Merman x Human Female Reader

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WARNING: Themes of depression, mourning, loss and almost drowning. 

The Girl Lost At Sea

The nights sky was calm and clear: beautifully spread across with millions of tiny stars, the moon present in glory high above all. It was so serene and pretty, either high up or down below, the air was both pleasant and clean to take in, neither too cold nor warm.

It was one of the few rare nights of this time of year where there had been no storms, in a small town on the coastline, it was bound to be windier and stormbound. For hundreds of years, the locals had called this part of town by that nickname, for trouble always brewed on land or by sea. The town was small, and everyone practically knew each other, and for any new visitors coming in, it was always a surprise.

That's where you stayed all your life: in a small secluded part of town with your grandparents. Your parents were never really there to look after you, and they eventually just asked your grandparents to care for you so they could be together and live their lives without children. You didn't like this at first, but as you grew older, you were sure to appreciate this independence when you got to be an adult.

You were an only child, with no other relatives than just your grandparents, your grandfather was a fisherman for 65 years, starting when he was just 15 years old. Your grandma retired from working at a nursery, they had taught you everything about the ways of the sea and of gaining an education. They were the people who shaped you into who you were today.

Now a woman grown, you tried to move away from your little town: out into the wider world, and even with support, you had the dreams of travelling. Everything was set in motion, but sadly that never followed through, with the sudden passing away of your grandparents on a voyage out on their boat, and the unfortunate tale of how they tried to reach back to the shoreline in a storm so bad.

That was around 2 years ago, and still, you never did move on. You couldn't, they were your world and they meant so much to you, to suddenly be ripped out of your grip and for you to never see them again, it hurt more than anything.

You went through stages of grieving for months on end, sleeping either too little or too much, passing to eat meals to be with your thoughts and away from friends. All you really did was isolate yourself in your room for the days, watching the world go past slowly.

On days when you could get out, you went to the coast, and it was never a walk too far. You enjoyed the scenery and the escape from reality; just you and nature.

You found that you would go out more often at night, and wander like a lost soul down to the pier and shores, watching as the small waves came in and out, the moon high in the air as you took a seat somewhere high or low, and just breathed.

You did the same this same night, walking aimlessly and slowly, only taking your house keys and torch, leaving your phone so you could just make your way down like you always did. Your flipflops made contact with the concrete ground, your mind blankly leading you as you could only think in the moment of the present.

You managed to get to a different location this time, but close by to where your normal location was. This was where the bikes stands could be stored during the day; a long railing facing onwards to the cliffs and waters below.

It soothed you here, as you put your items down beside you, putting your hands on the railing, and taking in the sounds of the waves, the sea and the glowing moon shining down upon you.

That was when you began to cry.

You cried most of the times out here, but never before had you cried so hard; a part of yourself ripped away and had died alongside your grandpa and grandma. It hurt more than anything, watching heavy salty tears leak down your face and hit the ground below like small raindrops.

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