Harpy Boyfriend: Edmund

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Very similar to Beauty and the Beast, but set in a Victorian-era setting. Hope you enjoy it!

Relationship: Female reader x male monster


Written in The Starlight

The cold was harrowing and the bite followed with it was as cold as death against your open flesh, as you tried your best in shielding yourself in fear from the night.

You could hear the sound of the howling wind, cracking and screaming outside, making you try to protect yourself more from it like shielding away from a starved beast.

You weren't safe here, you realised, sheltered only in the broken carriage as you prayed to any God or religious figure to save you from whatever that could kill you.

You were in fact, not wanting to die so soon, but the way it was looking, death was waiting for you to come out from hiding.

Had I of stayed there, I wouldn't have been so riled up and in the risk of freezing to death. You shivered in your woollen clothing, not helping from the chill getting rid into your bones.

You were safe in London, where your oldest cousin, Katherine, had promised you to stay for as long as you wanted with her husband, Alonzo, in their lovely estate north of the capital.

But you had been from relative to relative, living with those until you found yourself a nuisance to them. And you didn't want to live off of them when you could barely live for yourself.

You had promised her you would go on to live in Winchester, where you could in hopes find life there instead of the capital; a place that held too many bad memories and the judgement from others.

You had been given safe passage by carriage and horse, a full day's travel to get there, but you were willing to go in hopes of getting out as far as possible. You had promised yourself and your family you would go, and you couldn't break one you had made years ago.

'I cannot ask you to stay another week, can I?' Katherine questioned, holding your arm's way, as she hugged you tightly goodbye. 'Alonzo and I shall be sad to see you go.'

'I'll be fine, Kittie.' You soothed, giving her the nickname from when you were young girls. You could already see the tears begin to swell in her eyes, a melancholic feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach.

'I'll write a letter to you as soon as possible. Sending you that I got there safe and sound. Take care, my dear.'

That was where you were, on the road when you were stuck on an off-road, surrounded by trees, so close to getting into town when you had heard them.

Wolves. Your ears perked up from what you were reading, certain you would in fear die alone and far away from anyone to help. The carriage rattled as the small box you had spent more than 24 hours in shook to life, speeding up as you jolted to hold onto something.

You clenched and tensed as the carriage shook from side to side, making you fall and crash into the seats, hitting your head to cement that you have a bad headache after all of this.

A loud freighted whine and reared from outside, the horses got freighted by something and they crashed into something on the right side with more force than you had realised could be possible. You crashed to the floor, the carriage toppling over with you inside, rolling until you could even decipher or fathom what was going on.

Everything eventually stilled, and that was where you found yourself: stuck in your carriage in the dark and the cold seeping inside. You called for the rider, calling his name but not hearing a reply, and you had settled in believing you would die here with no-one knowing you did.

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