whispered."Give me a minute to take her to her room."He nodded."Ok."He kissed my forehead and I took Eve to her room.She changed into her pyjamas.I brushed her hair and braided it before she went to bed."Good night.""Good night Ula.And thank you."I smiled."I'm just glad you're alright."I left and I went over to the common room."Is she ok?""I tucked her in.She's fine now."I sighed and sat down next to him on the couch."I hate this.They're still so young.Torturing us is one thing.Torturing first years is another.They're still kids.Their endurance to the pain is so much lower compared to the third years and the students older than thrid years."He took my hands in his hand as I laid my head on his shoulder.Then a thunder was heard witch made me flinch.Draco realized that and got me under his arm.

       "I shouldn't have done it.I just had to like the fucking brat I was."I was angry at myself.It took me over a decade to understand but Harry's the right side.And I just unleashed evil back on earth."You were wrong."I got out of his hold and stood up."It is my fault."He stood up and towered over me.He looked down at me with his perfect grey eyes shining under the light of moonlight.Reflecting it's rays."I'm going to ask you something.And I need you to do it now because if you do it later I won't be able to live.Do it when there is still time to heal."I took a deep breath in as tears filled my eyes."Hey.Whatever it is just tell me."He got his hand on my cheek.I took it off as I looked away."Draco I want yo break up with me."He laughed."I'm not joking.It's either now or never.The best option is now."He scoffed."I choose never.I'm not going to lose you again.It still hurts when I think about the times we spent apart.You can't just ask me to leave you!"I sniffed."I can.I can ask that.Because unlike you I know what's going to happen!"

         "Please enlighten me before I lose my fucking mind then!""You're going to train with your aunt.She'll do everything and anything in her power to turn you into her little puppet!She'll break you!Then you're going to feel how I am feeling right now:Not enough.Whatever I do I know I'm not enough.She'll make you feel the same way!Then you're going to push me away because you'll learn what he wrote in your fate!You're going to be fine with it for a while.Just for a while.But not even after a week you're going to regret it!Then you're going to sit on that fucking table in the dining hall!All the things I kept from you either to protect you or to spare you will reveal themselves.You will resent me!You will resent yourself because you'll be questioing how you could fall in love with me!It's going to hurt you!It's going to break your heart!It'll kill me!I'll be worse than dead!It'll drive me fucking crazy and I won't be the same!I won't recover!And I will want to hurt you knowing I can't and won't!"

        I sighed and stopped yelling."But if you leave me now...we'll both have time to recover.I don't know about you but every single second I spent on this miserable earth I fall for you one more time and each time I fall even harder.If you feel even slightly close to how I feel about you then it's best if you do it now.You will have time to recover.You'll have time to move on!So please just fucking break up with me!"He shook his head in tears."If you wanted to end it you could've just said so.You didn't have to force me to break up with you."I sighed."I don't want to break up with you.I'd rather die than break up with you.But I don't have the luxury to do as I wish.Not anymore.I wish I did.I wish I had the luxury to do as I want.The luxury to be with you.But I don't."

       "If you didn't you wouldn't have been with me for the past two years!Just because you don't think you have the luxury to be with me doesn't mean you can take yourself from me.I still want you!I will always want you!"I sighed."We're still kids,Malfoy.Once you uncover the truth you'll forget I even existed.I'll just wait for my time."I went over and kissed his cheek."Goodnight baby."I whispered.I gave him a peck on the lips and left.

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