Makes Sense

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      I'm done with my detention on Percy and Snape's insisting.I am on my way to the Astronomy tower.I bumped into Harry."I was looking for you.Finally.Can I talk to you?"I sighed and checked the time."Uh sure."He slowly dragged me away.We ended up in Hagrid's hut."What am I doing here Potter."You saw my dream by looking into my eyes Ula!""That's not a common thing Ula."I turned to Hagrid."Rubeus it's not really helping."He puffed and sat down."I wasn't there.Tell me what happened?""Hey Weasley.Let's out it out there.I don't like you."He rolled his eyes."Harry I saw what you saw.Nothing more and nothing less.Can I just leave?It's after hours and I am already forced to have detention for a month because of Weasley's older brother."Hermione grabbed my hand on the table."If something like this happens again come to me."I sighed."I bet it won't."I turned to Hagrid."Thanks for the tea but I should go."He nodded."Well all four of you should go.Not only Ms.Lopez."

      We were about to go our seperate ways when Harry stopped me."Neville gave this to me when I told him I was looking for you.He said it was for your neck."I got the little box."He said if you apply it twice a day.One night.One morning.It's be gone in a couple days."I nodded."Thank Neville for me."He nodded and left.I rolled my eyes and went up to the Astronomy tower."Sorry.Stupid Potter."I saw down."Why were you with Potter?"I explained the part where I wanted him to know.So basically everything but Draco."What about Nagini?Why did she came?""To watch me of course.Like you and Snape weren't enough.I told everyone thousand times.Me and Malfoy are not a 'thing' as they put it."He rolled his eyes."You didn't go to your father this holiday break."I nodded."Niether did Hermione,Ron or Harry to my shock.I mean I got that Harry is an orphan and has literally nowhere to go but Ron seemed a little weird."

     "Well Igor is under my watch."I rolled my eyes."I bet you're looking for the right time to kill him."He scoffed."It's not that easy!"I smirked."It's that easy."My smirk faded."But that is also niether of our mission.Anyways.We need to go talk to my father and my mother.Now.I also need to be back by morning so the golden trio wouldn't notice my sudden absance."He nodded and took my arm rather harshly."Hey mother.""I thought you weren't coming."I sighed."Where is father.There's been a change of plans.Well not exactly.The plan is still in motion.There is a few changes that must happen."We went up to his room."Get out my way Wormtail."He backed away."Father.We must talk."He reached for my hand and I gave it to him."Now all of you listen to me."I took a deep breath and started explaining.

      "Someone has to kidnap me."My mother laughed."What?Is this why you came here?"Voldemort crutio'd her."Do not laugh at my daughter Lopez."I sighed."I think it's enough father.She is my mother after all."He stopped.But not because I told him to.Because he was getting weak."I saw Harry's vision.The cemetery.He suspects something that includes you.So I thought for my identity's sake you could kidnap me.It would go like this.Moody would accidently drop his goblet on me right before the third task.I will go to my room and change before I come to the cemetery.After I leave the hall no one will ever see me again.My mother.She would tie me up and gag me so I won't be able to talk.Use the Crutiatus Curse if you wish.If he saves me just let it be.If not then I'll just lie that I was able to escape.It's really not that hard."He pulled my closer."Do you believe it is the best option?"I nodded."Do you think you're ready for it?""I've been training for months.Of course I'm ready for the Crutiatus Curse."

     "For months?"I turned to my mother."All the times you trained with Barty-I can't believe you.Or you Barty!"Then she left."She's being overdramatic.I'm proud of you,my dear Ula."I smiled."Well I must go back."He nodded weakly and we left.

      It's three days to the next task and Cedric is about to find the answer from the egg in the prefects bathroom.Next day as I was out for a walk in my free time I saw Harry and Hermione at the bridge.I saw Cedric coming from the other way.Calling out to Potter.I went straight to Hermione."What does Cedric wants from Harry?""I'm not quiet sure.Well I have to go.I'll see you around."She sighed."Yeah.You go.I want to talk to Cedric."She nodded and left.After their conversation I approached Cedric."Hey Diggory.""Hey Ula."He smiled wide."Patter looked weird.What's up with him?"He looked around and leaned subtly as he whispered."He told me about the dragons before the task took place.I'm doing the same with him.I told him how to figure out the egg."I scoffed."That's very noble of you Diggory.If you don't have any classes at the moment wanna hang out?"He smiled."Uh...sure.But I have to got ot he library.You can come with."I looked inside my bag."Actually I think I should go too."He chuckled."Follow me Lopez."

      We spent the day togather in the library.He said he wanted me to talk to the dungeons."So what is the second task Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory?"He chuckled."It's something about the sirens.It says 'come seek us where our voices sound,we cannot sing above the ground,an hour long you'll have to look,to recover what we took'."I scoffed."It is definitely about sirens.Their voices seem ugly above the water but angelic when it's in the water.'An hour you'll have to look''ll probably have to breath underwater around for an hour.'To recover what we took' you have any missing objects?"He shook his head."Well...look out for everything around you.I think you'll realize what they took eventually."He smiled."Thanks for the tips Ula."I rolled my eyes."It's nothing.I'm good with riddles.I think it'll take place in the Black Lake.Makes sense.Just think about it."He nodded and I went inside the common room.

        Next night I was at the library for detention.I heard Neville suggesting gillyweed to Potter.Granger thought it was a great idea.Moody came up to me with Ron."Dumbledore wants to see you too Lopez."I dropped my books and followed as Moody collected a Beauxbaton girl and Cho."Professor Dumbledore what are we doing here?"Igor and Madame Maxime was also there."Each of you are chosen for the task tomorrow.Ron you are Harry's target.Ms.Lopez you are Viktor Krum's target.I have to say I went between you and Ms.Granger a lot."I don't know why he would choose me."If you thought between me and Granger why am I the one who is here?""Because I have a feeling you are a better target than Ms.Granger."He explained the whole thing and they knocked us out.

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