Tio Sanchez?

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            We managed to leave London and came to Madrid.I just had to see them.I knocked on the door and Ivan opened it."Ula?""Hey Ivan.Do you mind if we come in?"He was shocked he did not expected to see us.Well...mostly he did not expect to see me.We went in and he told us that my aunt was at work.And that he had just came back from work."Isn't tia 7 months?"He nodded."I told her not to go to work multiple times.She just doesn't listen."I sighed and gave him a nice smile as he handed me a cup of tea."Oh...you were a coffee person.Sorry."I kept the mug."No uhm...it's ok."Ivan turned to Draco."I haven't seen you since you two got married."I don't know why but it bothered me so much that Ivan said it like that.It wasn't like he was trying to imply something.It was just the words.It bothered me.

            Draco noticed my discomfort and got his hand on my thigh and squeezed a little but not in a naughty or nasty way.It was reassuring."Yeah."He answered Ivan's previous question."How are you two here?"I turned to Ivan."Ivan we ran away."His eyes widened."You did what?""I couldn't take it anymore.We couldn't take it anymore.I lost my mami.I lost-"I couldn't say it.I just couldn't say that word.One word.One tiny words was incapable of leaving my mouth."We lost too much.I know I risked a lot with running away.Especially taking Draco with me but...I'm tired."We were in the living room and Draco pulled me to himself after that.

            "What happened that tipped you two off?"I stayed dead silent and watched the fire flicker."We would rather not talk about it if that's ok,Mr.Akulov."He sighed."Of course."Then my tia walked in."Mi niña?"I stood up."Tia?"I looked down to her ginormous belly."That cannot be only one baby."She chuckled."Uh...twins...actually.One boy.One girl."I sighed."I uhm...I'm really happy for you,tia.But could you...excuse me for a minute?"Without getting her answer I walked away.The thought of I could've had twins was eating my mind.All the possibilities.I could see Draco with a baby in each arm.Oh God how could I let it happen?How couldn't I notice?It's my body!It may have showed some signs.How couldn't I notice some signs?!I got to the balcony I watched the sun go down.As the sun was going down the whole sky took this purple,pink,pastel orange and soft yellow shades.

             I felt a pair of arms around my waist.Sneaking from behind and a pair of lips behind my ear whispering down at me."I love you.""Draco,how did I let it happen?How couldn't I notice that something was different about myself?I mean it's me.I should've known what was going on with myself so that I would realize and wouldn't let Alecto do that to me.I would've known what to do.It would be alive and not dead.It could've been a boy.He could've had my hair and your eyes.Or the opposite.Or maybe he would be a copy of me.He could've been a copy of you.Maybe it was a she.Maybe should have long platinium blonde hair and grey eyes like her father.Maybe should look exactly like me.It could've been twins.Two boys or two girls.Maybe like my tia,one girl and one boy.Maybe the boy would look like me and the girl would look like you.Or she could've looked like me and he could've looked like you.Imagine a two pair of boys looking like me running around.Or looking like you.Maybe mix it up a bit."

            I turned to face Draco."I can't get it out of my head whatever I do.I've tried.I've tried to get it out of my head.Forget about it.I just don't want it to hurt anymore."He kissed me gently.As I broke the kiss to look at him I got my hands from his shoulders to his face."I never bothered to think how you were feeling about all this.I'm sorry."He hugged me firmly after that."No different than you."If he is feeling 0,00001% of the pain I am feeling I'd be ruined."Don't.It was not your fault."He let go of me."It wasn't my fault?You said it like it was yours."I didn't want to talk about it.But if I leave now he's only got get more angry."Mi niña?"I turned to my aunt."Tia?""Mi querida you've been gone for a quite some time now.Come in.It's getting darker and colder."

          I got Draco's hand and we headed inside.We came back to the fireplace.We were sitting in silence.Draco held me but I knew he was mad and still questioning what I had said earlier.I kept watching the flames flicker and sparks get high and low with the flames' movements.I flourishly moved my hand back and forth.The sparks and the flames started turning into motives.I don't know what I was thinking.But it turned into a little family.And oddly enough the figures looked like me and Draco.A little boy had jumped off of Draco and was running towards me.I got angry and put out the fire altogather.

           "Mi niña what did you just do?"I got up from Draco's chest and leaned on the couch's arm rest."Nothing,tia."Then we heard a huge banging sound coming from the main door.I stood up from the couch immediately."None of you move.None of you."I went to the door and I opened the door."Tio Sanchez?"My uncle.The minister of magic in Spain.I mean the whole Spain.I have never seen him before."Tio?¿De qué estás hablando, pequeña? Solo tengo un sobrino y un gemelo."(Uncle?What are you talking about,you little girl?I only have one nephew and a twin.)He doesn't know about me.Mami never told him about me."Excelente . No me conoces. Adivina una de las muchas otras cosas que mi madre ocultó a otras personas. Incluyendo a su propio hermano mayor. Soy Ula. Hija de Maria."(Great . You don't know me . Guess one of many other things that my mother kept from other people . Including her own older brother . I'm Ula . Maria's daughter .)

           I sighed and turned to English."Tia is inside with Ivan."I led him inside."Tia,tio Sanchez is here and he does not know who the fuck I am so if you could explain...That would be unbelievably delightful.Thank you."They all stood up.Draco stood up and got me behind him immediately."Draco what are you doing?He's my uncle not my biggest enemy."I got out behind him."Mr.Malfoy.What a pleasure."He shook hands with him."Wait!So you know mi marido but you don't know me?!"His eyes widened."Marido?"I rolled my eyes."Tio Snachez it's not like I just did a kilo of cocain and jumped off a fucking roof because I thought I could 'fly'."

           "Isabella Ula Maria Lopez de la Garcia Hernandez Snape Riddle Malfoy,do not test my patience!"I was shocked.He knew my full name!With me being shocked I did not know where I was being dragged away by who."This is why I got you behind me.I don't trust the guy.I saw him once I never heard his name.But when I saw him I remembered him right away.Please.Let's just leave."I scoffed."First of all,I still hadn't talk to my tia.Second of all,I don't even know the guy.Third of all,how did you even meet him?Fourth and lastly,we can't just leave.He is the fucking minister of the entire country.The entirity of Spain's magical citizens answers to him.You do understand that right?"He gave up.Let's meet tio Snachez.

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