Professor Moody

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          We were all in the train.I was sitting in the compartment on my own.Luna came as I was reading the newsletter."I knew I could find you here."I dropped the newsletter."I met you last year right?Luna."I smiled."You actually are nicer than people says.That's why I don't like rumors."I smiled wider.Then Stefan came in."Well well well.Look who it is?One whole year since we met today."He smiled and sat beside me."I know.Time flies by fast."I was dying inside but reading the newsletter and see ing the chaos I caused made me happy.So I was in a good mood you could say."You're in a better mood then the last time I saw you."I rolled my eyes."Oh come on!""When you sulk you sulk for good.At least you proved my theory wrong."I giggled.Then Stefan saw the twins and invited them."She's in a good mood!"Twins came in and settled."And the good mood is gone."I said and went back to my newsletter."They still couldn't track who conjured it."Said Fred.

        "According to dad there was loads of security yet it wasn't enough.That pises them even more.That it happened right under their noses."Said Fred and George.They'll look for it for a long time."When Ron came back home with Harry and Hermione he said that he saw a man but he didn't see his face."That caught my attention."A man?"I lowered the newspaper."Yes.A man.Harry thinks he conjured it but since he didn't see him Ministry has no idea who it is."I sighed and looked disappointed."I thought you'd be happy to hear that your housemates are winning this battle right now."I folded the paper harshly."My housemates?!""You're just like Malfoy.Sooner or later you'll start boasting and bragging like him."I rolled my eyes."Not all Slytherins are bad!This is injuticed.Because I have a green robe I am taken to the 'Evil' category right away!"I scoffed."Say one more word and I'll crutio all of your asses!"I turned back to the news paper."Look what you've done now.She's in a bad mood again."

       Trolley lady started yelling if anyone wanted anything and I just wanted to say that I wanted to rip her tongue out so she can stop yelling.It was all an act though.I spoke up for Draco.What we've goen has nothing to do with him.He's too good for this world.Too innocent for the things I've done.I meant every word I said.Not for myself but for him.I am evil.I am winning the battle and I am most definitely pleased witht he outcome of our riot!"Here.A chocolate frog."Stefan handed me the chocolate frog."Thanks."I looked at the package.I caught the frog.After I ate it I wanted to see who I got and I got...Snape.Really?Just perfect.Just.Perfect.Amazing really.

     As we settled and came to the Great Hall for dinner Dumbledore got on his stand for his speech."Well,now that we are all settled and sorted...I'd like to make an announcement.This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well.You see,Hogwarts has been chosen-"Filch came and they whispered with each other."So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event:The Triwizard Tournament."He explained what the tournament was about but I already knew.Because it was involved in our plan.Barty Crouch Jr.will be using Polyjuice Potion to be the new DADA teacher as Alastor 'Mad-Eye 'Moody.The man who caused his arrest with Igor Karkaroff.The Durmstrang Academy's headmaster.I snapped back when I heard Dumbledore continuing."The lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime."Every boy in the Great Hall was applouding.When I turned around to look at the girls not only did I see them but saw Draco staring at me instead of the Beauxbaton girls.

       I gave a little bit weak smile.But Dumbledore kept talking."And now our friends from the north.Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff.I liked this dude more than I liked Pettigrew.Even though he betrayed Barty in the court when he gave his name away...He's still better than Peter.He didn't offer to work for someone else for his life the way Peter did.He went into hiding and just wanted his pardon.Besides...Barty is out now.But as the boys came in I turned around tot he loud bangings coming from the floor.I jumped out of my place anytime they hit the floor.I rolled my eyes and turned to my empty front in a boring manner.I looked at Draco.As I turned my head over to avoid the eye contact like he did I turned my head to the other side and my eyes met with Viktor Krum.I nudged Stefan."Didn't you go to their school?"He nodded."Then I got bullied and had enough of them that ended up with me coming to Hogwarts."I sighed."Right.Sorry."I turned back to Dumbledore.

     I started looking around as where Barty was.But I saw uncomfortable Karkaroff made Snape.Also...Madame Maxime seems to have eyes on Hagrid as he does for her.While we were eating Dumbledore requested our attention."I'd like to say a few words."He paused."Eternal glory.That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament."He kept explaining.While he was explaining the age that the champions can be to join I saw Barty as Mad-Eye.When He saw his father taking the stand he must've lost control of his emotions that the room heard thumders and got scared.Some screamed.But Barty fixed it.He pointed me after he pointed Harry.After he took his place I saw him turn around to drink his potion.When Senior took the stand and told people that under the age of 17 wizards wouldn't be able to compete.I looked at Moody and we did our signal to meet afterwards.

       We met up that night at the Astronomy tower."You look like you have an idea."He chuckled."I do."I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on my waist."Let's hear it.""I'm going to put his name in the Goblet of Fire.I can walk through.You can't."I sighed."I'll keep watch for prefects and head boys or girls."He nodded.As we wrote Harry's name on a parchment we finally found a way to get there unseen.I stopped Moody when I saw Karkaroff go inside the Hall."What is he doing?"I whispered to Barty."He must've got the message.We didn't start that riot for nothing you know."I rolled my eyes."Not tonight.We'll try again tomorrow.We can't risk anyone findout I am a Death Eater.You know,mother,Snape,the Death Eaters that took care of me and I.That shall stay that way until my father says so.Do you hear me?"He nodded."See you tomorrow in class Professor Moody."I said with a smirk and a mocking voice.He rolled his eyes and I left.

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