Imagine Summoning a Demon Prince 3 [NSFW]

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Relationship: Male monster x Female reader {MODERN AU}

Warnings: Breeding kink, loss of virginity.

Hell Hath No Fury Part 3 [NSFW]

"What do you mean my wife has gone missing?!"

The deafening roar shocked the very foundations of Hell, its marble pillars shuddering with a low grown of the court.

"I do not know where she went, my Prince!" The poor, terrified servant had quivered beneath his hardened gaze, watching in terror of his embellished form. His body had twisted and enlarged, growing red with rising smoke and trailing down his large back, horned head bleeding as his silver hair ran red and dripping.

Prince Vorrelith was more than just pissed, concerned and worry was bubbling within him since the day he had gotten married, a constant worry for his human wife and where she was. But this had been the cherry on top of all his stresses; his father, the meetings he attended in ahead of his absence, pleasing his wife when they had time together, it had spiralled into heat and pure inferno, flame and magma cracked and rippling off his muscular body.

He had already heard enough, wishing to incinerate the man in front of him into pieces, ending his existence, but he already said he didn't know of her whereabouts. The prince's thoughts spiralled endlessly: had she gotten bored of him and wished to leave? It would've been for certain that his father would've objected to a divorce so soon, only a year into their matrimony. Had she forgotten of their pact?

No, it didn't feel like one in his demonic heart, not after Vorrelith's chest had grown tender and soft to her within the days and months that had passed within his father's court.

Vorrelith sighed heavily, dismissing the quivering servant with a flick of his wrist, his mind tired and worn. Had he been so neglectful of you that you had to leave him? For the first time in a millennium, the demon prince had never felt such a pain with his chest, twisting itself rotten within him until he was left disordered and forlorn.

The thick flames dissipated around him, cooling until they were merely whispers of grey smoke surrounding his body, calming as his body did. He knew that there could've been many places you could've gone, but if your shared chambers hadn't been one of them, the second guess was his only conclusion to finding his beloved.


The room was familiar as to how he first stepped through the thick veil: dissipating the thick smoke when he stood once more in your living room. The faded sketch of the pentagram was still intact, dull of colour but still recognisable, even when he stood within it. A memory of how they first met, and a smile reached his face.

But it was dark and closeted, what he had expected, except something was off. The room was lit with a few candles dotted around, a soft humming coming from another room and luring him to curiosity.

He listened to anything, to know you were there, and from the other room, a shadow dipped from the wall, drawing nearer and nearer to him.

Before him, you appeared, startled out of your state of relaxation, taking in your husband before you. Vorrelith had more questions about what you were wearing: slipped on a thin silk nightgown, barely covering your curves to him, allowing the dormant hunger to grow.

"My love," his relief bubbled over for confusion, stepping closer to you. "What is this all about?"

The heat had risen to your cheeks, so obvious to the prince that his amusement danced within his mind, distracted almost for a second for your cuteness. "I—I didn't think you would be back so soon?"

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