Cervitaur Boyfriend: Rònan

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The Dream For Spring

"My lodge is a few miles up from here, a lovely little location not too far from the bay of Alajour or from the neighbouring town of Bedgrove, I'm sure you're most familiar?"

The voice directed to you was from a middle aged human man you had come to meet named Allard; a humble man and miller who gratefully took you in as an apprentice, giving you an inside look into his work from someone like yourself who would dive in and out of jobs.

Allard was a man you had spotted you... or more so, he had spotted you. He was certainly someone with years of wisdom before him; working in a job that sometimes required him to come in and out of town some days. You had been given good luck by the gods that day when he came up to you and suggested working for him; an opportunity you couldn't deny.

"I suppose, but I'm still getting used to the area." You had been brought up in a remote land leagues away from these towns with odd names. Even the unfamiliarity of not knowing these places brought you to rethink the reasons during your isolated childhood.

Your conversations with Allard had been very pleasant, talking simply about each other's lives whilst on route out of the town you had been staying in for a while.

Your plans had been to stay for a few days, diving in and out of jobs but you believed you wouldn't have to worry for a while. You were still young, trying to find something you could potentially be good at, and eventually settle in a place you could call home.

Home is a place that has far too little memories. You thought. It's somewhere where I cannot picture a place without nostalgia nor comfort. The idea of home is a fragmented memory that dances on my mind; lost for eons.

You were hoping to settle before the beginning of Spring: a time for change and rebirth, a chance to find yourself.

You rode beside your new companion on your own horse Beck, a great black and white shire with a great mane of hair that was as black as twilight. You rode alongside Allard for a few miles, whilst he rode with supplies on the back of his cart, telling of tales of his younger years and what he had hopes for in the future.

If there had been someone who was looking forward to the future, it certainly wasn't you.

He was indeed a interesting person, someone you hadn't come to meet for a while.

"Yes, it's a simple life, the goats-you'll like them, all seven of them named after the Gods that live within these forests- they need cleaning out the most, but sometimes I get my son to help me on the busiest of days."

You turned to him, almost in a way that you could've assume he would at some point in his life have children, but he hadn't mentioned having a wife and seemed to be living alone. "Your son?" You questioned, not in a way to nag for more answers.

He seemed to catch on, an ecstatic belly laugh came from him as he clicked his own horse to continue. "Oh yes, why, I forget that I say things and sometimes I don't. Rònan he's called, he'll be around your age too. Kind and sweet he is, he helps with the hard labour I cannot do anymore."

You smiled, it would be good to meet someone who is more your age, nothing against Allard. "I'm sure you'll get on well with him, he tends to stay within a place he knows best, and he sometimes enjoys the dependence and most days being away from his old man."

"He seems like a great guy." You added, intrigued to say the least.

"Oh yes, he is a gentle soul too. He was abandoned when he was a youngling, and I took him in, acting like a father to him when he didn't have one himself of his own blood." Allard looked onward, contemplating. For a moment, you couldn't tell if the man was going to begin to tear up.

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