Golden Prince Naga Boyfriend (Shesmetet) 5

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Happy New Year everyone, this is the final chapter to Divine Worship, so I hope you've enjoyed this series. - Stay safe guys - 

Divine Worship Part 5 (FINALE)

In the bleeding minutes that blended into seconds, you couldn't help but sculpt the image once more of the Prince into your mind, once more something you would think of fondly when the time of your end would come. It was almost tasted in the air, gliding its fingers about your throat, whispering of your fate had you not felt it sooner.

Princess Amvalma was worked her fingers to soothe you as best as you could, but no matter how much you listened to the discussion turning south, the more you wished to have your turmoil ended.

The Prince's tail glinted so beautifully in contrast to the stairs he stood below, his fists clenched. "Father, heed not that my intentions were out against you, for if you must punish one, pass the reprimand to me."

His father merely seemed more amused than angry, for now. "I see why those of devoted following and liking to you gave you your name." He tensed his fingers, almost to see his son's reaction. "Flickering from one wick to another, dancing where the flame is brightest."

Gods no, I can see how this ends already. You dreaded, your heart waiting to leap out from your chest. You could picture it now: exile for your affections for the Prince, the shame that would hang around your head for the rest of your days. The Princess beside you noticed your tense shoulders, calming you as best as she could silently.

"Your title is fitting," the emperor drawled, "for when it came to you perusing common harlots."

Shesmetet looked both hurt and angry by the words used on him, ready to coil around himself to spring up towards his father. "Those days are behind me now, a time to settle and mature. My philandering days are over, and although the match with Princess Iseka has soured, I'm here merely for your blessings and forgiveness." 

You didn't want to be there anymore, no more than he did, and you could feel how the Prince was trying to find the right words to help succeed in this all. "You and your Empress's union had been reciprocated?"

"Your mother had not been a common whore."

"And the one I love isn't either!" There it was, the frustration that had built from the insult, a slap that may have just struck the Prince across the face personally. "I promised you I would change my ways before my 280th year, and I did, maybe not to the goal you had sought for, but I have stayed loyal and true to my heart."

The court was eerily quiet as they listened to the Prince's words, no one daring to speak out or forth. "The girl... where is she?"

Before you in your fears and dread, Prince Shesmetet glided to come to stand just below the balcony, his eyes landing on you with the comfort that seemed to bubble over and leave you feeling tranquil. "Dear, come down."

Amvalma's fingers tensed involuntarily before moving away from your shoulder to let you pass, giving a careful look down towards her brother as you passed to go down the stairs, to which he had moved silently to you and awaiting you patiently. He took you gently down the rest as he led you to the bottom of the throne, your reaction to wordlessly kneel before the emperor had been embedded in your conscious from the start.

The old Jade Naga smiled amusingly. "She's obedient it seems."

Like a dog. You kept your eyes trained to not meet his gaze as you were led gently back to your feet once more, Shesmetet keeping you in a close range to him in case something were to go wrong. Your eyes drifted to the golden rapier attached to his hip with a golden sash, your mind wandering to all sorts of complications that could go south.

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