Male Drider Boyfriend: Nyraen 2

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Web To Your Heart Part 2

After the time you had awoken from your slumber, the oddness to your so-called dreams was still plaguing your mind; bordering on falseness or reality.

You were unsure whether what had happened in your dreams were a mixture of odd thoughts that came to your consciousness or not, but you were certainly certain that the cobweb with the message written were something you weren't dreaming of.

That was what brought you to question everything: the Drider you had met that night on your way home, was he real? It didn't seem to make sense at first; but with the days passing, you started to think it was indeed true.

That was what made you rather worried, for if it had been all true, that would've meant that the large drider had managed to bring you back to your small cottage; tucking you even into bed.

Still the question was; why hadn't you seen him anytime soon?

You questioned your sanity, trying to ignore all thoughts when you brought yourself home each night from working in the fields. And even then, you questioned whether he was watching from the shadows: watching you.

It had been a month since you had seen him, and once again, travelling home with your cart of goods, you wandered down the narrow dirt road, lantern in hand.

You were wondering whether it was best to even call for him, to hear him come down to greet you, but then you were nervous you would bring something else instead.

So, quietly you trudged through with your clothing getting muddier by the second, watching the moon shine bright and high above you; even through the dense trees.

If he was watching for so long, why couldn't he come out to greet me? You thought to yourself, turning glances back your way, seeing nothing but trees and an empty road behind. Or would he be more ruthless and unkind to me? Maybe even kill me?

You didn't want to think about that, and even with your new friend on your mind, you still couldn't forget the kiss you two shared. It was more than just passionate, it was longing; yearning for touch and something intimate from a lone stranger.

It made you feel both connected and sympathetic to him; for sometimes in your most doubting times, you too, felt lonely.

He could've moved on by now. You thought. He could have a loving mate and darling children, or... he could be waiting for that right chance to see me.

You finally managed to make it down the long road in one piece; however with no Drider to greet you. When your little home came into view from hiding behind the trees, you sighed glumly. In times like this, all you wanted was your bed and to sleep.

My bed, a good book and knitting would suffice. You tried to ignore your tiredness; and when I get to my room, I can blow out that blasted candle- wait, I swear that was off when I left?

You stopped dead in your tracks, standing beneath your window in shock. The soft glow of the inside of the window could be see, and when you tried shaking it off, believing you had just accidentally left it on, you believed it would've gone out by the time you had returned.

You blinked, and if you had missed it in a quick second, you wouldn't of seen it; a large shadow walked past the window, a large shadow that disappeared quickly away from the candlelight, vanishing like a ghost before dawn.

You dropped your cart and in a flash, you were storming into your home, past your living space, and clambering up the stairs to get to your room. Your heart was pounding, a thrumming beat against your ribs as you thought you could collapse any moment.

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