Your Lady

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         Snape and McGonagall left."Professor Moody please.If you could too."Moody turned to me and whispered."Tomorrow you and I are gonna have a talk."Then he left.Dubledore's eyes were still stuck to Moody."What is it that you needed to be alone with me headmaster?"He sighed."Sit down Ula."He pulled me a chair as he sat down.I did as he asked of me."Ula you're an intelligent,brilliant and a passionate student.You choose your surroundings carefully.You watch everyone and take notes.You weigh out the good sides and the bad sides of everything.To see which way you could win.You probably don't know anything other than winning or achieving the things people don't expect you to.Am I wrong?"I shook my head."This is the second time you have been seen to be wounded by a snake too.Right?"I nodded."But it's nothing headmaster.I'm fine."He sighed."You remind me so much of a boy I knew once.He made all the wrong choices.You seem to be doing the right ones so far.Tonight I saw a couple things that cought my interest.First.Professor Snape.He's been awfully close to you.High master Igor Karkaroff.That one I just don't understand.Then your Dark Arts teacher.Professor Moody.Do you have an explanation?"

        I come up with lies no one could judge.And I do it fast."I do,sir.You saw my last name.Lopez-Riddle.I must tell you that my mother did that when she believed in the world he wanted for us.She immediately regretted when he lost his powers against a baby.Yet she was questioned by...Moody.She was pardoned like Snape.He knows my mother.So does Igor.There is not much to explain."He sighed."I see.Where is your mother now?""Who knows?She left me.She sent me here and ever since then not a word.I stayed with a muggle friend the whole summer.Last Christmas I got this one letter though.She said that Snape would look after me.So I spent the Christmas with him.Yet many Death Eaters found me and scared my muggle friend Jeremy.I'm not safe.I'm scared Professor!"I started fake crying.At least that's what I thought until I was really started crying.

       "Shush now.No need to be scared.Hogwarts is your home now.There will be no harm coming to you."He stood up and came neck to me."I don't have a snake Professor.I have a dead skin of a snake.Sometimes I just...I don't want to but it feels like the only way."Suicidal?I hit that one hard.I don't know how to come back from that.Shit!"Don't think like that Ula.You're safe here in this castle."I nodded."Do you mind if I leave?I'm really tired."He nodded."Of course Ms.Lopez.Of course.Needn't worry no more.You're safe."I nodded and left.Moody was waiting for me downstairs."How did you do?"I wiped the tears."He ate it.It's not that hard you know?Maybe if you watched over me a little less Potter wouldn't have some to me.Warning me to look out for you.Be a little more subtle if you want."He rolled his eyes."My office.Now."I scoffed."One thing I didn't lie about to Dubledore is that I was tired.So if you don't mind your lady wants to go to sleep."He bowed down and left.I came into the common room to find Draco watching the fireplace.Buring woods calmed him down.I knew that.He had a green apple in his hand like he always does.

       "Tell me you were lying."I went over and sat next to him."You think I could hate you?I told you.I wrote to you.That there will be times that I will have to do things that wouldn't make us happy.But I do them to keep us both alive.It's the way it is."He turned to me."What was that?""That was the animagus I told you about.She doesn't like me."He scoffed."That was obvious.She almost killed you."I sighed."If Dumbledore to ask you about my neck don't tell them anything.Just tell them that you don't know what happened.""Why do you have to lie all the time?Not to me.I know that.But to the others.Everyone except me."I scoffed."The lies I told to Dumbledore just 20 minutes ago would blow your fucking mind Draco.But that's the way it is.I have to lie to live in this school.Because there are rules that I must obey or the concequances could end in both of our deaths.That's why you will never find out who I am until those rules change...I,myself will be living in a lie."He looked around."You were right."He held my hand."I underestimated the amount of people that dangers both of us."

      "I hope that soon those rules will change.Or else there is no point in living a lie if I don't get what-well who-I want in the end."He gently pulled my by my hand on him on the armchair."You're alright,right?You went to Madam Pomfrey."I shook my head."No one said Madam Pomfrey.I got caught leaving the Gryffindor common room by Gryffindor prefect Percy Weasley.McGonagall wanted to pardon me and father didn't.In the end Dumbledore said I was pardoned so it doesn't really matter what niether of them says."He scoffed."You didn't go to Madam Pomfrey?Gryffindor?Common room?What?What are you talking about?"So I told him everything after he left.I told him about Granger.Going to the common room.Talking to Ginny,Longbottom and Granger.I barely mentioned Harry.I just said he was there.I didn't tell him what happened.Percy,Dumbledore,Snape and McGonagall.

       "So now Dumbledore thinks you're suicidal?"I nodded."Precisely.I'm not thing I wasn't lying to him about was...I'm scared.If not for your life...for mine."I laid on his chest.I didn't even realized I fell asleep.


      This is toxic.She's toxic.She pulls me to herself but I can never get too close.She pushes me away but never far.What lies within her is never obvious.Her words are like riddles that one can never solve.She hurts me yet I can't go away.Hurting me hurts her and she knows she'll have to hurt me yet she stays.Nothing ever makes sense when I'm with her.She is complicated yet she isn't.She lies yet she's honest.She is the danger yet I have never felt safer with anyone else.Her laugh,her voice,her presense;her absance,her mysteries...All of it brings me different feelings.She makes me feel things I never thought I would.ı always thought my biggest fear was my father.But losing her is greater than him.I don't understand how someone could affect me this much yet never changes me.I mean...I'm still the same guy who watched her step into our compartment yet I'm not.She changes me but I'm still me.This is all so...concerning and confusing.She's ready to risk her death for me.That's why I'm doing the same.She is risking much more than I thought.The least I could do is respect her and keep loving her the same whatever happens along the way.

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