Leave It

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           I went over to Snape's classroom."What will I be doing for detention Professor Snape?"He turned to me."I assumed you would dismiss what I said because of your 'reasons' Ms.Lopez."I rolled my eyes."You said detention.I'm ok with them all.Worms?Fine.Forest?Fine.Trophy polishing?Fine.Library assignment?Fine.Writing an essay?Easiest one.Blood quill?Go for it.I'd tell you to go write my dad or my mom but you're my birth parent and my mother is totally fine with me being in detention.So let's just see what you have in mind for me."He raised his eyebrows."Seems like you've done them all."I chuckled."Sorry.Almost forgot.I was banned from Hogsmeade once.But that one got lifted after I pulled it togather and almost died."

        "Have you ever been...expelled?"I narrowed my eyes."You can't expel me.""I can."I scoffed."Because I used language?One word?!You were the one invading my private space,Professor.Not me."He rolled his eyes."You will copy out the old detention records until after dinner.I hope you had your breakfast or you might just pass out."He left the classroom and I followed him.He does know that I have been starved before.Right?I mean...come on!Anywho!We went to the record room and I sat down.He sat down at the main table and minded his own business.I started copying out the old records."Why do you want to be involved this much?"I tilted my head.But I went back to the papers without answering."Ula answer to me."I tilted my head back up."I have to.To prove that regardless of being the youngest and the weakest...I can do it better.I have to prove myself to those people.Because they don't know me.The only way they'll notice me is if I prove myself worthy to be noticed."

       I went back to my work.But I couldn't do it.I turned to him."Why did you leave?Besides the fact that Lily was bound to die?"His eyes widened at the mention of her name."I may have not loved your mother...but that doesn't mean she wasn't worthless to me.If she meant nothing and wasn't at least my friend then...you wouldn't even be here.You would be with him."I sighed."That was not the question.Why did you leave?I changed my mind.Why didn't you come back?She was dead.Lily was dead.Harry was handed over to his aunt.There was nothing you could've had with her.But she was alive.My mother was alive."He looked numb.He always did.But this time he actually was."I couldn't.I wasn't even myself.""She had her son in Azkaban.Her former partner was dead.They may have had a divoce but they were friends."He scoffed."She had you.""No she didn't!Most of the time I was being a subject to an experiment!I'm a fucking freak show!I ruined my own life.I'm still ruining it!"

       "I know.I've paid attention.Two years ago when you walked through these hallways you acted to be heartless when you were a nice person.Last year you showed your nice side and you went through your own stuff.Now you're acting like you're heartless...but this time it's not an act.Ula I've watched over you more times than you could imagine.You think I stumbled into your bedroom like that by chance?"The tears I was holding behind fell."Why?"He got up."Do not leave until your work is done.I'll be back in a moment."He left.I heard talkings in front of the door.Then Draco walked in."What are you doing here?""He wanted me to watch over you as he handles whatever he was going to."I sighed and wiped my tears."I-I-I can't.I can't do this anymore.""It's detention.You don't mind detention.What's wrong?"I shook my head.

       "I can't."I stood up and left.I ran away.I was running when he caught me."Where are you going?"I shook my head."I don't know!I just can't.""Can't what Ula?"I sighed and got his hands off of me."Just...don't come after me.Please?"I know I'm hurting him.Which only hurts me more.After a few steps of backing away without breaking the eye contact I turned around and kept running.I went to Madam Pomfrey."Ms.Lopez dear.What brings you here?""I need a sleeping draught."She placed her hand over my shoulder."Oh dear what happened?""Madam Pomfrey please."She sighed and handed me a bottle."Thank you."I went to my room and slept a dreamless sleep.Next few days went the same.But Umbridge must've noticed Harry's work she started a squad.I joined since Draco,Crabbe and Goyle joined.I knew where they were in the room of requirements because Harry offered me to join one last time.I said no.

       With Filch as the head of the squad we wandered around and hid ourselves at the seventh floor almost every night.Before the squad was created we were all questioned.It was funny.


       "Come in Ms.Lopez.Would you like some tea?"I sat down."Veritaserum right?"Her eyes widened."Professor Umbridge with all due respect do you think I'm dumb?"She shrieked."He no need to get mad.I was just asking.Though you should know.I understand why you wouldn't trust me.So I'll take it."I get the tea and drank it.Believe me I have a lot of experience with Veritaserum.Resisting is nothing for me."Do you know who is the head of this...gathering?""No."She sat down."Do you have any idea where they could be?""If I did I would've brought them to you,leaving you eternally greatful to me because they could becaome the reason of your disposition."She gasped."You may leave Ms.Lopez."


      It was fun though.Anyways.We're on patrol tonight like every other night.Filch,Draco,me,Goyle and Crabbe.We were following Luna.She's a nice girl.I like her.These three idiots started running.And instead got stuck inside the tiny supply storage."Am I the only smart person in this squad?And I'm not joking.All of you are seriously dumb."I helped Draco get up.He helped Goyle as I helped Crabbe.We left Filch to stand on his own.After they left to talk with Umbridge I told them I was going to head to my room but I headed into the room of requirements."Just because I didn't tell Umbridge doesn't mean you guys need to make it obvious you know?"They all turned to me."What are you doing here?""I'm not here under the squad.I'm just here.I want to see what I'm supposed to be hunting down."

          Then Neville managed to disarm Patil."Well done Neville."Said Harry and everybody started clapping.I looked at Neville and he smiled at me as I apploused him.As the others kept trying Harry pulled me to a corner.There was this board of news,pictures and articles."Why are you doing this?""Doing what?"He sighed and turned to the board."These are my parents.There is Mad Eye.There is Neville's parents.There is Sirius.They faught him.Most suffered death some even worse.None of them wanted anything but peace.Why do you don't want to join?Is it Malfoy?Crabbe?Goyle?What is it?"I was going to turn to Harry but I saw his picture.Cedric's picture.I raised my hand and took the picture."He didn't deserve it."He placed his hand on my shoulder.I tilted my head and looked at him as I backed away."Harry you don't even have the slightest idea of how much you're going against.Leave it.So they could stay alive."I put the picture back and left.

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