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         "To Crabbe's dorm Mr.Malfoy.You will spend the night with Mr.Zambini while Mr.Goyle spends it with Mr.Crabbe."I sighed.I whispered."I love you."He leaned to whispered."I love you too,darling."He kissed my cheek and left after glancing at Snape."If I were to go to Umbridge...what would happen?"I sighed."I don't know.But I can guarantee a dead body.Most likely to be male,black hair,black eyes,6'1."He raised his eyebrows before he swooshed his cape out of my room.It was almost 1 in the morning.I went straight to sleep.

        Next day we were at the Great Hall taking our OWLs.I contstantly checked the time.My constant checking got Draco's attention.But by the time the first hours of the two hours were done.It was any minute now.The exam we're supposed to finish in two hours was done.In case they picked up the remaining unharmed exams once the twins are done with this place.Then I heard the banging sound.So did Umbridge.The whole hall heard the banging sounds.We all turned to the door as Umbridge walked over.I started smiling as the joy inside me was unable to stay inside anymore.Draco looked at me.And mouthed his words."What is going on?"I smiled."You'll see."He liked that I was smiling.Umbridge opened the door and a sizzling little spark came onto her nose.The sizzling spark passed by Umbridge and turned into fireworks within the hall.Then I heard the twins yelling."All right,professor!"

       All of our exams floated in the air.More fireworks popped above us.The expression on Umbridge's face was remarkable.I turned to Draco as I stood up."You knew about this didn't you?"I scartched my nose."I don't know what you're talking about."Twins kept going back and forth in the hall with their brooms.One of the sparks came over to Goyle and burned his nose.As he pushed it away it went for Crabbe and popped in his butt.One started following me and Draco.We hit the wall and spark went for Draco.I pulled him out of the way and the spark burned his expression onto the wall.I laughed at him.I kissed him for a faint moment."Ula we're in public.""And everyone is too blinded by the fireworks."I heard the twins."Ready when you are!"They yelled.They dropped the dragon firework.As they flew above me I high-fived with them both."Good job!"They winked at me.Umbridge was too blinded by fear to hear me.She was running for her life.

        Dragon got to her and then the dragon's sparks popped and all the stupid rules she had made and hung upon the wall fell down.Their frames were broken and their glass was shattered.All of us ran out of the hall.As we got to the yard Fred and George popped one of the big guns and the whole sky was covered with fireworks.I even saw Flitwick yelling 'yes' out of joy.Fireworks turned into 'W' on the sky representing 'Weasley'.They flew away.All the students from all years and houses were cheering for them.Applousing for them.But I started feeling drained.I turned to Potter and he had already fainted.I think I fainted too.I saw Sirius.But I heard Voldemort's voice."I need that prophecy."Sirius talked back."You'll have to kill me."Voldemort spoke in a whisper."Oh,I will...but first you will fetch it for me."Then Voldemort started using the Cruciatus Curse on Sirius.Sirius grunted in pain and I didn't want to hear him in pain anymore.I don't like it when people are in pain.

        97th aisle.S.P.T. to A.P.W.E.D.Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter.But Harry's name was written with red.Meaning they wrote it later.This is the prophecy about Harry ending Dark Lord.If he has this nothing will change.Then I saw Fudge and Lucius talking in the ministery.Sirius' groanings in pain were still echoing inside my head.I whispered."Sirius Black."I stood up on my own as I let go of Draco."I-I-I-I-I need to go."He was so worried I kissed him and left.I saw the golden trio running inside.I followed them.As they were about to reach their common room I was able to get to Ron."Ula?""You three have to listen to me."Harry looked at me."You saw it too didn't you?"I silently nodded."And I figured out why I'm seeing them.So please just let me explain."The three looked at each other before they snuck me into their common room.

        "Spit it out."I sighed."Almost a year ago when it was summer break I was staying with the Malfoys.I was in my room about to go to sleep when someone got inside my room and dragged me out of it by force.Draco was in the same situation.The two guys forced us downstairs and threw us on the floor.That's when he spoke up.He asked Draco's father why he didn't tell him about hiding his escapee.That being me I freaked out.He thanked me for my blood.There was a reason why he chose me.It's because my mother was pardoned just like Snape and Igor Karkaroff."Then Ginny,Neville,Seamus and Dean came in.I leaned to Harry."He took Wormtail's flesh as his own.He took his father's bones as his own.He took my blood as his own and he took your blood as his shield.It makes sense."I stood up."I have to go."Then I transported into my room.

         It wasn't a completely lie but I knew I had their trust in my hands.And I knew exactly how to get them caught without breaking their trust.That night I recieved a note saying 'we're going to use the floo network to go see us in umbridge's office tomorrow with the first light'.They are too fucking easy.Too.Fucking.Easy.I went out to the common room.I accidently dropped it next to Umbridge's most loyal squad member.Goyle.Of course ht ook it and read it while I went over to Daphne to talk about today's events.

        Tomorrow morning with the first light we were all forced to wake up.Hermione talked."We're in this togather!"Umbridge of course heard it.""I had to capture one of them."I'm sorry Ron.I am.But I have no choice."I said in a heartbreaking,but nonetheless fake,voice.I got my wand on his throat.Then the others came with Ginny and Luna.Draco came in with Neville."Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl.Umbridge leaned to Harry."You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?"Harry answered in honesty."No.""Liar!"Umbridge striked and slapped Harry.My open eyes shut close.Hermione,Ginny,Draco and Neville noticed.Thankfully the others didn't.Then Snape showed up."You sent for me,Headmistress?""Snape.Yes.The time has come for answers,whether he wants to give them to me or not.Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

       "I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students,the last of it on Ms.Chang."Harry turned to his friends.When he looked at Ron his eyes shifted to me before he turned back to Snape as he spoke up.One thing I knew is that...Snape was lying.He still has Veritaserum.Hermione sighed in relief."Unless you wish to poison him and I assure you,I would have the greatest sympathy if you did,I cannot help you."Harry spoke up."H-He's got Padfoot."Snape stopped walking away but he didn't turn to face him."He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."Umbridge turned to Snape from Harry."Padfoot?What is Padfoot?Where what is hidden?What is he talking about,Snape?"Snape turned around wide eyed."No idea."I might not like him but I love it when he makes his sound so friggin irritating like that.

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