Pirate Rakshasa Boyfriend: Aleksandr 2

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Warnings: mentions of mild assault.

A Golden Opportunity Part 2

You had been given a better opportunity to change your life for the better, living those days for the freedom that few could find. You had been offered a new beginning.

Your life on board The Lion's Maw was a spectacle wonder to the eye: yet working on it was not as much. You had jobs ranging from pulling the ropes, managing the cannons, to even simply peeling vegetables in the cook's kitchens; it all depended on how Aleksandr was feeling.

The rakshasa was certainly still a mystery to you, an enigma of a man who held many secrets and stories, some of which he had told you at night in his cabin. He was stern, slow to anger and serious: a man no-one could underestimate, but he was also charismatic, charming and funny; always knowing where you could be and keeping an eye on you.

You appreciated it greatly, but your so-called relationship that the crew could see was just as normal as theirs. He was your captain, and you like the others, had to be careful to respect the careful titles and ways you could speak when he was around.

It was like treading on eggshells, for waking either his wrath or his crews was a dangerous game you were playing at, and you didn't want to do something that could risk your life.

"Oi, help me with this!"

You had looked up briefly to meet the judgemental eyes of one of the crew members, a Raesokeran Canis, similar to Aleksandr but he was a wolf instead. He didn't hold any warmth in his eyes; they contrasted not like the fire in Aleksandr's; his eyes were as cold as a harsh winter.

"Sorry Dante, what do you need?" You asked, trying to shake yourself out of your daydreaming, placing your tools down. Dante didn't think twice about what you had thought as excuses. "Can you help me with cleaning the cannons? Boss' orders."

You nodded, quickly skimming past him with no complaining. Dante was just as intimidating as the Rakshasa captain; expect Dante held way more smugness to him than any man you knew or had worked with.

You two worked in silence: barely did you share any conversation with him, for there wasn't much to say to begin with. By the time you had finished, the sun was high in the sky, and you had both a bad sunburn and covered head to toe in black soot.

"Thanks. I appreciate it. I'll let you catch up on your own chores." Dante thanked you, and you shrugged it off quickly, not thinking much of it. With little time to really comprehend or react within time, Dante was giving you a hard fist bump to the chest, a little lower than you had predicted, one that spread a strong sense of pain through from the tight binding around your chest.

Your body almost went slack, nearly crumpling to the ground as you tried gritting your teeth. You body had reacted towards his fist, twisting back as you winced, trying to play it off cool quickly. Dante's eyes narrowed in your quick reaction, but before he could ask what had happened, you were already hobbling off.

"Y-Yeah! Catch you later!" You managed to keep your voice low even when all you wanted to do was cry into a pillow. You couldn't believe you had just walked off a punch to the boob.

You didn't think much of the little mishap, continuing your day until you had come to run into Dante once again, a usual occurrence on a ship with the same people.

You had finished your meal, walking to catch some fresh air, as the larger male blocked your exit, all muscle and strength that could knock you down and out cold in seconds.

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